Series analyzer for FA126320063.Q

Real estate investment trusts; consumption of fixed capital, multifamily residential structures, current cost basis

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Data Source

Unadjusted transactions from micro data on public operating REITs compiled by and purchased from S&P Global. Transacations are calculated as the change in the sum of Accumulated Depreciation (SNL key 132111) of all equity REITs multiplied by an the proportion of companies that have a Manufactured Homes or Multi-Family focus. Equity REITs are defined as North America Real Estate companies that have an Equity investment focus. Data for the most recent ten years show no significant seasonality. Series has no levels.

Last edited on: 05/16/2016
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Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU126320063.QReal estate investment trusts; consumption of fixed capital, multifamily residential structures, current cost basis
+ FS126320063.QReal estate investment trusts; consumption of fixed capital, multifamily residential structures, current cost basis

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
- FA125012665.QEquity real estate investment trusts; residential structures, current cost basis
+ FA126300005.QReal estate investment trusts; consumption of fixed capital, structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, current cost basis