Series analyzer for FL504190025.A

Other financial business; total liabilities of central clearing counterparties

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= + FL503169023 + FL503169123 + FL503193023

Shown on: L.132.c Line 9
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL503169023.AOther financial business; clearing and participant fund contributions of central clearing counterparties; liability
+ FL503169123.AOther financial business; open market paper issued by central clearing counterparties; liability
+ FL503193023.AOther financial business; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities of central clearing counterparties

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU504190025.AOther financial business; total liabilities of central clearing counterparties
+ FR504190025.AOther financial business; total liabilities of central clearing counterparties
+ FV504190025.AOther financial business; total liabilities of central clearing counterparties