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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Student Loan Counseling Challenges and Opportunities

Appendix B: Participant Database

Notes for appendix B data:

  • Data is derived from institution websites, US News, and NCES IES.
  • The "Diversity" measure (% non-white) includes all students who identified with a racial or ethnic background other than white. Students identifying with multiple races are counted as "non-white."
  • Size descriptions are based on Carnegie Classification system.
  • Percent receiving financial aid refers to all aid, not just federal loans.
  • The default rates shown refer to federal loans only, and describe the default rate for the institution overall, not the specific school within the institution at which the participant works.
Table B.1. Group #1: Monday, July 11, 2016
Participant # Code in transcripts Institution
(% accepted)
(% non-white)
Size Age of
students (% 18-24 yrs.
Financial need
(% receiving fin.
aid for 2014-15) 1
1 S8 public, 2-year open admission 34% small 67% 83%
2 S2 private, 4-year, graduate 66% 19% medium 97% 83%
3 S5 public, 4-year, graduate 74% (fall 2014) 21% small 88% 76%
4 S9 public, 2-year open admission 19% medium 57% 71%
5 S10 public, 4-year, graduate 48% (fall 2014) 84% large 73% 69%
6 S1 public, 2-year open admission 47% large 70% 62%
7 S12 public, 4-year, graduate 16% 56% large 94% 61%
8 S11 private, for-profit, 4-year Not available 58% large 25% 57%
9 S3 private, 4-year women's college 27% 36% very small 99% 57%
10 S7 private, 4-year, graduate 10% 39% large 94% 54%

1. Reflects aid to undergraduates only. Return to table

Table B.1. Group #1: Monday, July 11, 2016-- continued
Participant # FTE Number of defaults (2010) % default rate (2010) Number of defaults (2011) % default rate (2011) Number of defaults (2012) % default rate (2012)
1 1,260 88 32.3% 87 28.0% 67 19.4%
2 8,769 37 2.4% 26 1.4% 21 1.1%
3 2,731 70 11.4% 71 9.8% 83 10.3%
4 1,954 138 30.7% 149 23.8% 250 26.0%
5 38,863 618 10.5% 614 8.9% 563 6.8%
6 8,460 700 24.0% 79 23.8% 924 23.3%
7 39,614 159 3.3% 184 3.8% 157 2.9%
8 12,508 132 6.7% 193 5.8%* 180 3.8%
9 982 3 2.5% 1 1.0% 3 2.8%
10 22,739 58 1.6% 49 1.3% 46 1.1%

FTE Full-time equivalent.

* Note that default rates for S11 apply to all locations of this institution and not just the campus S11 represents. Return to table

Table B.2. Group #2: Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Participant # Code in transcripts Institution
(% accepted)
(% non-white)
Size Age of
students (% 18-24 yrs.
Financial need
(% receiving fin.
aid for 2014-15) 1
1 S6 private, 4-year, graduate 51% 32% medium 85% 89%
2 S5 public, 4-year, graduate 47% 39% large 94% 88%
3 S8 private, 4-year, graduate 64% 33% small 83% 75%
4 S9 public, 4-year, graduate 65% 20% large 93% 71%
5 S4 private, 4-year, graduate 44% 27% large 92% 64%
6 S3 private, 4-year, graduate 49% 21% medium 94% 50%
7 S7 public, 2-year open admission 25% very large 60% 32%

Note: FTE for S6 represents enrollment for the overall institution, not just the campus S6 represents.

1. Reflects aid to undergraduates only. Return to table

Table B.2. Group #2: Tuesday, July 12, 2016-- continued
Participant # FTE Number of defaults (2010) % default rate (2010) Number of defaults (2011) % default rate (2011) Number of defaults (2012) % default rate (2012)
1 8,000 32 3.4% 34 3.1% 34 2.6%
2 44,765 251 3.8% 238 3.6% 206 3.0%
3 1,261 186 7.8% 153 6.9% 101 4.8%
4 30,445 186 3.8% 254 4.7% 241 4.1%
5 20,465 63 1.5% 62 1.4% 59 1.2%
6 8,960 27 1.7% 34 2.0% 22 1.1%
7 15,399 388 14.0% 568 14.8% 612 13.0%

FTE Full-time equivalent.

Last update: December 13, 2016