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Release Date: February 1, 2024
Foreign Exchange Rates -- G.5A Annual
(Rates in currency units per U.S. dollar except as noted by an asterisk)

The table below shows the average rates of exchange in 2023 together with comparable figures for other years. Averages are based on daily noon buying rates for cable transfers in New York City certified for customs purposes by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

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COUNTRY CURRENCY 2023 2022 2021 2020
*AUSTRALIA DOLLAR 0.6644 0.6951 0.7515 0.6899
BRAZIL REAL 4.9946 5.1605 5.3958 5.1587
CANADA DOLLAR 1.3494 1.3014 1.2533 1.3422
CHINA, P.R. YUAN 7.0809 6.7290 6.4508 6.9042
DENMARK KRONE 6.8900 7.0786 6.2897 6.5430
*EMU MEMBERS EURO 1.0817 1.0534 1.1830 1.1410
HONG KONG DOLLAR 7.8292 7.8306 7.7727 7.7559
INDIA RUPEE 82.5708 78.5792 73.9351 74.1429
JAPAN YEN 140.5001 131.4589 109.8429 106.7754
MALAYSIA RINGGIT 4.5577 4.3982 4.1439 4.2029
MEXICO PESO 17.7334 20.1208 20.2844 21.5462
*NEW ZEALAND DOLLAR 0.6143 0.6361 0.7074 0.6498
NORWAY KRONE 10.5659 9.6138 8.5955 9.4283
SINGAPORE DOLLAR 1.3428 1.3787 1.3438 1.3800
SOUTH AFRICA RAND 18.4535 16.3598 14.7751 16.4932
SOUTH KOREA WON 1306.7637 1291.7796 1144.8911 1180.5554
SRI LANKA RUPEE 326.6297 321.5261 197.8963 185.3319
SWEDEN KRONA 10.6089 10.1177 8.5812 9.2167
SWITZERLAND FRANC 0.8984 0.9550 0.9144 0.9389
TAIWAN DOLLAR 31.1525 29.7963 27.9366 29.4568
THAILAND BAHT 34.7841 35.0500 32.0052 31.3070
*UNITED KINGDOM POUND 1.2440 1.2371 1.3764 1.2829
VENEZUELA BOLIVAR 28.6223 6.6444 3220484.0886 309968.3921
1) BROAD JAN06=100 120.4892 120.7044 113.1162 117.7809
2) AFE JAN06=100 115.4193 115.0954 104.5205 109.0631
3) EME JAN06=100 127.3109 128.0962 123.5588 128.3959

Please visit the Currency Weights page ( for current weights and country composition of the Broad Index.
1) A weighted average of the foreign exchange value of the U.S. dollar against the currencies of a broad group of major U.S. trading partners.
2) A weighted average of the foreign exchange value of the U.S. dollar against a subset of the broad index currencies that are advanced foreign economies.
3) A weighted average of the foreign exchange value of the U.S. dollar against a subset of the broad index currencies that are emerging market economies.

Last Update: February 1, 2024