Flow of Funds Matrix--Assets and Liabilities for 2016
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted

Households and Nonprofit Organizations;
Households and Nonprofit Organizations;
Nonfinancial Business;
Nonfinancial Business;
Federal Government;
Federal Government;
State and Local Governments;
State and Local Governments;
Domestic Nonfinancial Sectors;
Domestic Nonfinancial Sectors;
Domestic Financial Sectors;
Domestic Financial Sectors;
Rest of the World;
Rest of the World;
All Sectors;
All Sectors;
Instrument Discrep- ancy;
Total financial assets 74737.3 -- 25743.2 -- 2330.5 -- 3184.3 -- 105995.3 -- 90127.9 -- 24222.8 -- 220345.9 -- -10109.6
Total liabilities and equity -- 15034.9 -- 60390.3 -- 18523.3 -- 5852.1 -- 99800.6 -- 92494.3 -- 17941.4 -- 210236.3 --
Total liabilities and equity; Total liabilities -- 15034.9 -- 26073 -- 18523.3 -- 5852.1 -- 65483.3 -- 84081.9 -- 10944.4 -- 160509.6 --
U.S. official reserve assets -- -- -- -- 86.8 47.5 -- -- 86.8 47.5 30.4 -- 47.5 106.1 164.7 153.6 -11
SDR certificates -- -- -- -- -- 5.2 -- -- -- 5.2 5.2 -- -- -- 5.2 5.2 --
Treasury currency -- -- -- -- -- 25.3 -- -- -- 25.3 48.5 -- -- -- 48.5 25.3 -23.2
Foreign deposits 25.6 -- 58.1 -- -- -- -- -- 83.7 -- 1.9 -- -- 489.8 85.5 489.8 404.3
Interbank claims -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1834.9 1919.2 131.7 -- 1966.6 1919.2 -47.4
Checkable dep. and currency 1067 -- 1337.1 -- 404 -- 92.8 -- 2901 -- 424.4 4091.9 765.9 -- 4091.3 4091.9 0.6
Time and savings deposits 9078.6 -- 1101 -- 1.5 -- 377.4 -- 10558.5 -- 264.9 11372 548.5 -- 11372 11372 --
Money market fund shares 1023.1 -- 585.6 -- -- -- 181.5 -- 1790.1 -- 829.7 2728.1 108.3 -- 2728.1 2728.1 --
Fed. Funds and security repos -- -- 40.3 -- -- -- 145.4 -- 185.7 -- 2606.7 2906.2 732.6 900.7 3525.1 3807 281.9
Debt securities 4332.6 215.4 230.7 5810 0.5 16008.3 1390.6 3059.5 5954.4 25093.2 24650.2 13352.8 10659.8 2818.4 41264.4 41264.4 --
Debt securities; Open market paper -- -- 61.2 180.7 -- -- 61.7 -- 122.9 180.7 621.2 338.1 140.8 366.1 884.9 884.9 --
Debt securities; Treasury securities 1409.5 -- 106.4 -- -- 15983.8 712.2 -- 2228 15983.8 7749.6 -- 6006.3 -- 15983.8 15983.8 --
Debt securities; Agency- and GSE-backed sec. 428.5 -- 13.7 -- -- 24.5 419.1 -- 861.3 24.5 6671.4 8496.1 987.9 -- 8520.6 8520.6 --
Debt securities; Municipal securities 1665.3 215.4 49.5 557.1 -- -- 14.7 3059.5 1729.5 3832 2008.2 -- 94.3 -- 3832 3832 --
Debt securities; Corporate and fgn. bonds 829.4 -- -- 5072.3 0.5 -- 182.9 -- 1012.8 5072.3 7599.8 4518.6 3430.5 2452.2 12043.1 12043.1 --
Loans 998.3 14458.6 143.3 7624.5 1366.6 -- 226.7 17.8 2734.8 22100.9 21732.8 2228.8 205.6 343.6 24673.2 24673.2 --
Loans; Depository inst. loans n.e.c. -- 346.8 -- 2233.3 -- -- -- -- -- 2580.1 3360.5 468.6 -- 311.8 3360.5 3360.5 --
Loans; Other loans and advances 841.6 427.1 -- 1307 197.6 -- -- 17.8 1039.2 1751.9 2062.6 1523.6 205.6 31.8 3307.4 3307.4 --
Loans; Mortgages 114.9 10039.5 99.5 4084.2 119.7 -- 226.7 -- 560.7 14123.6 13799.4 236.5 -- -- 14360.1 14360.1 --
Loans; Consumer credit 41.9 3645.2 43.8 -- 1049.3 -- -- -- 1135 3645.2 2510.3 -- -- -- 3645.2 3645.2 --
Corporate equities 15374.1 -- -- 23240.2 33.3 -- 190.6 -- 15598.1 23240.2 17220.3 8351.5 5770.3 6997 38588.7 38588.7 --
Mutual fund shares 7255.2 -- 238.1 -- -- -- 92.8 -- 7586.1 -- 5344.3 13615.6 685.3 -- 13615.6 13615.6 --
Trade credit 265.8 329.6 3561.2 2843.8 64.9 280.4 199.1 904.7 4091 4358.5 144.6 36.7 175.5 45.4 4411 4440.5 29.5
Life insurance reserves 1340 -- -- -- -- 51.3 -- -- 1340 51.3 214.8 1503.5 -- -- 1554.8 1554.8 --
Pension entitlements 21834.3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 21834.3 -- -- 21834.3 -- -- 21834.3 21834.3 --
Taxes payable -- -- -- 177.4 186.5 -- 160.4 -- 347 177.4 -- 12.9 -- -- 347 190.2 -156.7
Equity in noncorp. business 11138 -- -- 11077.1 -- -- -- -- 11138 11077.1 -- 61 -- -- 11138 11138 --
U.S. direct investment abroad -- -- 5208.5 -- -- -- -- -- 5208.5 -- 880.3 -- -- 6088.7 6088.7 6088.7 --
Foreign direct investment in U.S. -- -- -- 3681.2 -- -- -- -- -- 3681.2 -- 710.5 4391.6 -- 4391.6 4391.6 --
Miscellaneous 1004.7 31.3 13239.5 5936.2 186.2 2105.4 127 1870.1 14557.5 9942.9 13894.2 7769.6 -- 151.6 28451.6 17864.1 -10587.5


  1. General notes: A = assets; L = liabilities. Domestic nonfinancial sectors (columns 9 and 10) are households and nonprofit organizations, nonfinancial business, state and local governments, and federal government. Equity included in line 2 is the sum of# corporate equities (line 24) and equity in noncorporate business (line 30). The matrix shows a discrepancy in column 17 for monetary gold (line 4) because by international accounting convention, monetary gold is a financial asset# without a corresponding liability.
Last Update: December 7, 2017