Series analyzer for FU366403275.Q

General government; other current transfers paid, benefit payments and withdrawals from defined contribution pension plans (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts)

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= + FU596403073 - FU576403273

Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU596403073.QPension funds; other current transfers paid, benefit payments and withdrawals from defined contribution plans (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts)
- FU576403273.QPrivate defined contribution pension funds; other current transfers paid, benefit payments and withdrawals (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts)

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
- FU366403055.QGeneral government; net change in assets from current transactions for defined contribution plans (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts)
+ FU596403375.QPension funds, including social security; benefits paid