General Information
REO and Vacant Property Strategies for Neighborhood Stabilization, a summit examining the community impacts of foreclosed and vacant properties, will be held September 1 and 2, 2010 at the Federal Reserve Board's Martin Building in Washington, D.C.The aftermath of the foreclosure crisis has left many communities struggling with large swaths of empty homes. The event, co-sponsored by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Reserve Banks of Boston and Cleveland, will help communities and practitioners better understand current barriers, promising practices, and regional differences related to neighborhood stabilization and the disposition of real estate owned (REO) property.
In conjunction with the event, the Federal Reserve will publish a new volume of papers that explores such regional differences and presents perspectives from the various participants involved in REO disposition--sellers, buyers, nonprofits, and municipalities. Finally, the summit will release key findings from a Federal Reserve research project on local uses of Neighborhood Stabilization Program funds.
After the event, PDF, text, and audio podcast versions of the panelists' presentations will be available for download.
REO and Vacant Property Strategies for Neighborhood Stabilization is a Federal Reserve System initiative under the Mortgage Outreach and Research Efforts (MORE) group.
Location and Travel
REO and Vacant Property Strategies for Neighborhood Stabilization will be held at the Federal Reserve Board's Martin Building, located at 20th & C Streets, NW, Washington, D.C. The building entrance is on the north side of C Street, between 20th and 21st Streets, NW. All sessions will take place on the Terrace Level (Fourth floor) in Dining Rooms D, E, and F.
Download a 37 KB PDF version of the Map
Attendees will be responsible for their travel and accommodations expenses.
Parking nearby is extremely limited, so attendees may want to take a taxi or use public transportation. It is approximately a 15 minute walk (just over half a mile) to the Board building from the nearest Metro train station, the Foggy Bottom stop on the Blue or Orange Line, located at 2301 I St. NW Washington, DC 20037.
Related Information
September 1, 2010
Speech by Secretary Shaun Donovan, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
June 17, 2010