Series analyzer for FL284016203.Q

International banking facilities of foreign banking offices in U.S.; deposits at foreign banks; asset

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Calculation reflects changes to call report forms and call report series over different time periods. Data begins 1981:Q4. Level is the sum of: (1) beginning 1981:Q4, from FR 2074 Quarterly Report of International Banking Facility Accounts for U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks That File the Report of Assets and Liabilities (FFIEC 002), permissible IBF assets, balances with banks in foreign countries (IBFQ0070); and beginning 1985:Q4 from FFIEC 002 Report of Assets and Liabilities of for U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks, schedule A, IBF only column, balances due from banks in foreign countries and foreign central banks: foreign branches of U.S. banks (RCFN0073), plus other banks in foreign countries and foreign central banks (RCFN1884); and beginning 1998:Q1 includes banks in home country and home-country central bank (RCFN2431), plus all other banks in foreign countries and foreign central banks (RCFN0070), and (2) beginning 1981:Q4, from FR 2075 Quarterly Report of International Banking Facility Accounts for the U.S. Offices of Edge Act and Agreement Corporations That file the Report of Condition (FR 2886b), permissible IBF assets, balances due from other depository institutions (IBFQ0024); and beginning 1984:Q1, from FR 2886b Consolidated Report of Condition and Income for Edge and Agreement Corporations, Schedule A, IBF only column, due from banks in foreign countries (RCFN0070). Transactions are calculated as the change in level. Data for the most recent ten years show no significant seasonality.

Last edited on: 09/18/2018
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL284016203.QInternational banking facilities of foreign banking offices in U.S.; deposits at foreign banks; asset
+ FU284016203.QInternational banking facilities of foreign banking offices in U.S.; deposits at foreign banks; asset
+ FR284016203.QInternational banking facilities of foreign banking offices in U.S.; deposits at foreign banks; asset
+ FV284016203.QInternational banking facilities of foreign banking offices in U.S.; deposits at foreign banks; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
- FL284116005.QInternational banking facilities of foreign banking offices in U.S.; net interbank transactions with banks in foreign countries; liability
+ FL754016205.QForeign banking offices in the U.S., including IBFs; deposits at foreign banks; asset