Series analyzer for FU213069163.A

State and local governments; commercial paper issued by the rest of the world; asset (FWTW)

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Level and unadjusted transactions estimated by the FOF Section based on the state and local government sector's total holdings of commercial paper ( FOF series FL213069103) multiplied by the proportional share of commercial paper issued by the rest of the world, after taking into account other known from-whom-to-whom relationships.

Last edited on: 01/11/2022
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA213069163.AState and local governments; commercial paper issued by the rest of the world; asset (FWTW)
- FS213069163.AState and local governments; commercial paper issued by the rest of the world; asset (FWTW)

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU214022065.AState and local governments; debt securities issued by the rest of the world; asset (FWTW)
- FU213069115.AState and local governments; commercial paper issued by residents; asset (FWTW)
- FU364022615.AGeneral government; long-term debt securities issued by residents; asset (FWTW)