Series analyzer for FA213162200.A

State and local governments; long-term municipal securities; liability

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Data Source

Beginning 2004:Q1, level from FR Board, CM, based on data available by subscription from Mergent on long-term municipal bonds outstanding, less municipal securities and loans issued by nonfinancial corporate businesses ( FOF series FL103162000) and municipal securities and loans issued by nonprofit organizations ( FOF series FL163162003). Unadjusted transactions are the change in the level; seasonally adjusted transactions are obtained using X-13-ARIMA procedure. Prior to 2004:Q1, unadjusted transactions from a proprietary Thomson Reuters' database, long-term municipal securities.

Last edited on: 11/21/2011
Shown on: F.107 Line 45, F.212 Line 4, 620_matrix Line 45:19, S.8.Q Line 53
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU213162200.AState and local governments; long-term municipal securities; liability
+ FS213162200.AState and local governments; long-term municipal securities; liability

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA374122605.AGeneral government (consolidated); long-term debt securities; liability
+ FA364122605.AGeneral government; long-term debt securities; liability
+ FA213162005.AState and local governments; municipal securities; liability