Dodd-Frank Act Stress Test 2016: Supervisory Stress Test Methodology and Results
Appendix D: Additional Aggregate Results

Estimates are for the nine-quarter period from 2016:Q1-2018:Q1 as a percent of average balances.

Estimates are for the nine-quarter period from 2016:Q1-2018:Q1 as a percent of average balances.

Note: Estimates are for the nine-quarter period from 2016:Q1-2018:Q1 as a percent of average balances. Losses are calculated based on the exposure at default, which includes both outstanding balances and any additional drawdown of the credit line that occurs prior to default, while loss rates are calculated as a percent of outstanding balances.

Note: Estimates are for the nine-quarter period from 2016:Q1-2018:Q1 as a percent of average balances.

Note: Estimates are for the nine-quarter period from 2016:Q1-2018:Q1 as a percent of average balances.

Note: Estimates are for the nine-quarter period from 2016:Q1-2018:Q1 as a percent of average balances.

Note: Estimates are for the nine-quarter period from 2016:Q1-2018:Q1 as a percent of average balances.

Estimates are for the nine-quarter period from 2016:Q1-2018:Q1 as a percent of average balances.

Estimates are for the nine-quarter period from 2016:Q1-2018:Q1 as a percent of average balances.

Note: Estimates are for the nine-quarter period from 2016:Q1-2018:Q1 as a percent of average balances. Losses are calculated based on the exposure at default, which includes both outstanding balances and any additional drawdown of the credit line that occurs prior to default, while loss rates are calculated as a percent of outstanding balances.

Note: Estimates are for the nine-quarter period from 2016:Q1-2018:Q1 as a percent of average balances.

Note: Estimates are for the nine-quarter period from 2016:Q1-2018:Q1 as a percent of average balances.

Note: Estimates are for the nine-quarter period from 2016:Q1-2018:Q1 as a percent of average balances.

Note: Estimates are for the nine-quarter period from 2016:Q1-2018:Q1 as a percent of average balances.