F.3 Distribution of National Income (1)
Billions of dollars; quarterly figures are seasonally adjusted annual rates
Description Series code 2013 2014 2015 2016 2016 Q1 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2017 Q1 Line
U.S. national income FA086010005 14444.8 15153.9 15665.3 16102.0 15844.9 15990.1 16262.3 16310.8 16419.1 1
Households and nonprofit organizations; compensation of employees received FA156025105 8842.4 9253.4 9693.1 10072.9 9892.6 10046.5 10186.8 10165.8 10267.3 2
Households and nonprofit organizations; wages and salaries received (IMA) FA156020101 7116.7 7476.3 7854.8 8162.6 8011.3 8142.9 8262.3 8233.9 8315.6 3
Households and nonprofit organizations; supplements to wages and salaries FA156401101 1725.8 1777.1 1838.2 1910.3 1881.3 1903.6 1924.5 1931.9 1951.6 4
Nonfinancial business; proprietors' income with IVA and CCAdj FA146111105 1284.7 1337.7 1376.8 1417.5 1403.9 1407.8 1420.8 1437.4 1458.0 5
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; rental income of persons with CCAdj FA116112103 567.1 606.1 659.6 704.7 692.8 700.6 705.9 719.6 735.6 6
Corporate business; corporate profits before tax including IVA and CCAdj FA096060035 2032.9 2152.1 2088.1 2085.8 2033.5 2021.0 2138.8 2150.0 2109.7 7
Corporate business; corporate profits before tax with IVA excluding CCAdj FA096060025 2159.4 2265.9 2192.4 2189.6 2139.2 2127.1 2240.8 2251.1 2212.1 8
Corporate business; corporate profits before tax excluding IVA and CCAdj FA096060005 2156.1 2262.9 2137.6 2195.3 2078.0 2180.6 2242.8 2279.8 2274.3 9
Nonfinancial corporate business; corporate profits before tax excluding IVA and CCAdj FA106060005 1314.8 1371.6 1258.6 1270.7 1229.3 1288.5 1299.9 1265.3 1282.1 10
Domestic financial sectors; corporate profits before tax excluding IVA and CCAdj FA796060005 429.4 480.3 493.2 514.5 479.1 484.6 534.0 560.5 531.7 11
Rest of the world; corporate profits before tax excluding IVA and CCAdj FA266060005 411.8 411.0 385.8 410.0 369.6 407.6 408.9 454.0 460.5 12
Corporate business; taxes on corporate income (accrual basis) FA096231001 467.7 532.7 553.8 543.3 527.5 543.9 563.4 538.6 538.5 13
Nonfinancial corporate business; taxes on corporate income FA106231005 283.6 313.7 308.1 321.5 312.7 321.4 329.8 322.2 323.1 14
Domestic financial sectors; taxes on corporate income FA796231003 184.1 219.1 245.7 221.8 214.8 222.5 233.7 216.4 215.4 15
Corporate business; corporate profits after tax excluding IVA and CCAdj FA096060015 1688.4 1730.1 1583.8 1652.0 1550.5 1636.7 1679.4 1741.2 1735.8 16
Corporate business; net dividends paid FA096121073 929.4 970.6 971.4 968.0 963.3 954.0 972.5 982.0 991.3 17
Nonfinancial corporate business; net dividends paid FA106121075 531.9 579.6 608.0 616.7 626.8 613.7 605.5 621.0 649.7 18
Domestic financial sectors; net dividends paid FA796121073 259.0 250.4 233.0 198.5 211.2 187.2 196.1 199.6 215.1 19
Rest of the world; net dividends paid FA266121073 138.4 140.6 130.4 152.7 125.3 153.1 170.9 161.4 126.5 20
Corporate business; undistributed corporate profits excluding IVA and CCAdj FA096006401 759.0 759.6 612.4 684.0 587.2 682.7 706.9 759.2 744.4 21
Nonfinancial corporate business; undistributed corporate profits excluding IVA and CCAdj FA106006405 499.4 478.4 342.5 332.5 289.8 353.3 364.6 322.2 309.4 22
Domestic financial sectors; undistributed corporate profits excluding CCAdj FA796006403 -13.7 10.7 14.5 94.2 53.1 74.9 104.3 144.4 101.2 23
Rest of the world; undistributed corporate profits FA266006403 273.4 270.4 255.4 257.3 244.3 254.5 238.0 292.6 333.9 24
Nonfinancial corporate business; inventory valuation adjustment (IVA) FA105020601 3.3 3.0 54.8 -5.7 61.2 -53.5 -2.0 -28.7 -62.3 25
Corporate business; capital consumption adjustment (CCADj) FA096310003 -126.6 -113.9 -104.3 -103.8 -105.7 -106.1 -102.0 -101.2 -102.4 26
Nonfinancial corporate business; capital consumption adjustment (CCADj) FA106310005 -88.6 -77.7 -63.7 -62.4 -63.8 -64.4 -60.9 -60.2 -61.8 27
Domestic financial sectors; capital consumption adjustment (CCAdj) FA796310003 -38.0 -36.1 -40.6 -41.4 -41.9 -41.7 -41.0 -41.0 -40.6 28
National income; net interest and miscellaneous payments FA086130003 504.6 533.7 524.1 485.3 493.1 485.5 485.5 477.1 480.6 29
General government; taxes on production and imports, receivable (IMA) FA366240005 1174.9 1210.2 1237.6 1256.2 1249.8 1246.7 1260.9 1267.3 1264.9 30
General government; subsidies paid FA366402005 59.3 56.7 56.6 59.2 58.3 59.4 60.1 59.0 58.8 31
Nonfinancial business; other current transfers paid FA146403005 118.4 137.6 161.4 161.2 158.1 164.6 146.9 175.2 183.8 32
Households and nonprofit organizations; other current transfers received (IMA) FA156403101 41.1 45.5 51.4 53.3 52.6 53.0 53.5 54.1 54.9 33
General government; other current transfers received from business FA366403145 90.8 100.3 110.7 101.8 103.0 106.6 86.0 111.4 116.5 34
Rest of the world; other current transfers received FA266403101 -13.5 -8.2 -0.8 6.2 2.5 5.0 7.4 9.7 12.4 35
General government; operating surplus, net FA366402105 -20.9 -20.2 -18.8 -22.4 -20.5 -23.3 -23.2 -22.7 -21.9 36
U.S. national income FA086010005 14444.8 15153.9 15665.3 16102.0 15844.9 15990.1 16262.3 16310.8 16419.1 37
Private domestic sectors; consumption of fixed capital, structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, current cost basis FA836300005 2122.4 2227.8 2308.3 2383.4 2350.3 2375.1 2393.8 2414.6 2442.4 38
General government; consumption of fixed capital, equipment, software, and structures, current cost basis FA366300005 506.5 517.4 522.5 527.0 523.3 526.7 527.9 530.1 533.2 39
Gross domestic product (GDP); statistical discrepancy (calculated from components) FA087005005 -137.9 -258.0 -253.7 -236.5 -264.3 -233.9 -304.7 -143.1 -129.9 40
Rest of the world; net income payments to the U.S. FA266904005 244.3 248.1 205.7 206.8 172.5 207.8 204.0 243.0 237.2 41
Gross domestic product (GDP); sum of pieces FA086902005 16691.5 17393.1 18036.6 18569.1 18281.6 18450.1 18675.3 18869.4 19027.6 42


  1. This table corresponds to NIPA table 1.12 in the Survey of Current Business, Bureau of Economic Analysis (www.bea.gov).
  2. The relationship of National Income to Gross Domestic Product is shown on NIPA table 1.7.5 in the Survey of Current Business, Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Last Update: June 8, 2017