Series analyzer for FL313030003.A

Federal government; total time and savings deposits; asset

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Data Source

Level from quarterly Reports of Condition for U.S.-chartered depository institutions (forms FFIEC 031, FFIEC 041 and FFIEC 051), schedule RC-E - Deposit Liabilities, Total nontransaction accounts (including MMDAs, U.S. government (series RCON2520). Unadjusted transactions are the change in the level; seasonally adjusted transactions are obtained using X-13-ARIMA procedure.

Last edited on: 06/06/2017
Shown on: L.106 Line 4, L.205 Line 11, Levels_matrix Line 10:5, S.7.Q Line 102
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL313030003.AFederal government; total time and savings deposits; asset
+ FU313030003.AFederal government; total time and savings deposits; asset
+ FR313030003.AFederal government; total time and savings deposits; asset
+ FV313030003.AFederal government; total time and savings deposits; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
- FL313020005.AFederal government; checkable deposits and currency; asset
+ FL313030205.AFederal government; other deposits including time and savings deposits; asset (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts)
+ FL383030005.ADomestic nonfinancial sectors; total time and savings deposits; asset
- FL153030005.AHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; total time and savings deposits; asset
+ FL314090005.AFederal government; total financial assets
+ FL783130025.APrivate depository institutions and money market funds; time and savings deposits due to money market funds, the federal government, and the rest of the world; liability (SRF)
+ FL363030005.AGeneral government; total time and savings deposits; asset
+ FL314000105.AFederal government; change in cash balance; asset
+ FL314000005.AFederal government; total currency and deposits; asset