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Release Date: May 24, 2018

Table 1

Not seasonally adjusted. Millions of dollars unless otherwise noted.
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Date Reserve balances required Reserve balances maintained 4
Reserve balance
requirements 1
Top of penalty-
free band 2
Bottom of penalty-
free band 3
Total Balances
maintained to
satisfy reserve
requirements 5
maintained that
exceed the top of
the penalty-
free band 6
Month 7
Apr. 2017 113,224 124,561 101,890 2,281,420 124,219 2,157,202
May 2017 115,464 127,023 103,906 2,225,769 126,547 2,099,222
June 2017 118,187 130,018 106,357 2,206,547 129,695 2,076,852
July 2017 120,636 132,712 108,561 2,233,323 132,296 2,101,027
Aug. 2017 120,091 132,113 108,071 2,344,015 131,641 2,212,375
Sept. 2017 122,109 134,332 109,887 2,295,735 133,950 2,161,785
Oct. 2017 116,873 128,574 105,176 2,245,701 128,204 2,117,497
Nov. 2017 123,141 135,467 110,816 2,314,455 134,981 2,179,474
Dec. 2017 123,720 136,103 111,337 2,244,274 135,719 2,108,555
Jan. 2018 126,792 139,484 114,101 2,214,601 138,807 2,075,794
Feb. 2018 124,006 136,420 111,594 2,238,775 135,786 2,102,989
Mar. 2018 120,285 132,326 108,245 2,167,009 131,778 2,035,232
Apr. 2018 126,415 139,070 113,762 2,086,192 138,481 1,947,710
Two weeks ending 8
Mar. 28, 2018 121,797 133,989 109,606 2,118,454 133,368 1,985,086
Apr. 11, 2018 121,488 133,650 109,327 2,107,005 133,207 1,973,798
Apr. 25, 2018 128,536 141,404 115,671 2,096,990 140,741 1,956,249
May 9, 2018 131,316 144,460 118,174 2,010,167 143,758 1,866,409
May 23, 2018 125,967 138,576 113,359 2,029,108 137,909 1,891,199


  1. Equals required reserves (table 2, column 2) less vault cash used to satisfy required reserves (table 2, column 4).
  2. Equals the sum of each institution's top of the penalty-free band. For each institution, the top of the penalty-free band is equal to the institution's reserve balance requirement plus an amount that is the greater of 10 percent of the institution's reserve balance requirement or $50,000.
  3. Equals the sum of each institution's bottom of the penalty-free band. For each institution, the bottom of the penalty-free band is equal to the institution's reserve balance requirement less an amount that is the greater of 10 percent of the institution's reserve balance requirement or $50,000.
  4. Effective February 18, 2014, omits balances held by designated financial market utilities. These balances are reported in the H.4.1 statistical release.
  5. Equals the sum of balances maintained up to the top of each institution's penalty-free band.
  6. Equals the sum of balances maintained that exceed the top of each institution's penalty-free band.
  7. Prorated averages of biweekly averages.
  8. Averages of daily figures.

Table 2

Not seasonally adjusted. Millions of dollars.
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Date Reserves Vault cash 2 Monetary base
Total 1 Required Total Used to satisfy
reserves 3
Surplus 4 Total 5 Total balances
maintained 6
Currency in
Month 7
Apr. 2017 2,344,812 176,616 74,055 63,392 10,663 3,821,697 2,281,420 1,540,277
May 2017 2,288,936 178,630 72,954 63,167 9,787 3,774,412 2,225,769 1,548,643
June 2017 2,269,683 181,324 72,881 63,137 9,745 3,762,780 2,206,547 1,556,234
July 2017 2,296,929 184,242 73,572 63,606 9,966 3,795,430 2,233,323 1,562,107
Aug. 2017 2,407,173 183,249 74,401 63,158 11,243 3,910,022 2,344,015 1,566,007
Sept. 2017 2,357,875 184,248 73,042 62,140 10,902 3,874,490 2,295,735 1,578,756
Oct. 2017 2,310,902 182,074 76,481 65,200 11,281 3,829,910 2,245,701 1,584,208
Nov. 2017 2,378,282 186,968 74,574 63,827 10,747 3,907,735 2,314,455 1,593,280
Dec. 2017 2,309,823 189,269 76,633 65,549 11,085 3,850,969 2,244,274 1,606,695
Jan. 2018 2,281,018 193,209 77,219 66,417 10,802 3,824,795 2,214,601 1,610,195
Feb. 2018 2,305,256 190,487 78,801 66,481 12,320 3,855,091 2,238,775 1,616,316
Mar. 2018 2,230,875 184,151 75,287 63,866 11,421 3,800,660 2,167,009 1,633,651
Apr. 2018 2,151,047 191,270 75,657 64,855 10,802 3,727,160 2,086,192 1,640,969
Two weeks ending 8
Mar. 28, 2018 2,184,214 187,557 76,642 65,760 10,882 3,753,207 2,118,454 1,634,753
Apr. 11, 2018 2,170,690 185,173 75,880 63,685 12,195 3,745,889 2,107,005 1,638,884
Apr. 25, 2018 2,162,634 194,180 75,844 65,644 10,200 3,738,099 2,096,990 1,641,109
May 9, 2018 2,075,389 196,538 74,646 65,222 9,424 3,655,330 2,010,167 1,645,163
May 23, 2018 2,092,790 189,649 73,919 63,682 10,237 3,681,465 2,029,108 1,652,357


  1. Equals total reserve balances maintained (table 1, column 4) plus vault cash used to satisfy required reserves.
  2. Vault cash eligible to satisfy reserve requirements. It includes only vault cash held by institutions not exempt from reserve requirements. Dates refer to the maintenance periods for which the vault cash can be used to satisfy reserve requirements.
  3. All vault cash held during the lagged computation period by "bound" institutions (that is, those whose required reserves exceed their vault cash) plus the amount of vault cash applied during the maintenance period by "nonbound" institutions (that is, those whose vault cash exceeds their required reserves) to satisfy current reserve requirements.
  4. Total vault cash eligible to satisfy reserve requirements, held by institutions not exempt from reserve requirements, minus the amount used to satisfy reserve requirements.
  5. Equals total balances maintained plus currency in circulation.
  6. Effective February 18, 2014, omits balances held by designated financial market utilities. These balances are reported in the H.4.1 statistical release.
  7. Prorated averages of biweekly averages.
  8. Averages of daily figures.

Table 3

Not seasonally adjusted. Millions of dollars.
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Date Borrowings from the Federal Reserve Nonborrowed
reserves 1
Total Primary Secondary Seasonal Other credit
Month 2
Apr. 2017 45 21 0 24 0 2,344,767
May 2017 56 11 0 44 0 2,288,880
June 2017 95 15 0 80 0 2,269,588
July 2017 166 12 0 154 0 2,296,763
Aug. 2017 220 7 0 213 0 2,406,953
Sept. 2017 224 10 0 214 0 2,357,651
Oct. 2017 151 4 0 146 0 2,310,751
Nov. 2017 65 11 0 54 0 2,378,217
Dec. 2017 75 43 0 33 0 2,309,747
Jan. 2018 58 51 0 7 0 2,280,960
Feb. 2018 20 7 0 14 0 2,305,236
Mar. 2018 16 4 0 12 0 2,230,859
Apr. 2018 51 16 0 35 0 2,150,996
Two weeks ending 3
Mar. 28, 2018 18 5 0 13 0 2,184,197
Apr. 11, 2018 30 6 0 24 0 2,170,661
Apr. 25, 2018 49 15 0 35 0 2,162,585
May 9, 2018 102 43 0 59 0 2,075,288
May 23, 2018 84 18 0 66 0 2,092,707


  1. Equals total reserves (table 2, column 1) less total borrowings from the Federal Reserve.
  2. Prorated averages of biweekly averages.
  3. Averages of daily figures.
Last Update: May 24, 2018