Series analyzer for FL754112205.A

Foreign banking offices in the U.S.; interbank transactions due to U.S. banks; liability

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= + FL753120723 + FL754135003 + FL753130723 + FL283130763

Shown on: L.111 Line 4, L.112 Line 24, L.203 Line 16, L.203 Line 31
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL753120723.AForeign banking offices in the U.S.; transaction deposits due to depository institutions in the U.S.; liability
+ FL754135003.AForeign banking offices in the U.S.; other borrowed money; liability
+ FL753130723.AForeign banking offices in the U.S.; nontransaction deposits due to depository institutions in the U.S.; liability
+ FL283130763.AInternational banking facilities of foreign banking offices in U.S.; nontransaction deposits due to depository institutions in the U.S.; liability

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL754110005.AForeign banking offices in the U.S.; interbank transactions; liability
+ FL764010005.AU.S.-chartered depository institutions; interbank transactions; asset