Series analyzer for FU873081015.A

Other financial corporations, money market funds, insurance companies, and pension funds; assets managed but not owned by other financial corporations (FSIs); asset

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= + FU153050005 + FU554090005 + FU564090005 + FU543140005 + FU653164205 - FU543064205 - FU573064205 - FU223064205 + FU634090005 - FU543034005 - FU573034005 - FU223034005

Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU153050005.AHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; pension entitlements; asset
+ FU554090005.AClosed-end funds; total financial assets
+ FU564090005.AExchange-traded funds; total financial assets
+ FU543140005.ALife insurance companies; life insurance reserves; liability
+ FU653164205.AMutual funds; mutual fund shares; liability
- FU543064205.ALife insurance companies; mutual fund shares; asset
- FU573064205.APrivate pension funds; mutual fund shares; asset
- FU223064205.AState and local government employee retirement funds; mutual fund shares; asset
+ FU634090005.AMoney market funds; total financial assets
- FU543034005.ALife insurance companies; money market fund shares; asset
- FU573034005.APrivate pension funds; money market fund shares; asset
- FU223034005.AState and local government employee retirement funds; money market fund shares; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA873081015.AOther financial corporations, money market funds, insurance companies, and pension funds; assets managed but not owned by other financial corporations (FSIs); asset
+ FL873081015.AOther financial corporations, money market funds, insurance companies, and pension funds; assets managed but not owned by other financial corporations (FSIs); asset
- FR873081015.AOther financial corporations, money market funds, insurance companies, and pension funds; assets managed but not owned by other financial corporations (FSIs); asset
- FS873081015.AOther financial corporations, money market funds, insurance companies, and pension funds; assets managed but not owned by other financial corporations (FSIs); asset
- FV873081015.AOther financial corporations, money market funds, insurance companies, and pension funds; assets managed but not owned by other financial corporations (FSIs); asset