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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Experiences and Perspectives of Young Workers

Appendix C. Responses to Survey Questionnaire

The question numbers noted here correspond to the numbering in the survey database. Although some numbers have been skipped or reordered, it is important to keep the numbering consistent for future database users.

3. What is the highest level of formal education you have completed?
Q3 response Percent,
except as noted
Less than high school 8.73
High school diploma or equivalent GED 23.93
Some college, no degree or certification 28.92
Certificate or technical degree 3.63
Associate degree 9.74
Bachelor's degree 18.28
Master's degree 4.89
Professional or doctorate degree 1.45
Other: Specify 0.43
Number of responses 2,035
4. Are you currently working as a paid employee?
Q4 response Percent,
except as noted
Yes 68.69
No 31.31
Number of responses 2,035
5. Are you currently employed full time? That is, do you typically work 35 hours or more per week at one job?
Q5 response Percent,
except as noted
Yes 66.04
No 33.96
Number of responses 1,468
8A. Are you currently looking for a paid job?
Q8A response Percent,
except as noted
Yes 44.29
No 55.71
Number of responses 567
6A. How many full-time paid jobs did you work at this week?
Q6A response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.1
1 96.75
2 1.52
4 0.34
5 0.23
6 0.56
7 0.02
8 0.35
10 0.12
Number of responses 1,054
6B. How many part-time paid jobs did you work at this week?
Q6B response Percent,
except as noted
0 1.69
1 81.78
2 11.45
3 2.01
4 0.73
5 1.01
6 0.57
8 0.26
10 0.49
Number of responses 414
7. For your main job, that is the job where you work the most hours, what type of organization are you employed by?
Q7 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.5
Government 12.45
For profit 73.15
Nonprofit 13.9
Number of responses 1,468
7A. Is your main job, that is the job where you work the most hours, permanent/long-term or temporary?
Q7A response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.43
Permanent/long-term 71.09
Temporary 20.6
I don't know 7.89
Number of responses 1,468
7B. How did you find your main job?
Q7B response Percent,
except as noted
I searched postings on my own 24.21
I used a temporary staffing agency 3.11
Career fair 3.42
Personal connection 33.05
Work study (or other student job) 19.7
Recruited by employer 5.82
Family business 2.29
Other: Specify 8.4
Number of responses 343
10. Please indicate whether each of the following reasons describes why you are not looking for a paid job:
Questionnaire number, question and response Percent,
except as noted
10_1. I am self-employed
Refused 5.96
Yes 15.62
No 78.42
Number of responses 310
10_2. I believe there is no work available for me
Refused 7.92
Yes 7.48
No 84.59
Number of responses 310
10_3. I need education/training to get a job
Refused 7.48
Yes 20.48
No 72.04
Number of responses 310
10_4. I am a student
Refused 4.91
Yes 45.47
No 49.62
Number of responses 310
10_5. I don't need or want a job
Refused 7.73
Yes 25.02
No 67.26
Number of responses 310
10_6. I have health problems
Refused 5.76
Yes 14.65
No 79.59
Number of responses 310
10_7. I am a homemaker/caring for family
Refused 5.38
Yes 32.26
No 62.37
Number of responses 310
10_8. I need transportation to get to and from work
Refused 7.28
Yes 10.96
No 81.76
Number of responses 310
10_9. I am disabled
Refused 6.6
Yes 14.03
No 79.37
Number of responses 310
10_10. I believe the work available does not pay enough to be worthwhile
Refused 7.73
Yes 9.81
No 82.46
Number of responses 310
10_11. Other: Specify
Refused 42.65
Yes 5.48
No 51.88
Number of responses 310
11. Do you currently
Q11 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.33
Own a business 4.04
Run a nonprofit enterprise 1.66
Neither 93.97
Number of responses 2,035
11A. Does anyone in your immediate family own a business or run a nonprofit enterprise?
Q11A response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.05
Yes 16.07
No 78.02
I don't know 5.86
Number of responses 2,035
12. Do you currently earn any money from activities where you are "your own boss"?
Q12 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.03
Yes: specify 8.76
No 91.22
Number of responses 1,928
13. Do you currently have an unpaid job, such as an internship or a volunteer position?
Q13 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.31
Yes 10.83
No 88.87
Number of responses 2,035
2. Would you say your expectations about future job opportunities are
Q2 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.28
Optimistic 60.9
Pessimistic 10.44
Not sure 28.38
Number of responses 2,035
2AA. Please indicate whether any of the following factors listed below contribute to your current feelings of optimism about your future job opportunities:
Questionnaire number, question and response Percent,
except as noted
2AA_1. My current level of education and training
Refused 0.4
Yes 77.61
No 21.99
Number of responses 1,230
2AA_2. My field of study
Refused 0.59
Yes 75.52
No 23.89
Number of responses 1,230
2AA_3. I will have enough education and training in the future
Refused 0.58
Yes 81.14
No 18.28
Number of responses 1,230
2AA_4. My previous work experience
Refused 0.68
Yes 72.43
No 26.88
Number of responses 1,230
2AA_5. There is demand for the type of work I do
Refused 0.71
Yes 77.38
No 21.91
Number of responses 1,230
2AA_6. My local labor market provides many job opportunities
Refused 1.22
Yes 57.04
No 41.74
Number of responses 1,230

2A. Please use the following text box to describe in detail any additional factors that make you feel optimistic about your future job opportunities. [TEXT BOX]

2BB. Please indicate whether any of the following factors contribute to your current feelings of pessimism about your future job opportunities:
Questionnaire number, question and response Percent,
except as noted
2BB_1. My current level of education and training
Refused 0.84
Yes 66.96
No 32.20
Number of responses 219
2BB_2. My field of study
Refused 1.36
Yes 47.43
No 51.22
Number of responses 219
2BB_3. Lack of opportunities for education and training
Refused 1.36
Yes 51.11
No 47.53
Number of responses 219
2BB_4. Lack of previous work experience
Refused 0.65
Yes 68.24
No 31.11
Number of responses 219
2BB_5. Lack of demand for the type of work I do
Refused 1.17
Yes 46.52
No 52.32
Number of responses 219
2BB_6. My local labor market does not provide many job opportunities
Refused 0.04
Yes 56.88
No 43.08
Number of responses 219

2B. Please use the following text box to describe in detail any additional factors that make you feel pessimistic about your future job opportunities. [TEXT BOX]

2CC. Please indicate whether any of the following factors contribute to your feelings of being unsure about your future job opportunities:
Questionnaire number, question and response Percent,
except as noted
2CC_1. My current level of education and training
Refused 0.47
Yes 50.89
No 48.64
Number of responses 580
2CC_2. My field of study
Refused 0.91
Yes 34.28
No 64.81
Number of responses 580
2CC_3. Future opportunities for education and training
Refused 0.65
Yes 37.4
No 61.95
Number of responses 580
2CC_4. My previous work experience
Refused 0.71
Yes 35.72
No 63.57
Number of responses 580
2CC_5. The demand for the type of work I do
Refused 0.81
Yes 35.5
No 63.69
Number of responses 580
2CC_6. My local labor market
Refused 1.67
Yes 42.19
No 56.14
Number of responses 580

2C. Please use the following text box to describe in detail any additional factors that make you feel unsure about your future job opportunities. [TEXT BOX]

16. How are you paid at your main job (the job where you currently work the most hours)?
Q16 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.05
Hourly wage 70.99
Salary 25.59
Other 3.37
Number of responses 1,468
17. Approximately what is your hourly wage, before taxes, at your main job (include tips, overtime, and bonuses)?
Q17 response Dollars
Mean 14.09
Minimum 1
Maximum 99.99
Standard deviation 10.01
Number of responses 912
18. Approximately what is your salary, before taxes, at your main job (include tips, overtime, and bonuses)?
Q18 response Dollars
Mean 38,174.81
Minimum 1
Maximum 215,000
Standard deviation 34,678.77
Number of responses 475
18Y. Do you earn this amount
Q18Y response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 1.11
Weekly 14.11
Bi-weekly 26.41
Monthly 13.34
Annually 45.03
Number of responses 516
18X. Which one of the following BEST describes who you are living with?
Q18X response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.37
Living alone 8.31
Living with your immediate family (i.e., spouse/partner and/or dependent children) 36.65
Living with your parents (or your spouse/partner's parents) 38.58
Living with your extended family (e.g., siblings, cousins) 2.8
Living with roommate(s) 13.29
Number of responses 2,035
18Z. Do you (and your spouse or partner) pay rent or a mortgage at your current living arrangement?
Q18Z response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 2.55
(My partner and) I pay the full mortgage or rent 40.61
(My partner and) I contribute to mortgage or rent 17.43
(My partner and) I do not pay the mortgage or rent 39.41
Number of responses 2,035
18A. As a household, are you able to cover monthly expenses with your current household income?
Q18A response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 1.39
Yes, my household can always cover monthly expenses 73.8
No, sometimes my household is not able to cover monthly expenses 20.24
No, my household can never cover monthly expenses 4.56
Number of responses 2,035
18AA. In the months that you are unable to cover your monthly expenses, please indicate whether you use any of the following resources to meet this monthly challenge:
Questionnaire number, question and response Percent,
except as noted
18AA_1. I borrow money from family
Refused 1.24
Yes 55.17
No 43.59
Number of responses 529
18AA_2. I borrow money from friends
Refused 1.78
Yes 17.23
No 80.99
Number of responses 529
18AA_3. I do not pay full balance on my credit card(s)/I increase my credit card balance
Refused 1.48
Yes 41.31
No 57.21
Number of responses 529
18AA_4. I do not pay some or all of my bills
Refused 0.41
Yes 51.07
No 48.52
Number of responses 529
18AA_5. I take out a loan (e.g., payday loan, home-equity loan)
Refused 1.42
Yes 16.81
No 81.78
Number of responses 529
18AA_6. I use my savings
Refused 1.13
Yes 40.87
No 57.99
Number of responses 529
18AA_7. I reduce my monthly expenses
Refused 0.43
Yes 64.13
No 35.43
Number of responses 529
18AA_8. Other: specify
Refused 43.7
Yes 4.07
No 52.23
Number of responses 529
18C. Did you incur debt to pay for any portion of your education or training?
Q18C response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.36
Yes 36.44
No 63.2
Number of responses 2,035
18D. Please check off any of the following expenses that your parents or other family members currently help you with financially (please do not include assistance from your spouse/partner):
Questionnaire number, question and response Percent,
except as noted
18D_1. Living situation (e.g., mortgage, rent, or just living with parents or relatives)
Refused 0.48
Yes 47.56
No 51.96
Number of responses 2,035
18D_2. Health-care costs
Refused 0.36
Yes 36.01
No 63.63
Number of responses 2,035
18D_3. Car payment/insurance/maintenance
Refused 0.58
Yes 30.76
No 68.66
Number of responses 2,035
18D_4. Education tuition/loans
Refused 0.46
Yes 26.06
No 73.47
Number of responses 2,035
18D_5. Food
Refused 0.63
Yes 48.05
No 51.32
Number of responses 2,035
18D_6. Miscellaneous bills (e.g., cell phone bill, Amazon Prime)
Refused 0.4
Yes 40.11
No 59.48
Number of responses 2,035
18D_7. Savings
Refused 1.05
Yes 12.38
No 86.57
Number of responses 2,035
18D_8. Expenses for children
Refused 1.45
Yes 10.27
No 88.28
Number of responses 2,035
18D_9. Other: specify
Refused 32.86
Yes 2.15
No 65
Number of responses 2,035
18E. Do you use government programs to help you financially (e.g., TANF, Housing Voucher)? Please do not include student loans or grants here.
Q18E response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.15
Yes 9.45
No 90.4
Number of responses 2,035
19A. What was the primary language spoken in your home when you were growing up?
Q19A response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.29
Arabic 0.39
Chinese 1.67
English 85.82
French 0.06
German 0.18
Korean 0.54
Russian 0.26
Spanish 7.55
Tagalog 0.43
Vietnamese 0.46
Other: specify 2.34
Number of responses 2,035
19B. What was the highest level of education achieved by your mother and father?
If not the same, please indicate the education achieved by the parent who obtained the greatest level of education.
Q19B response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.19
Less than high school 6.85
High school diploma or equivalent GED 24.31
Some college, no degree or certification 13.28
Certificate or technical degree 5.53
Associate degree 8.6
Bachelor's degree 19.89
Master's degree 12.78
Professional or doctorate degree 5.36
I don't know 3.21
Number of responses 2,035


  1. [if Q3 = 3] What is the name of the school you are enrolled in, or were most recently enrolled in?
  2. [if Q3 = 4] What is the name of the school where you most recently earned a certificate or technical degree?
  3. [if Q3 = 5] What is the name of the school from which you received your associate degree?
  4. [if Q3 = 6 - 8] What is the name of the school from which you received your bachelor's degree?

19X. Which one of the following broad categories best describes your most recent educational program?
Q19X response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.59
Humanities 5.07
Social/behavioral sciences 9.41
Life sciences 4.3
Physical sciences/math 4.82
Computer/information sciences 7.07
Engineering 8.76
Education 6.41
Business/management 14.64
Health 13.46
Law 4.06
Vocational/technical training 4.72
Undeclared 5.64
Other: Specify 11.04
Number of responses 1,527
20. Do you believe you now have the level of education and training needed for the type of job that you would like to hold in the next five years?
Q20 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.12
Yes 41.45
No 40.42
Don't know 18.01
Number of responses 2,035
20A. Why do you believe you need more education?
Questionnaire number, question and response Percent,
except as noted
Q20A_1. I want to change job/career
Refused 1.27
Yes 53.44
No 45.29
Number of responses 741
Q20A_2. I want greater opportunities for promotions and advancement
Refused 0.45
Yes 75.8
No 23.76
Number of responses 741
Q20A_3. My family expects me to have a higher level of education
Refused 1.04
Yes 49
No 49.96
Number of responses 741
Q20A_4. The labor market demands a higher level of education
Refused 1.45
Yes 72.01
No 26.53
Number of responses 741
Q20A_5. My line of work requires more education
Refused 0.71
Yes 61.1
No 38.19
Number of responses 741
Q20A_6. I need more education to land a job
Refused 0.95
Yes 67.96
No 31.1
Number of responses 741
Q20A_7. Other: specify
Refused 44.98
Yes 4.66
No 50.35
Number of responses 741
21. Are you currently enrolled in a certificate or degree program?
Q21 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.33
Yes 28.1
No 71.57
Number of responses 2,035
21A. You just reported that you are not enrolled in a certificate or degree program. Have you started a certificate or degree program that you have not yet completed?
Q21A response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.56
Yes 13.46
No 85.98
Number of responses 1,550
21B. How long has it been since you were enrolled in the certificate or degree program that you started?
Q21B response Percent,
except as noted
Less than one year 27.65
One to two years 31.62
More than two years 37.28
I don't know 3.45
Number of responses 179
21C. How likely are you to complete the certificate or degree program that you started?
21C response Percent,
except as noted
I definitely will complete the program 40.9
I probably will complete the program 20.04
I am not sure if I will complete the program 24.97
I probably will not complete the program 5.14
I definitely will not complete the program 8.95
Number of responses 179
21CC. Please indicate whether any of the following reasons describe why you may not complete the certificate or degree program you started:
Questionnaire number, question and response Percent,
except as noted
21CC_1. I don't believe the program will improve my job opportunities
Refused 0.95
Yes 34.11
No 64.95
Number of responses 88
21CC_2. I need to work instead
Refused 0.95
Yes 60.68
No 38.37
Number of responses 88
21CC_3. I can't afford to complete
Refused 0.95
Yes 56.34
No 42.71
Number of responses 88
21CC_4. I don't want to borrow (more) money to complete
Refused 0.95
Yes 50.57
No 48.48
Number of responses 88
21CC_5. I have family responsibilities
Refused 0.95
Yes 48.05
No 51
Number of responses 88
21CC_6. The program is too challenging
Refused 0.95
Yes 14.72
No 84.34
Number of responses 88
21CC_7. I am concerned that even after the program, I will not land a job in my field of interest
Refused 0.95
Yes 45.46
No 53.59
Number of responses 88
21CC_8. Other: specify
Refused 43.12
Yes 17.48
No 39.4
Number of responses 88
22. Are you currently enrolled full time or part time?
Q22 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.75
Full time 73.22
Part time 26.03
Number of responses 478
23. What type of certification or degree program are you enrolled in?
Q23 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.29
High school diploma or equivalent GED 3.59
Certificate or technical degree 7.77
Associate degree 22.76
Bachelor's degree 55.49
Master's degree 5.07
Professional or doctorate degree 3.75
Other: Specify 1.29
Number of responses 478
23A. Do you attend classes in person or online?
Q23A response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.35
In person 70.6
Online 9.79
Both 19.26
Number of responses 478
23C. Are you currently enrolled in any training program that will not lead to a certificate or degree?
Q23C response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.5
Yes 4.96
No 94.54
Number of responses 2,035

23D. What type of training program are you enrolled in? [TEXT BOX]

24. Please indicate whether you used any of the following forms of financing for your most recent educational program:
Questionnaire number, question and response Percent,
except as noted
24_1. I paid with my own savings
Refused 1.15
Yes 37.62
No 61.23
Number of responses 1,527
24_2. I worked while in school
Refused 1.36
Yes 62.42
No 36.22
Number of responses 1,527
24_3. My parents contributed (with or without the use of loans)
Refused 1.75
Yes 52.25
No 46
Number of responses 1,527
24_4. Financial-aid based grant (including Pell Grant and FAFSA grants)
Refused 1.23
Yes 45.56
No 53.21
Number of responses 1,527
24_5. Financial-aid based loans (including FAFSA loans)
Refused 1.41
Yes 46.06
No 52.53
Number of responses 1,527
24_6. Tuition reimbursement from employer (including military)
Refused 2.36
Yes 10.09
No 87.55
Number of responses 1,527
24_7. Academic scholarship
Refused 1.71
Yes 39.34
No 58.96
Number of responses 1,527
24_8. Other: specify
Refused 38.89
Yes 2.77
No 58.35
Number of responses 1,527

FAFSA Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

24B. How would you say the lifetime financial benefits of your most recent educational program compare to the financial costs of this education?
24B response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.68
The financial benefits are MUCH LARGER than the costs 22.66
The financial benefits are SOMEWHAT LARGER than the costs 18.28
The financial benefits are ABOUT THE SAME as the costs 11.96
The financial benefits are SOMEWHAT SMALLER than the costs 7.82
The financial benefits are MUCH SMALLER than the costs 6.86
I don't know 31.73
Number of responses 2,035
24C. How would you say the financial benefits of your undergraduate educational program compare to the financial costs of this education?
24C response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 1.81
The financial benefits are MUCH LARGER than the costs 26.6
The financial benefits are SOMEWHAT LARGER than the costs 24.3
The financial benefits are ABOUT THE SAME as the costs 22.42
The financial benefits are SOMEWHAT SMALLER than the costs 10.57
The financial benefits are MUCH SMALLER than the costs 4.43
I don't know 9.87
Number of responses 168

24D. Please explain why you believe the financial benefits of your undergraduate program are larger than the costs. [TEXT BOX]

24E. Please explain why you do not believe the financial benefits of your undergraduate program are larger or smaller than the costs. [TEXT BOX]

24DD. Please explain why you believe the financial benefits of your undergraduate program are smaller than the costs. [TEXT BOX]

25. Are you interested in obtaining additional education or training?
Q25 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.23
Yes 49.55
No 26.48
I don't know 23.75
Number of responses 1,557
26. Seeing as you may be interested in additional education or training, please indicate the primary reason you are not enrolled:
Q26 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 2.91
I don't know which program will improve my job opportunities 12.72
I don't know where to enroll 2.22
I can't afford to enroll 20.88
I don't want to borrow money to enroll 9.35
I don't meet the requirements to enroll 3.55
The schedule does not work for me 7.25
The program is not offered at my local institutions 1.68
I am concerned that the program will be too challenging 0.67
I am concerned that even after the program, I will not land a job in my field of interest 2.46
I have family responsibilities 13.48
I am in the process of applying 9.44
I am gaining work experience 13.38
Number of responses 1,123
26A. Seeing as you may be interested in additional education, please indicate how much each of these other reasons describe why you are not enrolled:
Questionnaire number, question and response Percent,
except as noted
26A_1. I don't know which program will improve my job opportunities
Refused 4.25
Very much describes why I am not enrolled 16.03
Somewhat describes why I am not enrolled 29.12
Does not describe why I am not enrolled 46.80
Number of responses 1,123
26A_2. I don't know where to enroll
Refused 4.43
Very much describes why I am not enrolled 6.86
Somewhat describes why I am not enrolled 26.34
Does not describe why I am not enrolled 62.37
Number of responses 1,123
26A_3. I can't afford to enroll
Refused 4.4
Very much describes why I am not enrolled 32.97
Somewhat describes why I am not enrolled 27.63
Does not describe why I am not enrolled 35
Number of responses 1,123
26A_4. I don't want to borrow money to enroll
Refused 4.11
Very much describes why I am not enrolled 32.84
Somewhat describes why I am not enrolled 30.59
Does not describe why I am not enrolled 32.46
Number of responses 1,123
26A_5. I don't meet the requirements to enroll
Refused 4.81
Very much describes why I am not enrolled 8.28
Somewhat describes why I am not enrolled 21.91
Does not describe why I am not enrolled 65
Number of responses 1,123
26A_6. The schedule does not work for me
Refused 4.71
Very much describes why I am not enrolled 17.44
Somewhat describes why I am not enrolled 31.06
Does not describe why I am not enrolled 46.08
Number of responses 1,123
26A_7. The program is not offered at my local institutions
Refused 4.78
Very much describes why I am not enrolled 7.08
Somewhat describes why I am not enrolled 21.45
Does not describe why I am not enrolled 66.69
Number of responses 1,123
26A_8. I am concerned that the program will be too challenging
Refused 4.69
Very much describes why I am not enrolled 5.87
Somewhat describes why I am not enrolled 22.72
Does not describe why I am not enrolled 66.72
Number of responses 1,123
26A_9. I am concerned that even after the program, I will not land a job in my field of interest
Refused 4.65
Very much describes why I am not enrolled 11.79
Somewhat describes why I am not enrolled 29.01
Does not describe why I am not enrolled 54.55
Number of responses 1,123
26A_10. I have family responsibilities
Refused 3.97
Very much describes why I am not enrolled 25.47
Somewhat describes why I am not enrolled 23.16
Does not describe why I am not enrolled 47.4
Number of responses 1,123
26A_11. I am in the process of applying
Refused 4.73
Very much describes why I am not enrolled 10.83
Somewhat describes why I am not enrolled 14.75
Does not describe why I am not enrolled 69.69
Number of responses 1,123
26A_12. I am gaining work experience
Refused 4.22
Very much describes why I am not enrolled 14.69
Somewhat describes why I am not enrolled 28.62
Does not describe why I am not enrolled 52.47
Number of responses 1,123
27. During high school, did you work for pay?
Q27 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.37
Yes 53.49
No 46.15
Number of responses 2,035
28. During high school, did you receive information about jobs and careers?
Q28 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.28
Yes 66.43
No 21.49
I don't know 10.25
I did not attend high school 1.55
Number of responses 2,035
29. During high school, where did you obtain information about jobs and careers?
Questionnaire number, question and response Percent,
except as noted
29_1. Parent(s)
No 43.68
Yes 56.32
Number of responses 1,316
29_2. Friends and family
No 51.35
Yes 48.65
Number of responses 1,316
29_3. High school teacher or counselor
No 24.26
Yes 75.74
Number of responses 1,316
29_4. Online research
No 58.58
Yes 41.42
Number of responses 1,316
29_5. Employment services agency
No 89.26
Yes 10.74
Number of responses 1,316
29_6. A business where I worked
No 93.32
Yes 6.68
Number of responses 1,316
29_7. [Other: specify] During high school, where did you obtain information about jobs?
No 97.47
Yes 2.53
Number of responses 1,316
30. Did the information you received from your high school help you get a job?
Q30 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.06
Yes 23.55
No 66.47
Don't know 9.92
Number of responses 1,006
31. During college, did you work for pay?
Q31 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.4
Yes 77.23
No 22.37
Number of responses 1,527
32. During college, did you hold an internship(s)?
Q32 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.2
Yes, one or more paid internships 15.03
Yes, one or more unpaid internships 13.61
Yes, both paid and unpaid internships 3.33
No, I did not hold an internship 67.84
Number of responses 1,527
32A. Did you receive academic credit for the internship?
Q32A response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.06
Yes 57.17
No 42.77
Number of responses 551
32B. Was the internship worthwhile?
Q32B response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.22
Yes, it led to a job 25.71
Yes, it improved my skills 57.67
Yes, it led to other benefits 5.61
No, it was not worth it 8.51
I don't know 2.28
Number of responses 551
33. During college, did you work or intern during the school year?
Q33 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.3
Yes 68.62
No 31.08
Number of responses 1,297
34. During college, did you receive information about jobs and careers?
Q34 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.24
Yes 69.31
No 20.97
I don't know 9.48
Number of responses 1,527
35. During college, where did you obtain information about jobs and careers?
Questionnaire number, question and response Percent,
except as noted
35_1. Parent(s)
No 62.65
Yes 37.35
Number of responses 1,065
35_2. Friends and family
No 56.72
Yes 43.28
Number of responses 1,065
35_3. College professor or counselor
No 29.48
Yes 70.52
Number of responses 1,065
35_4. Online research
No 42.88
Yes 57.12
Number of responses 1,065
35_5. Employment services agency
No 84.7
Yes 15.3
Number of responses 1,065
35_6. A business where I worked
No 87.16
Yes 12.84
Number of responses 1,065
35_7. On-campus recruitment
No 55.05
Yes 44.95
Number of responses 1,065
35_8. Career fair (not sponsored by college)
No 77.09
Yes 22.91
Number of responses 1,065
35_9. Other: specify
No 98.46
Yes 1.54
Number of responses 1,065
36. Did the information you received from your college help you get a job?
Q36 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.54
Yes 38.24
No 43.78
I don't know 17.44
Number of responses 770
37. Are you working in a career field that is closely related to your education and training?
Q37 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.72
Yes 43.31
No 50.18
I don't know 5.79
Number of responses 1,468
37A. Are you currently working on campus (e.g., work study, residents assistant, research assistant)?
Q37A response Percent,
except as noted
Yes 21.68
No 78.32
Number of responses 317
38. How qualified would you describe yourself for performing the tasks required of your main job (the job where you work the most hours)? Do you think you are...
Q38 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.39
Overqualified 25.86
Adequately qualified 62.82
In need of additional training 10.93
Number of responses 1,468
39. Do you consider your main job (the job where you work the most hours) to be a career, a stepping stone to a career, or just a job to get you by?
Q39 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.31
Career 27.24
Stepping stone to a career 32.61
Just a job 39.84
Number of responses 1,468
40. When you last searched for a job, please indicate whether you used each of the following strategies during the whole process:
Questionnaire number, question and response Percent,
except as noted
40_1. I contacted the employer directly
Refused 1.2
Yes 60.19
No 38.62
Number of responses 1,468
40_2. My parent(s) provided a contact
Refused 2.12
Yes 13.53
No 84.35
Number of responses 1,468
40_3. Other family and friends provided a contact
Refused 1.99
Yes 25.55
No 72.46
Number of responses 1,468
40_4. Services from school, teacher, professor, or counselor
Refused 1.98
Yes 13.62
No 84.4
Number of responses 1,468
40_5. Services from an employment center
Refused 2.1
Yes 12.03
No 85.87
Number of responses 1,468
40_6. Searched electronic job boards (e.g., Monster, CareerBuilder, Craigslist, Indeed)
Refused 1.71
Yes 37.98
No 60.3
Number of responses 1,468
40_7. Posted online resume/advertisement (e.g., LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Craigslist)
Refused 2.12
Yes 22.88
No 75
Number of responses 1,468
40_8. Career fair
Refused 2.25
Yes 13.15
No 84.6
Number of responses 1,468
40_9. Recruited by employer
Refused 2.33
Yes 17.39
No 80.29
Number of responses 1,468
40_10. New job within company I was already employed by
Refused 2.53
Yes 9.83
No 87.64
Number of responses 1,468
40_11. Other: specify
Refused 34.81
Yes 2.32
No 62.86
Number of responses 1,468
41. Have you been promoted with a pay increase since you started your main job (the job where you work the most hours)?
Q41 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.93
Yes 50.99
No 48.07
Number of responses 1,468
42. Are there opportunities for advancement with a pay increase at your main job (the job where you work the most hours)?
Q42 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.94
Yes 47.93
No 29.25
I don't know 21.88
Number of responses 684
43. How quickly do you expect to be promoted?
Q43 response Percent,
except as noted
Within the next six months 21.58
Within the next year 25.1
Within the next two years 15.01
In more than two years 4.68
I do not expect to be promoted 15.34
I don't know 18.3
Number of responses 326
44. How many hours did you work last week at all of your paid jobs combined?
Q44 response Hours
Mean 39.23
Standard deviation 14.91
Minimum 0
Maximum 168
Number of responses 1,225
45. Compared to the number of hours you worked last week, would you prefer to:
Q45 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.55
Work more hours 25.08
Work about the same number of hours 58.01
Work less hours 16.36
Number of responses 1,468
46. What is the main reason you are seeking more hours?
Q46 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.11
To pay my living expenses 40.07
To pay off debt 15.37
To increase my savings 35.3
To gain more work experience 3.37
Other: specify 5.77
Number of responses 326
48. Is your work schedule for your job or jobs:
Q48 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.4
Fairly consistent 63.06
Changes day-to-day 14.24
Changes week-to-week 18.82
Changes month-to-month 3.48
Number of responses 1,468
48A. Are more than half of your work hours "non-standard" hours (e.g., night shift, swing shift, weekends)?
Q48A response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.61
Yes 29.5
No 64.06
I don't know 5.82
Number of responses 1,468
49. Please indicate whether each of the following is a reason that you are currently working part time rather than full time:
Questionnaire number, question and response Percent,
except as noted
49_1. I prefer part-time work
Refused 3.17
Yes 51.27
No 45.56
Number of responses 414
49_2. My employer cut my hours due to business conditions
Refused 3.01
Yes 12.36
No 84.62
Number of responses 414
49_3. I could only find part-time work
Refused 3.29
Yes 33.9
No 62.81
Total 100
Number of responses 414
49_4. I am enrolled in school/training program
Refused 1.57
Yes 58.49
No 39.93
Number of responses 414
49_5. I am caring for young children
Refused 2.68
Yes 14.21
No 83.1
Number of responses 414
49_6. I have family responsibilities
Refused 2.77
Yes 20.4
No 76.83
Number of responses 414
49_7. I have health problems
Refused 3.37
Yes 7.31
No 89.32
Number of responses 414
49_8. Other: Specify
Refused 38.52
Yes 3.92
No 57.56
Number of responses 414
50. A year from now, do you expect to have a full-time job (35 hours or more per week) with a single employer?
Q50 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.32
Yes 40.59
No 38.93
I don't know 20.16
Number of responses 414
51. A year from now do you expect to be working full time (35 hours or more per week) but for more than one employer?
Q51 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.48
Yes 17.05
No 61.03
I don't know 21.45
Number of responses 414
52. How long have you been employed at your main job, the job where you work the most hours?
Q52 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.46
Less than two months 8.36
Two to six months 19.42
More than six months, but less than one year 12.88
One to two years 21.77
More than two years 37.12
Number of responses 1,468
53. Do you think you can continue to work at your main job as long as you wish?
Q53 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.42
Yes 75.51
No 9.97
I don't know 14.1
Number of responses 1,468
54. How much longer do you expect to be at your main job (the job where you work the most hours)?
Q54 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.3
Less than two months 5.04
Two to six months 10.1
More than six months, but less than one year 12.01
One to two years 18.86
More than two years 29.92
I don't know 23.76
Number of responses 1,468
55. What is the most important reason you expect to leave your main job within a year?
Q55 response Percent,
except as noted
Job is temporary 14.46
Business conditions may cause my employer to cut back 3.57
New technology will eliminate my job 0.69
I want to be my own boss 3.50
I am moving 11.18
I will get another job 40.16
I will be attending school 14.66
Family responsibilities 6.05
I have health problems 0.53
Other: Specify 5.20
Number of responses 366
57. Do you receive overtime pay, tips or commissions from any of your paid jobs?
Q57 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.67
Yes 41.08
No 58.25
Number of responses 1,468
58. How satisfied are you with the total amount of salary or wages you earn from the paid job or jobs you now hold?
Q58 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.37
Very satisfied 18.83
Somewhat satisfied 42.22
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 17.61
Somewhat dissatisfied 14.06
Very dissatisfied 6.91
Number of responses 1,468
59A. If you were out of work for the next four weeks, would you able to pay your living expenses?
Q59A response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.44
Yes 46.59
No 37.94
I don't know 15.03
Number of responses 1,468
59B. If you were out of work for the next three months, would you able to pay your living expenses?
Q59B response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.52
Yes 44.68
No 29.03
I don't know 25.77
Number of responses 893
60. How satisfied are you with the benefits you currently receive from your employer or employers?
Q60 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.79
Very satisfied 21.13
Somewhat satisfied 27.86
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 30.17
Somewhat dissatisfied 8.62
Very dissatisfied 11.43
Number of responses 1,468
61. Do you receive paid time off for sick leave and/or holidays from any of your paid jobs?
Q61 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.49
Yes 56.31
No 43.2
Number of responses 1,468
62. Do you have health insurance from any source?
Q62 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.47
Yes 82.78
No 16.74
Number of responses 1,468
63. Do you receive this health insurance either through an employer or employment agency?
Q63 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.36
Yes 58.48
No 41.16
Number of responses 1,238
64. Does your employer pay for:
Q64 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 1.03
All of your health insurance premium 21.62
Part of your health insurance premium 62.45
None of your health insurance premium 14.9
Number of responses 796
65. Do you have training opportunities through an employer or employers?
Q65 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.65
Yes 42.52
No 37.8
I don't know 19.02
Number of responses 1,468
66. Please review the following benefits and rank the three benefits that are most important to you to receive from an employer. If there is a benefit(s) that are not provided in the list, there is room for you to write in your own benefit preferences. Please use "1" for the most important benefit, "2" for the second most important benefit, and "3" for the third most important benefit.
Questionnaire number, question and response Percent,
except as noted
66_1. Paid sick leave and/or holidays
Refused 1.42
1 26.66
2 27.29
3 19.86
Not selected 24.76
Number of responses 1,468
66_2. Health insurance
Refused 1.42
1 40.93
2 22.97
3 12.19
Not selected 22.49
Number of responses 1,468
66_3. Tuition reimbursement
Refused 1.42
1 4.59
2 5.13
3 8.46
Not selected 80.4
Number of responses 1,468
66_4. Student loan repayment
Refused 1.42
1 4.99
2 5.3
3 6.91
Not selected 81.38
Number of responses 1,468
66_5. Contribution to tax-deferred savings account (e.g., 401(k) or retirement account)
Refused 1.42
1 7.81
2 15.12
3 18.46
Not selected 57.19
Number of responses 1,468
66_6. Matching contributions to savings accounts
Refused 1.42
1 2.87
2 5.47
3 7.82
Not selected 82.43
Number of responses 1,468
66_7. Professional training
Refused 1.42
1 4.57
2 5.9
3 8.29
Not selected 79.83
Number of responses 1,468
66_8. Flexible schedule
Refused 1.42
1 14.46
2 13.74
3 16.55
Not selected 53.84
Number of responses 1,468
66_9. Work-from-home capability
Refused 1.42
1 3.48
2 3.36
3 5.33
Not Selected 86.41
Number of responses 1,468
66_10. Other: specify
Refused 1.42
1 1.4
2 2.09
3 1.83
Not Selected 93.27
Number of responses 1,468
67. Are you a member of a labor union or an employee association similar to a union?
Q67 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.57
Yes 7.48
No 88.08
I don't know 3.87
Number of responses 1,468
68A. How many full-time, paid jobs have you had during the past year?
Q68A response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 2.56
0 38.47
1 46.27
2 9.9
3 1.53
4 0.5
5 0.17
6 0.27
8 0.06
10 0.11
20 0.04
40 0.09
67 0.01
99 0.02
Number of responses 2,035
68B. How many part-time, paid jobs have you had during the past year?
Q68B response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 2.32
0 51.54
1 29.75
2 10.3
3 3.17
4 1.11
5 0.9
6 0.45
7 0.05
8 0.15
10 0.13
12 0.06
18 0.01
20 0.04
25 0.03
Number of responses 2,035
68C. Did you work at more than one of these jobs at the same time?
Q68C response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.09
Yes 38.28
No 61.63
Number of responses 796
69D. How satisfied are you with your full- and part-time job arrangements over the past year?
Q69D response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.78
Very satisfied 24.31
Somewhat satisfied 49.72
Somewhat dissatisfied 17.41
Very dissatisfied 7.78
Number of responses 796
69EE. Please indicate whether any of the following factors made you feel satisfied with your job arrangements over the past five years:
Questionnaire number, question and response Percent,
except as noted
69EE_1. Wages or salary (including any bonus and tips)
Refused 2.44
Yes 71.7
No 25.86
Number of responses 597
69EE_2. Number of hours
Refused 2.51
Yes 81.83
No 15.66
Number of responses 597
69EE_3. Regular schedule
Refused 3.05
Yes 71.69
No 25.26
Number of responses 597
69EE_4. Flexible schedule
Refused 2.35
Yes 72.85
No 24.8
Number of responses 597
69EE_5. Opportunities for promotion/advancement
Refused 4.09
Yes 45.63
No 50.28
Total 100
Number of responses 597
69EE_6. Friendly environment
Refused 3.45
Yes 78.01
No 18.53
Number of responses 597
69EE_7. Long-term position
Refused 3.38
Yes 58.56
No 38.06
Number of responses 597
69EE_8. Health insurance
Refused 3.2
Yes 41.23
No 55.57
Number of responses 597
69EE_9. Convenient location/easy commute
Refused 3.02
Yes 72.1
No 24.88
Number of responses 597
69EE_10. Good work experience for resume
Refused 3.55
Yes 72.83
No 23.62
Number of responses 597
69EE_11. Other: specify
Refused 52.48
Yes 2.82
No 44.71
Number of responses 597
69FF. Please indicate whether any of the following factors made you feel dissatisfied with your job arrangements over the past five years.
Questionnaire number, question and response Percent,
except as noted
69FF_1. Wages or salary (including any bonus and tips)
Refused 1.59
Yes 66.16
No 32.26
Number of responses 193
69FF_2. Too many hours
Refused 1.53
Yes 35.78
No 62.68
Number of responses 193
69FF_3. Too few hours
Refused 0.94
Yes 46.41
No 52.66
Number of responses 193
69FF_4. Schedule changes
Refused 2.64
Yes 56.43
No 40.94
Number of responses 193
69FF_5. Lack of opportunities for promotion/advancement
Refused 0.94
Yes 64.91
No 34.16
Number of responses 193
69FF_6. Stressful work environment
Refused 0.65
Yes 67.07
No 32.28
Number of responses 193
69FF_7. Temporary position
Refused 1.82
Yes 37.7
No 60.48
Number of responses 193
69FF_8. Lack of benefits
Refused 1.82
Yes 58.8
No 39.37
Number of responses 193
69FF_9. Location
Refused 2.86
Yes 30.83
No 66.31
Number of responses 193
69FF_10. Lack of job security
Refused 1.53
Yes 47.47
No 51
Number of responses 193
69FF_11. Other: specify
Refused 49.25
Yes 5.4
No 45.35
Number of responses 193
70A. Looking to the future, approximately how many full-time, paid jobs do you expect to have in the next year?
Q70A response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 3.95
0 23.39
1 63.66
2 7.1
3 0.95
4 0.36
5 0.25
6 0.04
8 0.08
12 0.12
14 0.01
16 0.08
Number of responses 2,035
70B. Looking to the future, approximately how many part-time, paid jobs do you expect to have in the next year?
Q70B Percent,
except as noted
Refused 4.74
0 49.27
1 34.68
2 7.89
3 1.67
4 0.97
5 0.29
6 0.04
7 0.12
8 0.09
9 0.02
10 0.06
12 0.01
15 0.05
19 0.08
90 0.01
Number of responses 2,035
70C. Do you expect to work at more than one of these jobs at the same time?
Q70C response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 0.12
Yes 44.54
No 55.34
Number of responses 732
56. If you had to choose, is it more important to have a job that pays more or a job that is more likely to provide steady employment?
Q56 response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 2.03
Higher pay 35.53
Steady employment 62.45
Number of responses 2,035
56A. If you had steady work for the next five years, would you prefer to have one job or multiple jobs?
Q56A response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 1.38
One job for the next five years 77
Multiple jobs over the next five years (only one job at a time) 13.72
Multiple jobs over the next five years (okay with more than one job at a time) 7.9
Number of responses 2,035
56B. When you think about your job future, not including campus jobs and internships, what is the ideal amount of time to stay in the same job?
Q56B response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 1.17
No more than one year 2.5
No more than two years 6.06
No more than five years 10.93
No more than 10 years 4.82
There ideal amount of time to stay at a job 53.78
I don't know 20.74
Number of responses 2,035
56D. When you reach your parents' current age, how do you expect your standard of living to compare to their current standard of living?
Q56D response Percent,
except as noted
Refused 1.01
I expect to have a HIGHER STANDARD of living than my parents 52.18
I expect to have the SAME STANDARD of living than my parents 26.32
I expect to have a LOWER STANDARD of living than my parents 6.62
I don't know 13.86
Number of responses 2,035

Summary Demographics

except as noted
18 7.58
19 6.2
20 7.68
21 6.22
22 8.22
23 7.74
24 9.56
25 7.88
26 7.56
27 8.18
28 7.1
29 6.65
30 9.43
Number of responses 2,035
except as noted
White, non-Hispanic 56
Black, non-Hispanic 13.71
Other, non-Hispanic 7.3
Hispanic 20.89
2+ races, non-Hispanic 2.1
Number of responses 2,035
Household income
except as noted
Less than $5,000 3.29
$5,000 to $7,499 1.75
$7,500 to $9,999 1.57
$10,000 to $12,499 2.34
$12,500 to $14,999 1.8
$15,000 to $19,999 2.55
$20,000 to $24,999 3.39
$25,000 to $29,999 4.54
$30,000 to $34,999 4.92
$35,000 to $39,999 4.78
$40,000 to $49,999 7.99
$50,000 to $59,999 9.9
$60,000 to $74,999 9.17
$75,000 to $84,999 9.16
$85,000 to $99,999 9.73
$100,000 to $124,999 10.51
$125,000 to $149,999 4.84
$150,000 to $174,999 3.61
$175,000 or more 4.16
Number of responses 2,035
MSA status
except as noted
Non-metro 13.33
Metro 86.67
Number or responses 2,035
Region 4--Based on state of residence
except as noted
Northeast 18.18
Midwest 20.75
South 36.82
West 24.25
Number of responses 2,035
Ownership status of living quarters
except as noted
Owned or being bought by you or someone in your household 58.98
Rented for cash 36.88
Occupied without payment of cash rent 4.14
Number or responses 2,035
Current employment status
except as noted
Working--as a paid employee 63.01
Working--self-employed 4.25
Not working--on temporary layoff from a job 0.94
Not working--looking for work 14.14
Not working--retired 0.21
Not working--disabled 2.71
Not working--other 14.73
Number of responses 2,035

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Last update: February 2, 2017

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