Series analyzer for FA313091105.Q

Federal government; nonofficial foreign currencies; asset

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= + FA263191103 - FA713091103

Shown on: F.106 Line 40, F.232 Line 25, F.234 Line 2, Flows_matrix Line 45:5, 620_matrix Line 38:21, S.7.Q Line 38, S.9.Q Line 52
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA263191103.QRest of the world; nonofficial currencies; liability
- FA713091103.QMonetary authority; nonofficial foreign currencies (swap lines); asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA314090005.QFederal government; total financial assets
+ FA893090005.QAll sectors; total miscellaneous assets
+ FA313025005.QFederal government; currency; asset
+ FA383090005.QDomestic nonfinancial sectors; total miscellaneous assets
+ FA374090025.QGeneral government (consolidated); total financial assets due from rest of the world
+ FA314000005.QFederal government; total currency and deposits; asset
+ FA363090005.QGeneral government; total miscellaneous assets
+ FA264100005.QRest of the world; total currency and deposits; liability