Series analyzer for FL153040005.Q

Households and nonprofit organizations; life insurance reserves; asset

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= + FL893140005 - FL763040005 - FL733040005 - FL543040005 - FL543141905

Shown on: L.6 Line 18, L.100 Line 23, L.101 Line 18, L.228 Line 6, B.101 Line 26, B.101.h Line 17, Levels_matrix Line 31:1, Levels_matrix Line 31:9, S.3.Q Line 118
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL893140005.QAll sectors; life insurance reserves; liability
- FL763040005.QU.S.-chartered depository institutions; life insurance reserves; asset
- FL733040005.QHolding companies; life insurance reserves; asset
- FL543040005.QLife insurance companies; life insurance reserve credit from reinsurers; asset
- FL543141905.QLife insurance companies; assumed life insurance reserve credit from non-U.S. insurers; liability

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL154090005.QHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; total financial assets
+ FL153052045.QHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; net equity in life insurance and pension funds; asset (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts)
+ FL384090005.QDomestic nonfinancial sectors; total financial assets
+ FL194090005.QHouseholds; total financial assets
+ FL153052205.QHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; life insurance and annuity entitlements; asset (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts)