Series analyzer for FU713129005.A

Monetary authority; total checkable deposits due to other financial business; liability

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= + FU713129003 + FU713129013 + FU713129023

Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU713129003.AMonetary authority; checkable deposits due to designated financial market utilities (DFMU); liability
+ FU713129013.AMonetary authority; checkable deposits due to Federal Reserve credit facility LLCs, excluding Main Street Lending Program LLCs; liability
+ FU713129023.AMonetary authority; checkable deposits due to Federal Reserve Main Street Lending Program LLCs; liability

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU153020005.AHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; checkable deposits and currency; asset
+ FU503020005.AOther financial business; checkable deposits and currency; asset
+ FU713127005.AMonetary authority; other transferable deposits; liability
+ FU793129705.ADomestic financial sectors; checkable deposits and currency due to private domestic sectors; liability
+ FU713120005.AMonetary authority; checkable deposits and currency; liability