B.101 Balance Sheet of Households and Nonprofit Organizations (1)
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted
Description Series code 2013 2014 2015 2016 2016 Q1 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2017 Q1 Line
Households and nonprofit organizations; total assets FL152000005 92738.9 98302.1 101673.6 107604.5 102228.7 103099.9 105523.5 107604.5 109987.0 1
Households and nonprofit organizations; nonfinancial assets LM152010005 27255.3 28745.9 30513.1 32270.4 30848.0 31216.7 31766.4 32270.4 32871.9 2
Households and nonprofit organizations; real estate at market value LM155035005 21876.5 23239.8 24806.5 26367.1 25072.1 25392.1 25910.4 26367.1 26866.3 3
Households; owner-occupied real estate including vacant land and mobile homes at market value LM155035015 19221.5 20302.4 21602.0 22965.1 21928.8 22199.0 22551.4 22965.1 23526.5 4
Nonprofit organizations; real estate at market value LM165035005 2655.0 2937.4 3204.5 3402.0 3143.3 3193.2 3359.0 3402.0 3339.9 5
Nonprofit organizations; equipment, current cost basis (4) LM165015205 311.6 320.4 331.0 337.3 333.0 334.6 336.6 337.3 339.2 6
Nonprofit organizations; nonresidential intellectual property products, current cost basis (4) LM165013765 126.0 132.8 138.9 147.7 140.9 143.2 145.2 147.7 150.1 7
Households and nonprofit organizations; consumer durable goods, current cost basis (4) LM155111005 4941.2 5052.9 5236.8 5418.3 5301.9 5346.8 5374.1 5418.3 5516.3 8
Households and nonprofit organizations; total financial assets FL154090005 65483.6 69556.2 71160.5 75334.1 71380.7 71883.1 73757.2 75334.1 77115.1 9
Households and nonprofit organizations; private foreign deposits; asset LM153091003 52.1 45.7 31.6 25.3 32.4 30.3 30.1 25.3 21.4 10
Households and nonprofit organizations; checkable deposits and currency; asset FL153020005 992.8 1093.6 1139.2 1061.6 1141.8 1080.3 1039.8 1061.6 1143.8 11
Households and nonprofit organizations; total time and savings deposits; asset FL153030005 7389.9 7890.9 8357.4 9079.4 8463.1 8546.1 8907.3 9079.4 9190.4 12
Households and nonprofit organizations; money market mutual fund shares; asset FL153034005 1161.0 1112.7 1068.6 1126.2 1066.4 1044.9 1050.7 1126.2 1071.3 13
Households and nonprofit organizations; debt securities; asset FL154022005 4320.1 3962.3 4409.8 4318.0 4164.0 3724.1 3717.6 4318.0 4295.1 14
Households and nonprofit organizations; Treasury securities; asset FL153061105 1140.3 838.2 1138.4 1409.5 1083.3 1044.6 1162.8 1409.5 1379.1 15
Households and nonprofit organizations; agency- and GSE-backed securities; asset FL153061705 265.8 283.2 503.8 422.9 466.6 394.4 331.9 422.9 445.8 16
Households and nonprofit organizations; municipal securities; asset FL153062005 1832.8 1693.9 1641.1 1675.6 1633.3 1607.0 1599.1 1675.6 1656.0 17
Households and nonprofit organizations; corporate and foreign bonds; asset FL153063005 1081.2 1147.0 1126.5 810.0 980.9 678.1 623.9 810.0 814.1 18
Households and nonprofit organizations; loans; asset FL154023005 1016.8 1063.1 1001.9 993.2 1042.5 1041.8 1015.2 993.2 1010.2 19
Households and nonprofit organizations; other loans and advances; asset (5) FL153069005 841.4 893.2 842.6 841.6 884.4 886.3 862.3 841.6 858.5 20
Households and nonprofit organizations; total mortgages; asset FL153065005 123.6 122.3 115.1 112.9 115.4 114.1 113.0 112.9 114.3 21
Nonprofit organizations; consumer credit, student loans; asset (6) FL163066223 51.8 47.6 44.2 38.7 42.8 41.4 39.9 38.7 37.3 22
Households and nonprofit organizations; corporate equities; asset (2) LM153064105 12744.4 14369.1 14044.8 15621.5 14083.8 14428.2 15121.3 15621.5 16362.8 23
Households and nonprofit organizations; mutual fund shares; asset LM153064205 6250.1 6747.1 6522.6 6998.9 6566.9 6741.1 7022.3 6998.9 7448.8 24
Nonprofit organizations; grants and trade receivables; asset (6) FL163070005 213.2 220.1 227.0 233.9 228.8 230.5 232.2 233.9 235.7 25
Households and nonprofit organizations; life insurance reserves; asset FL153040005 1233.0 1282.8 1309.1 1340.0 1317.2 1337.2 1348.5 1340.0 1359.2 26
Households and nonprofit organizations; pension entitlements; asset (7) FL153050005 19869.0 20666.8 21261.3 22268.3 21466.5 21733.1 22086.8 22268.3 22701.4 27
Households and nonprofit organizations; proprietors' equity in noncorporate business (8) LM152090205 9331.6 10184.7 10835.6 11267.7 10846.9 10971.0 11201.4 11267.7 11273.3 28
Households and nonprofit organizations; total miscellaneous assets FL153090005 909.6 917.4 951.6 1000.2 960.4 974.4 983.9 1000.2 1001.8 29
Households and nonprofit organizations; total liabilities FL154190005 13920.9 14287.8 14651.5 15116.0 14652.6 14826.3 14965.5 15116.0 15151.6 30
Nonprofit organizations; municipal securities; liability (6) FL163162003 235.8 229.1 221.1 217.1 221.7 221.4 219.0 217.1 216.8 31
Households and nonprofit organizations; loans; liability FL154123005 13361.0 13726.6 14089.8 14551.8 14087.4 14258.9 14399.7 14551.8 14584.5 32
Households and nonprofit organizations; home mortgages; liability (9) FL153165105 9472.4 9455.6 9556.2 9768.6 9560.9 9623.8 9702.7 9768.6 9812.7 33
Households and nonprofit organizations; consumer credit; liability FL153166000 3095.6 3317.4 3536.7 3765.4 3539.8 3607.1 3691.8 3765.4 3761.8 34
Households and nonprofit organizations; depository institution loans n.e.c.; liability FL153168005 90.8 211.9 325.7 350.6 337.7 366.6 319.2 350.6 337.7 35
Households and nonprofit organizations; other loans and advances; liability FL153169005 480.6 513.8 437.3 427.1 413.6 424.5 447.6 427.1 430.9 36
Nonprofit organizations; commercial mortgages; liability (6) FL163165505 221.7 227.8 233.9 240.0 235.4 236.9 238.5 240.0 241.5 37
Nonprofit organizations; trade payables; liability (6) FL163170005 295.4 302.2 309.0 315.9 310.7 312.4 314.2 315.9 317.6 38
Life insurance companies, general accounts; deferred and unpaid life insurance premiums; asset FL543077073 28.7 29.9 31.6 31.3 32.8 33.6 32.7 31.3 32.7 39
Households and nonprofit organizations; net worth FL152090005 78818.0 84014.3 87022.1 92488.5 87576.1 88273.6 90558.0 92488.5 94835.4 40
All sectors; IRAs; liability (10) FL893131573 6819.0 7292.0 7329.0 7850.0 7400.0 7527.0 7767.0 7850.0 ND 41
Households and nonprofit organizations; assets in 529 plans (10) FL154023205 227.1 247.9 253.2 275.1 257.9 266.2 275.1 275.1 289.4 42
Households and nonprofit organizations; assets in 529 savings plans LM154023223 204.1 223.9 229.8 251.4 234.1 242.0 251.2 251.4 265.6 43
Households and nonprofit organizations; assets in 529 pre-paid plans FL154023213 23.0 24.0 23.4 23.7 23.8 24.2 23.9 23.7 23.8 44
Households and nonprofit organizations; residential structures, current cost basis LM155012605 14257.4 15097.8 15373.5 16315.6 15510.8 15780.9 16043.0 16315.6 16450.7 45
Households; residential structures, current cost basis LM155012665 14033.1 14862.6 15134.9 16062.9 15270.2 15536.3 15794.4 16062.9 16196.0 46
Nonprofit organizations; residential structures, current cost basis LM165012665 224.3 235.2 238.6 252.7 240.6 244.7 248.6 252.7 254.7 47
Nonprofit organizations; nonresidential structures, current cost basis LM165013665 1575.9 1626.6 1662.8 1687.7 1658.9 1674.4 1674.5 1687.7 1702.5 48
Households and nonprofit organizations; disposable personal income FA156012005 12395.8 13022.7 13519.8 14025.8 13807.4 13977.3 14128.7 14189.8 14335.3 49
Households and nonprofit organizations; net worth as a percentage of disposable personal income FL152090006 635.8 645.1 643.7 659.4 634.3 631.5 641.0 651.8 661.5 50
Households; owners' equity in real estate FL155035065 9749.1 10846.8 12045.8 13196.5 12367.9 12575.2 12848.8 13196.5 13713.8 51
Households; owners' equity in real estate as a percentage of household real estate FL155035066 50.7 53.4 55.8 57.5 56.4 56.6 57.0 57.5 58.3 52


  1. Sector includes domestic hedge funds, private equity funds, and personal trusts.
  2. At market value.
  3. All types of owner-occupied housing including farm houses and mobile homes, as well as second homes that are not rented, vacant homes for sale, and vacant land.
  4. At replacement (current) cost.
  5. Includes cash accounts at brokers and dealers and syndicated loans to nonfinancial corporate business by nonprofits and domestic hedge funds.
  6. Student loans and trade receivables are financial assets of nonprofit organizations; municipal securities, commercial mortgages, and trade payables are liabilities.
  7. Includes public and private defined benefit and defined contribution pension plans and annuities, including those in IRAs and at life insurance companies. Excludes social security.
  8. Net worth of nonfinancial noncorporate business (table B.104, line 35) and owners' equity in unincorporated security brokers and dealers.
  9. Includes loans made under home equity lines of credit and home equity loans secured by junior liens, shown on table L.218, line 23.
  10. Included in assets shown on the household balance sheet.
Last Update: June 8, 2017