Series analyzer for FU713011505.A

Monetary authority; foreign currency denominated assets

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Data Source

Level from the H.4.1 Federal Reserve statistical release, table 5 Consolidated Statement of Condition of All Federal Reserve Banks, Foreign currency denominated assets. While data is released weekly (Wednesday), we use only quarter end dates. Unadjusted transactions are calculated as 50 percent of rest of the world official foreign currency holdings ( FOF series FU263111503). Data for the most recent ten years show no significant seasonality.

Last edited on: 06/02/2015
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU263111503.ARest of the world; other U.S. reserve assets (total); liability

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU313020005.AFederal government; checkable deposits and currency; asset
+ FU713025005.AMonetary authority; currency; asset
- FU313011505.AFederal government; other reserves; asset
+ FU713011005.AMonetary authority; U.S. official reserve assets
- FU713090005.AMonetary authority; total miscellaneous assets
+ FU714000005.AMonetary authority; total currency and deposits; asset