F.129 Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) (1)
Billions of dollars; quarterly figures are seasonally adjusted annual rates

Description Series code 2015 2016 2017 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2017 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 Q3 2017 Q4 Line
Real estate investment trusts; gross saving FA646000105 -66.6 -68.8 -49.7 -55.1 -48.4 -51.1 -46.6 -54.8 -46.2 1
Real estate investment trusts; gross fixed investment, nonresidential structures, equipment, and intellectual property products FA645013005 10.3 11.4 12.3 11.6 11.6 12 12.3 12.3 12.5 2
Real estate investment trusts; gross fixed investment, multifamily residential structures FA645012063 -0 5.5 -1.6 4.6 10.4 -6.5 2.9 -5.7 2.8 3
Real estate investment trusts; total financial assets FA644090005 -65.8 21.2 67.5 74.9 -47.7 36.3 14.4 168.3 51.1 4
Real estate investment trusts; checkable deposits and currency; asset FA643020005 -2.9 2 4.7 -2.3 -9.7 19.9 -10.5 27.5 -18.1 5
Real estate investment trusts; debt securities; asset FA644022005 -44.7 -26.5 51.7 -6.8 -42.7 36.9 20.9 109.2 39.9 6
Mortgage real estate investment trusts; agency- and GSE-backed securities; asset FA643061773 -49.6 -27.4 50.6 -6.7 -43.1 31.7 21.6 107.7 41.4 7
Real estate investment trusts; corporate and foreign bonds; asset FA643063005 4.9 1 1.1 -0.1 0.4 5.2 -0.7 1.5 -1.5 8
Real estate investment trusts; total mortgages; asset FA643065005 -29.4 14.7 -4.1 72.2 -43.4 -8.6 -1.1 -6.4 -0.1 9
Real estate investment trusts; home mortgages; asset FA643065105 2.2 12.1 3.4 43.8 -15.9 13.3 12.8 -2.6 -10.1 10
Real estate investment trusts; multifamily residential mortgages; asset FA643065405 -0.3 -0.2 1.1 1.1 0.9 1.2 0.5 0.2 2.3 11
Real estate investment trusts; commercial mortgages; asset FA643065505 -31.4 2.8 -8.5 27.2 -28.4 -23.2 -14.4 -4.1 7.6 12
Real estate investment trusts; total miscellaneous assets FA643090005 11.2 31 15.2 11.8 48.2 -11.8 5.2 38 29.5 13
Real estate investment trusts; total liabilities FA644190005 1.1 44.6 115.5 18.6 3 80.4 81.4 197.8 102.5 14
Mortgage real estate investment trusts; security repurchase agreements; liability FA642151073 -45.5 -10.6 50.9 9.9 7.1 25.9 11.5 106.9 59.4 15
Real estate investment trusts; debt securities; liability FA644122005 -7.8 21.2 21.1 2.4 -16.2 20.9 13.6 13.7 36.1 16
Mortgage real estate investment trusts; commercial paper; liability FA643169173 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17
Real estate investment trusts; corporate and foreign bonds; liability FA643163005 -7.8 21.2 21.1 2.4 -16.2 20.9 13.6 13.7 36.1 18
Real estate investment trusts; loans; liability FA644123005 29.2 -14.7 -6.3 -27.4 -3.2 -7.4 2.6 -17.7 -2.7 19
Real estate investment trusts; depository institution loans n.e.c.; liability FA643168005 7.3 -8.6 1 0.8 -17.1 4.3 4.7 -4.5 -0.5 20
Mortgage real estate investment trusts; FHLB advances; liability FA643169373 17.9 -7.1 -6.8 -6.8 -3.1 -17.4 -1.6 -4.7 -3.5 21
Real estate investment trusts; total mortgages; liability FA643165005 4 1 -0.5 -21.5 16.9 5.7 -0.4 -8.5 1.3 22
Real estate investment trusts; corporate equities; liability FA643164103 27.1 32.4 41.8 41.6 17.7 46.7 43.3 56.9 20.2 23
Real estate investment trusts; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FA643193005 -1.9 16.3 8.1 -7.9 -2.4 -5.7 10.4 38 -10.5 24
Real estate investment trusts; sector discrepancy FA647005005 -10 -62.4 -12.4 -127.7 -19.7 -12.5 5.1 -31.9 -10.2 25
Real estate investment trusts; securitized assets FA643065045 -29.6 -8.7 -23.6 -18.3 -42.8 -38.7 -31.2 -18.2 -6.5 26
Mortgage real estate investment trusts; securitized agency- and GSE-backed securities; asset FA643061743 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27
Mortgage real estate investment trusts; securitized home mortgages; asset FA643065143 10 0.9 -6.3 1.9 -3.7 -4.6 -5.1 -4.5 -11.1 28
Mortgage real estate investment trusts; securitized multifamily residential mortgages; asset FA643065443 -0.2 -0.9 1.1 0.5 -0.7 1.6 0.6 0.2 2 29
Mortgage real estate investment trusts; securitized commercial mortgages; asset FA643065543 -39.4 -8.8 -18.4 -20.7 -38.4 -35.7 -26.7 -13.9 2.6 30


  1. Additional detail on financial assets and liabilities for equity and mortgage REITs is available on tables F.129.e and F.129.m.
Last Update: March 8, 2018