Series analyzer for FL613065200.A

Finance companies; home equity lines of credit; asset

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Level is calculated as 15 percent of home equity loans ( FOF series FL613065123). Unadjusted transactions are the change in the level; seasonally adjusted transactions are obtained using the X-13-ARIMA procedure.

Last edited on: 11/20/2009
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL613065200.AFinance companies; home equity lines of credit; asset
+ FU613065200.AFinance companies; home equity lines of credit; asset
+ FR613065200.AFinance companies; home equity lines of credit; asset
+ FV613065200.AFinance companies; home equity lines of credit; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL893065215.AAll sectors; total home equity lines of credit; asset