Series analyzer for FA503020005.A

Other financial business; checkable deposits and currency; asset

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= + FA713129005 + FA503020023

Shown on: F.132 Line 3, F.204 Line 38
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA713129005.AMonetary authority; total checkable deposits due to other financial business; liability
+ FA503020023.AOther financial business; checkable deposits and currency held by central clearing counterparties; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA773030205.ACaptive financial institutions and money lenders; other deposits; asset
+ FA504090005.AOther financial business; total financial assets
+ FA793020005.ADomestic financial sectors; checkable deposits and currency; asset
- FA153020005.AHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; checkable deposits and currency; asset