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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Statistics Reported by Banks in the United States

Current Release About Release Dates

Release Date: August 2013

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Banks' Own Claims on Foreigners Reported by Banks in the United States (3.18) 1
Payable in U.S. Dollars
Millions of dollars, end of period
Area or country 2009 2010 2011 Dec 2012/r Jan 2013/r Feb 2013/r Mar 2013/r Apr 2013/r May 2013/r Jun 2013/p
1 Total, all foreigners 2,808,203 3,251,999 3,181,274 2,817,628 2,807,884 2,784,669 2,790,830 2,765,848 2,672,462 2,611,960
2 Foreign countries 2,800,798 3,244,719 3,175,060 2,812,121 2,802,400 2,778,955 2,784,416 2,759,761 2,665,482 2,605,232
3 Europe 1,338,400 1,436,022 1,376,123 1,232,874 1,270,700 1,225,411 1,204,183 1,233,076 1,185,305 1,132,428
4 Austria 2,439 2,208 2,900 3,118 3,223 3,231 3,211 3,121 3,030 3,063
5 Belgium 11,573 15,152 6,642 7,253 8,294 6,886 7,575 7,644 6,351 7,231
6 Denmark 447 1,281 221 293 222 403 417 509 589 553
7 Finland 37,929 34,866 33,045 24,635 29,253 23,186 22,221 21,568 17,998 12,725
8 France 142,262 149,875 78,925 56,142 72,890 73,851 58,045 76,595 80,718 61,148
9 Germany 46,569 52,379 30,399 29,208 33,819 31,775 32,683 40,961 40,495 39,368
10 Greece 104 88 54 87 90 78 74 100 113 111
11 Ireland 54,182 19,687 22,383 13,026 12,573 10,931 12,589 12,807 12,680 13,879
12 Italy 42,369 27,283 2,818 646 3,154 1,490 2,154 2,647 3,184 3,823
13 Luxembourg 21,774 17,303 17,412 22,788 21,053 22,146 22,063 24,609 24,881 23,159
14 Netherlands 38,025 28,993 35,942 33,021 32,813 32,987 35,537 35,023 35,067 34,256
15 Norway 9,245 7,759 4,363 1,594 2,295 2,690 2,573 2,834 4,821 4,898
16 Portugal 1,932 793 724 596 546 555 658 694 576 452
17 Russia 1,304 1,285 1,321 1,749 1,674 1,915 1,890 2,016 1,651 1,548
18 Spain 37,097 8,380 2,683 4,070 3,311 3,408 3,762 3,364 3,191 3,447
19 Sweden 4,470 3,759 5,056 6,846 7,498 6,027 5,218 5,748 6,186 7,085
20 Switzerland 67,388 49,499 59,831 37,660 38,839 44,614 46,483 51,453 51,023 48,514
21 Turkey 3,135 4,556 5,052 5,988 6,208 6,537 6,511 6,716 6,509 6,845
22 United Kingdom 803,588 998,514 1,056,023 974,997 984,485 942,192 929,090 924,862 878,337 851,839
23 Channel Islands and Isle of Man 8,783 8,318 7,345 6,201 5,517 7,160 7,758 6,440 5,322 5,422
24 Other Europe and other former U.S.S.R.2 3,785 4,044 2,984 2,956 2,943 3,349 3,671 3,365 2,584 3,062
25 European Union3 1,247,216 1,362,037 1,296,320 1,178,488 1,214,729 1,161,224 1,137,674 1,162,147 1,114,609 1,063,799
26 Canada 101,002 128,468 140,796 168,952 149,438 151,041 162,534 152,708 153,457 160,765
27 Latin America 87,333 122,524 158,229 166,557 172,510 174,698 172,456 174,498 167,504 169,503
28 Argentina 3,419 4,212 5,232 4,490 4,317 4,136 4,185 4,265 4,283 4,719
29 Brazil 30,404 53,061 79,519 77,894 81,457 84,887 83,275 84,476 81,287 82,197
30 Chile 14,078 14,437 17,079 21,433 21,734 21,073 19,620 18,968 18,155 18,791
31 Columbia 3,296 5,814 6,926 7,387 7,614 7,161 7,247 8,081 7,992 8,106
32 Ecuador 502 483 465 593 639 620 647 713 683 667
33 Guatemala 1,032 1,211 2,074 2,133 2,175 2,132 2,164 2,093 2,114 2,098
34 Mexico 23,698 29,033 31,803 31,766 32,534 31,378 32,377 33,472 30,948 31,297
35 Panama 3,037 3,488 4,444 5,723 6,250 6,750 6,696 6,279 6,071 5,802
36 Peru 3,094 4,244 5,036 7,090 7,733 7,922 7,778 7,365 6,942 6,829
37 Uruguay 703 2,429 597 1,574 1,557 1,886 1,964 2,128 2,200 2,188
38 Venezuala 1,409 1,351 1,568 1,971 1,990 2,025 1,965 2,060 2,124 2,118
39 Other Latin America4 2,661 2,761 3,486 4,503 4,510 4,728 4,538 4,598 4,705 4,691
40 Caribbean 987,980 1,149,639 1,023,526 689,472 638,357 658,153 659,762 641,158 614,607 609,515
41 Bahamas 181,486 292,279 396,606 142,693 143,533 155,115 157,611 147,235 131,577 111,768
42 Bermuda 8,750 10,196 12,077 15,820 15,459 14,133 16,525 15,623 19,067 14,729
43 British Virgin Islands4 5,302 10,030 10,432 11,178 11,328 10,709 10,140 9,714 11,613 10,565
44 Cayman Islands 774,159 819,160 586,245 502,313 450,401 458,516 455,686 451,149 433,893 453,869
45 Jamaica 425 378 531 384 393 453 446 462 455 426
46 Netherlands Antilles 6,983 5,968 2,709 906 917 908 1,044 825 696 908
47 Trinidad and Tobago 523 545 688 457 419 512 509 557 506 705
48 Other Caribbean4 10,352 11,083 14,238 15,721 15,907 17,807 17,801 15,593 16,800 16,545
49 Asia 245,026 354,609 425,586 493,622 507,984 503,980 517,447 497,001 488,156 478,497
50 Mainland 3,486 16,629 15,928 14,854 20,085 21,149 22,597 24,383 28,191 29,300
51 Hong Kong 20,451 36,722 51,855 64,098 59,454 55,650 52,968 43,363 44,543 44,375
52 India 7,224 11,844 17,229 20,289 19,865 20,420 20,196 20,072 19,828 20,216
53 Indonesia 706 831 2,392 2,892 2,891 2,604 2,704 2,715 2,973 3,274
54 Israel 2,902 3,266 2,825 2,071 2,241 2,236 2,293 2,253 2,179 2,292
55 Japan 153,921 227,253 267,458 322,033 333,494 320,351 320,565 309,284 295,681 284,959
56 Korea (South) 14,378 15,080 18,991 17,739 18,709 20,247 20,265 21,935 21,029 20,673
57 Philippines 864 1,514 842 1,483 1,643 2,447 2,912 2,701 2,579 1,719
58 Taiwan 2,613 4,902 5,829 2,629 3,337 6,200 8,413 5,251 5,673 7,189
59 Thailand 191 551 114 166 290 515 584 573 549 467
60 Middle Eastern oil-exporting countries5 22,377 15,652 15,005 18,642 15,713 16,860 18,001 17,021 18,100 18,455
60 Other 15,913 20,365 27,118 26,726 30,262 35,301 45,949 47,450 46,831 45,578
62 Africa 7,899 12,328 8,954 10,116 9,627 9,952 9,725 9,778 9,372 8,770
63 Egypt 329 3,962 760 682 690 677 663 732 696 684
64 Morocco 7 226 352 291 205 195 208 299 331 254
65 South Africa 1,369 1,014 454 672 855 771 728 1,110 905 894
66 Oil-exporting countries6 224 245 208 331 410 421 440 350 306 371
67 Other 5,970 6,881 7,180 8,140 7,467 7,888 7,686 7,287 7,134 6,567
68 Other countries 33,158 41,129 41,846 50,528 53,784 55,720 58,309 51,542 47,081 45,754
69 Australia 31,735 35,600 38,921 47,526 50,707 51,961 54,711 47,979 43,638 42,450
70 New Zealand 850 1,190 1,122 1,031 1,114 1,614 1,493 1,494 1,264 1,153
71 All Other 573 4,339 1,803 1,971 1,963 2,145 2,105 2,069 2,179 2,151
72 International and regional organzations7 7,405 7,280 6,214 5,507 5,484 5,714 6,414 6,087 6,980 6,728
  1. Reporting banks include all types of depository institutions as well as bank/financial holding companies and brokers and dealers. Effective February 2003, coverage is expanded to include claims of brokers and dealers on affiliated foreign offices and cross-border brokerage balances. Effective December 2008, data includes a number of reporters that were reclassified as bank holding companies.   Return to table
  2. For data prior to June 2006, also includes the Bank for International Settlements and the European Central Bank.   Return to table
  3. As of May 2004, the European Union includes, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Data available beginning in June 2006. As of January 2007, also includes Bulgaria and Romania.   Return to table
  4. Before June 2006, data for the British Virgin Islands were included in "Other Caribbean."   Return to table
  5. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States).   Return to table
  6. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria.   Return to table
  7. Principally the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank), the Inter-American Development Bank, and the Asian Development Bank. Also includes African, Asian, Caribbean, European, Latin American, and Middle Eastern regional organizations. Excludes "holdings of dollars" of the International Monetary Fund. Beginning with data for June 2006, also includes the Bank for International Settlements.  Return to table
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Last update: August 30, 2013