Series analyzer for FL313170005.A

Federal government; trade payables; liability

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= + FL103070310 + FL263070313 + FL113070313

Shown on: L.106 Line 29, L.230 Line 5, Levels_matrix Line 33:6, 720_matrix Line 65:18, S.7.Q Line 135
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL103070310.ANonfinancial corporate business; trade receivables due from the federal government; asset
+ FL263070313.ARest of the world; trade receivables due from the federal government; asset
+ FL113070313.ANonfinancial noncorporate business; trade receivables due from the federal government; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL383170005.ADomestic nonfinancial sectors; trade payables; liability
+ FL313196005.AFederal government; other accounts payable; liability (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts)
+ FL314190005.AFederal government; total liabilities
+ FL363170005.AGeneral government; trade payables; liability
+ FL893170005.AAll sectors; trade payables; liability