Series analyzer for FA634090005.A

Money market funds; total financial assets

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= + FA633093005 + FA634022005 + FA632051000 + FA633030000 + FA633091003

Shown on: F.108 Line 40, F.121 Line 1, F.121 Line 12, F.206 Line 1, F.206 Line 2, S.65.a Line 64, Flows_matrix Line 21:12, Flows_matrix Line 21:15, Flows_matrix Line 21:16, 620_matrix Line 1:8, 620_matrix Line 34:8, 620_matrix Line 49:8, 620_matrix Line 53:4, 620_matrix Line 53:6, 620_matrix Line 53:8, 620_matrix Line 54:1, 620_matrix Line 54:3, 620_matrix Line 54:4, 620_matrix Line 54:6, 620_matrix Line 54:8, S.6.Q Line 55
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA633093005.AMoney market funds; unidentified miscellaneous assets (net)
+ FA634022005.AMoney market funds; debt securities; asset
+ FA632051000.AMoney market funds; security repurchase agreements; asset
+ FA633030000.AMoney market funds; total time and savings deposits; asset
+ FA633091003.AMoney market funds; private foreign deposits; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA873081015.AOther financial corporations, money market funds, insurance companies, and pension funds; assets managed but not owned by other financial corporations (FSIs); asset
+ FA784190005.APrivate depository institutions and money market funds; total liabilities
+ FA854194005.AOther financial corporations and money market funds; total liabilities and equity
+ FA153034005.AHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; money market fund shares; asset
+ FA793181005.ADomestic financial sectors; equity and investment fund shares; liability (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts)
+ FA894190005.AAll sectors; total liabilities
+ FA864090005.AMoney market funds, mutual funds, and exchange-traded funds; total financial assets
+ FA503034005.AOther financial business; money market fund shares; asset
+ FA784090005.APrivate depository institutions and money market funds; total financial assets
+ FA853181005.AOther financial corporations and money market funds; equity and investment fund shares; liability (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts)
+ FA854090005.AOther financial corporations and money market funds; total financial assets
+ FA794190005.ADomestic financial sectors; total liabilities
+ FA894090005.AAll sectors; total financial assets
+ FA793181205.ADomestic financial sectors; mutual fund and money market fund shares; liability
+ FA684090005.AInvestment funds; total financial assets
+ FA684194005.AInvestment funds; total liabilities and equity
+ FA784194005.APrivate depository institutions and money market funds; total liabilities and equity
+ FA683181005.AInvestment funds; equity and investment fund shares; liability (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts)
+ FA783181005.APrivate depository institutions and money market funds; equity and investment fund shares; liability (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts)
+ FA854190005.AOther financial corporations and money market funds; total liabilities