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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Federal Reserve Board of Governors
March 16-17, 2012, in Frankfurt at, Germany,International Research Forum on Monetary Policy



The seventh conference organized by the International Research Forum on Monetary Policy (IRFMP) will be held at the European Central Bank on March 16-17, 2012. The purpose of the IFRMP is to promote the discussion of innovative research on theoretical and empirical macroeconomic issues relevant for monetary policy. The Forum is sponsored by the European Central Bank (ECB), the Federal Reserve Board (FRB), the Center for Financial Studies (CFS) at the Goethe University, and the BMW Center for German and European Studies (CGES) at Georgetown University.

Please note that attendance at the conference is by invitation only. Conference attendees and media representatives must register in advance.


Matthew Canzoneri

Günter Coenen

Christopher Erceg

Thomas Laubach

Last update: March 16, 2017