Actions under delegated authority PDF

Actions taken during the week ending September 9, 2023

Bank Holding Companies
San Francisco

VB&T Holding Company, LLC (VB&T), Scottsdale, Arizona -- (1) to become a bank holding company by acquiring Zenith Bank & Trust (proposed), Scottsdale, Arizona, and (2) to engage in wealth management services through VB&T's wholly owned subsidiary, VB&T Wealth Management LLC dba Zenith Wealth Advisors, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Approved: September 7, 2023

Change in Bank Control
Kansas City

Banner County Ban Corporation Employee Stock Ownership Plan and Trust, Harrisburg, Nebraska -- Dallen Juelfs, Lisco, Nebraska, and Lorenda Forbes, Beaver City, Nebraska; to become trustees of the Banner County Ban Corp Employee Stock Ownership Plan and Trust and thereby indirectly acquire voting shares of Banner County Ban Corporation and its subsidiary, Banner Capital Bank, both of Harrisburg, Nebraska.
Permitted: September 8, 2023

Banner County Ban Corporation, Harrisburg, Nebraska -- Daniel Plate, Houston, Texas; to join the Plate/Juelfs/Forbes Control Group, a group acting in concert, by acquiring voting shares of Banner County Ban Corporation, and thereby indirectly acquiring voting shares of Banner Capital Bank, Harrisburg, Nebraska.
Permitted: September 8, 2023

Banner County Ban Corporation, Harrisburg, Nebraska -- Dallen Juelfs, Lisco, Nebraska, and Lorenda Forbes, Beaver City, Nebraska; to become members of the Plate Juelfs Forbes Control Group, a group acting in concert, by acquiring voting shares of Banner County Ban Corporation and thereby indirectly acquiring voting shares of Banner Capital Bank, Harrisburg, Nebraska.
Permitted: September 8, 2023

My Anns Corporation, Gas, Kansas -- Hiu Kwan Kwok, Cyber Port, Hong Kong, and Jun Yang, Tianjin, China, to acquire voting shares of My Anns Corporation and thereby indirectly acquire Piqua State Bank, Piqua, Kansas.
Withdrawn: September 8, 2023

My Anns Corporation, Gas, Kansas -- Alex Lin, Hong Kong, Hong Kong; Hiu Kwan Kwok, Cyber Port, Hong Kong; Jun Yang, Tianjin, China; and Yongyan Liu, Chaoyang, Beijing, China, to retain voting shares of My Anns Corporation and thereby indirectly retain voting shares of Piqua State Bank, Piqua, Kansas.
Withdrawn: September 8, 2023

International Operations

The Huntington National Bank and its Edge corporation subsidiary, Huntington Bank International, Inc., both of Columbus, Ohio -- waiver of the remainder of the prior-notice period to make an investment in Huntington Commercial Finance Canada, Inc., Ontario, Canada. *
Granted: August 31, 2023

Regulations and Policies

System of Records (BGFRS-26) -- publication for comment of a notice to modify an existing system of records, "FRB--Employee Relations Records." *
Approved: August 24, 2023

System of Records (BGFRS-29) -- publication for comment of a notice to modify an existing system of records, "FRB-Benefits Records." *
Approved: August 24, 2023

System of Records (BGFRS-7) -- publication for comment of a notice to modify an existing system of records, "FRB--Payroll and Leave Records." *
Approved: August 24, 2023

Supervision and Regulation
Director, S&R

BMO Financial Corp., Wilmington, Delaware -- to make capital distributions in the first quarter (retroactive) and third quarter of 2023 after the occurrence of an event requiring resubmission of its capital plan.
Approved: September 5, 2023

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Last Update: September 14, 2023