Series analyzer for FU403161705.A

Government-sponsored enterprises; GSE issues; liability

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= + FU403161710 + FU403161723 + FU403161730 + FU403161743 + FU403161753 + FU403161763 + FU403161773 + FU403161783

Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU403161710.AGovernment-sponsored enterprises; GSE issues of Fannie Mae (includes all GSEs before 2000:Q4); liability
+ FU403161723.AGovernment-sponsored enterprises; GSE issues of Freddie Mac; liability
+ FU403161730.AGovernment-sponsored enterprises; GSE issues of FHLB; liability
+ FU403161743.AGovernment-sponsored enterprises; GSE issues of Farm Credit System; liability
+ FU403161753.AGovernment-sponsored enterprises; GSE issues of Farmer Mac; liability
+ FU403161763.AGovernment-sponsored enterprises; GSE issues of FICO; liability
+ FU403161773.AGovernment-sponsored enterprises; GSE issues of REFCORP; liability
+ FU403161783.AGovernment-sponsored enterprises; GSE issues of Sallie Mae; liability

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU893161775.AAll sectors; U.S. government agency securities excluding loan participation certificates; liability
+ FU794122005.ADomestic financial sectors; debt securities; liability
+ FU403161785.AGovernment-sponsored enterprises; other GSE issues; liability
+ FU404104005.AGovernment-sponsored enterprises; debt securities and loans; liability
- FU403193005.AGovernment-sponsored enterprises; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities
+ FU423161705.AGSEs and agency- and GSE-backed mortgage pools; U.S. government agency securities; liability