Addressing the Financing Needs of Small Businesses
A Capstone Forum Highlighting Findings from the Federal Reserve System Series
July 12, 2010
General Information
Addressing the Financing Needs of Small Businesses, a forum organized by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, will be held July 12, 2010 at the Board's Martin Building at 20th and C Streets, N.W. in Washington, D.C.This event will provide a platform for gathering information and perspectives to help the Federal Reserve, and other small business stakeholders, address the immediate and longer-term credit needs of small businesses. It will gather a national audience of key decisionmakers, including leaders from community development financial institutions, banks, small businesses and trade groups, and government agencies as panelists and participants.
The convening follows a series of more than forty regional small business meetings hosted by the Federal Reserve System's Community Affairs Offices that took place around the country and began this past February. Meeting participants discussed a wide range of small business credit access issues, including private sector small business finance and examination issues, public and nonprofit sector roles, and the improved coordination between small business credit and support services providers. The forum provides an opportunity to share key findings and recommendations from this series of regional meetings and to identify ways to reduce credit gaps to ensure that creditworthy small businesses have the financing they need to grow.
Please note that the event has ended and registration is now closed.
Registration and Security
All invited guests should have received an email on June 28, 2010 containing a link to register with our Visitor Registration System (VRS).On the day of the event, attendees should build sufficient time into their schedules to accommodate the Board's security screening process. For questions about the Visitor Registration System, please contact DCCA-Events@frb.gov.
Related Information
Conference Summary
July 21, 2010
Addressing the Financing Needs of Small Businesses (110 KB PDF)
Summary of Key Themes from the Federal Reserve System's Small Business Meeting Series, as included in Chairman Bernanke's Semiannual Monetary Policy Report to the Congress, July 21, 2010.
July 12, 2010
Chairman Ben S. Bernanke
Restoring the Flow of Credit to Small Businesses
At the Federal Reserve Meeting Series: “Addressing the Financing Needs of Small Businesses,” Washington, D.C.
July 12, 2010
Governor Elizabeth A. Duke
Small Business Credit: Next Steps
At the Federal Reserve Meeting Series: "Addressing the Financing Needs of Small Businesses," Washington, D.C.
July 12, 2010
Administrator Karen Mills
Strengthening the Lending Environment for America's Small Businesses (79 KB PDF)
At the Federal Reserve Meeting Series: "Addressing the Financing Needs of Small Businesses," Washington, D.C.
June 3, 2010
Chairman Ben S. Bernanke
Brief Remarks
At the Meeting on Addressing the Financing Needs of Michigan's Small Businesses, Detroit, Michigan
Report To Congress
May 2010
Report to the Congress on the Use of Credit Cards by Small Businesses and the Credit Card Market for Small Businesses (485 KB PDF)
March 31, 2010
Governor Elizabeth A. Duke
Restoring Credit to Communities
At the Fifty-third Annual Western Independent Bankers Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona
February 26, 2010
Governor Elizabeth A. Duke
Small business lending
Before the Committee on Financial Services and Committee on Small Business, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.
February 5, 2010