Series analyzer for FL165035033.Q

Nonprofit organizations; nonresidential real estate at market value

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Level is calculated after 1989:Q4 benchmark as the previous level, plus the unadjusted transactions, plus capital gains. The unadjusted transactions are net investment in nonresidential structures ( FOF series FU165013665). Capital gains are calculated using a commercial real estate price index ( FOF series FI075035503) plus 15 percent of net investment in nonresidential structures to account for land purchases. Data for the past ten years show no significant seasonality.

Last edited on: 03/06/2023
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL165035033.QNonprofit organizations; nonresidential real estate at market value
+ FU165035033.QNonprofit organizations; nonresidential real estate at market value
+ FR165035033.QNonprofit organizations; nonresidential real estate at market value
+ FV165035033.QNonprofit organizations; nonresidential real estate at market value

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ LM165035033.QNonprofit organizations; nonresidential real estate at market value
+ FL165035005.QNonprofit organizations; real estate at market value