Series analyzer for FL663061060.A

Security brokers and dealers; total U.S. government securities long position; asset (balance sheet)

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Level from SEC tabulation of submissions of FOCUS and FOGS reports, Statement of Financial Condition, Assets, Securities and spot commodities owned, at market value, U.S. and Canadian government obligations (series F380). Unadjusted transactions are the change in the level; seasonally adjusted transactions are obtained using X-13-ARIMA procedure.

Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL663061060.ASecurity brokers and dealers; total U.S. government securities long position; asset (balance sheet)
+ FU663061060.ASecurity brokers and dealers; total U.S. government securities long position; asset (balance sheet)
+ FR663061060.ASecurity brokers and dealers; total U.S. government securities long position; asset (balance sheet)
+ FV663061060.ASecurity brokers and dealers; total U.S. government securities long position; asset (balance sheet)

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
- FL663093005.ASecurity brokers and dealers; unidentified miscellaneous assets
+ LM663061060.ASecurity brokers and dealers; total U.S. government securities long position; asset (balance sheet)
+ FL663061165.ASecurity brokers and dealers; Treasury securities, long position; asset