Series analyzer for FR763092603.A

U.S.-chartered depository institutions; interbank transactions due from foreign affiliates; asset

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Data Source

Level from TIC form BC Reporting Banks' Own Claims on Foreigners. Calculated as the sum of national member banks, state member banks, and nonmember banks from the column "own foreign offices"; less the IBFs of U.S. banks from the column "own foreign offices". Transactions are calculated as the change in level. Data for the most recent ten years show no significant seasonality.

Last edited on: 02/04/2008
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL763092603.AU.S.-chartered depository institutions; interbank transactions due from foreign affiliates; asset
- FU763092603.AU.S.-chartered depository institutions; interbank transactions due from foreign affiliates; asset
- FV763092603.AU.S.-chartered depository institutions; interbank transactions due from foreign affiliates; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL763092603.AU.S.-chartered depository institutions; interbank transactions due from foreign affiliates; asset
- FU763092603.AU.S.-chartered depository institutions; interbank transactions due from foreign affiliates; asset
- FV763092603.AU.S.-chartered depository institutions; interbank transactions due from foreign affiliates; asset