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> Crowdfunding for Community Development Finance

Media contact: Susan Stawick, 202-452-2955
Monday, March 24, 2014
Registration and Breakfast
9 a.m.
Welcoming Remarks
- Jeremy C. Stein, Governor, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
9:15 a.m.
Conversation with Industry Leaders
- John Hamilton, City First Enterprises
- Chance Barnett, Crowdfunder
- Hosted by Anna Alvarez-Boyd, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
10 a.m.
The Existing Landscape: A Discussion of Current Crowdfunding Models
- Justin Conway, Calvert Foundation
- Jeannine Jacokes, Partners for the Common Good
- Ben Miller, Fundrise
- Ron Suber, Prosper
- Jase Wilson, Neighbor.ly
- Moderated by Claire Kramer, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
11:30 a.m.
Facilitated conversation, part 1
What types of crowdfunding are right for whom?
- What can we learn from existing models?
- What will be the real costs of crowdfunding capital?
- Is there a need to create new platforms for CDFIs/mission-based organizations, or would it be better to work through existing platforms?
1:15 p.m.
Facilitated conversation, part 2
What are the regulatory issues for regulated institutions that set up platforms?
- Are there fair lending considerations? Disparate impact?
- Could there be CRA implications for banks that invest in mission-oriented crowdfunding?
- What statistics and data are needed to better understand crowdfunding and its potential for community development finance?
- What technical assistance will community development corporations and CDFIs need to access crowdfunding?
- How can the existing tech infrastructure better accommodate or be accessible to community development?
2:15 p.m.
Wrap-up, Closing
Last update:
March 16, 2017