B.101.e Balance Sheet of Households and Nonprofit Organizations with Equity Detail
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted
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Description Series code 2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 Q3 2017 Q4 2018 Q1 Line
Households and nonprofit organizations; total assets FL152000005 97844.2 101061.7 106934.3 115270.7 109173.9 110684.5 112611.8 115270.7 116342.5 1
Households and nonprofit organizations; nonfinancial assets FL152010005 28540.8 30279.8 32041.9 34036.1 32483 32998.3 33425.7 34036.1 34597.4 2
Households and nonprofit organizations; total financial assets FL154090005 69303.4 70782 74892.4 81234.6 76690.9 77686.2 79186.1 81234.6 81745.2 3
Households and nonprofit organizations; total currency and deposits including money market fund shares; asset (1) FL154000025 10133.4 10645.9 11243.2 11524.9 11437.9 11309.6 11404.7 11524.9 11657.3 4
Households and nonprofit organizations; debt securities; asset FL154022005 4055.8 4636.9 4591.9 4320.3 4477.9 4307.2 4255.3 4320.3 4849 5
Households and nonprofit organizations; loans; asset FL154023005 1063.3 1002.7 998.3 966.5 1012.4 1010.8 985.9 966.5 943.2 6
Households and nonprofit organizations; directly and indirectly held corporate equities; asset LM153064475 23934.7 23331.7 25251.5 29838.6 26583.8 27392 28419 29838.6 29402.4 7
Households and nonprofit organizations; corporate equities; asset LM153064105 14315.3 13837.2 15221.4 17949.5 15984.1 16482.4 17043.2 17949.5 17626.5 8
Households and nonprofit organizations; indirectly held corporate equities; asset LM153064175 9619.4 9494.5 10030 11889.1 10599.7 10909.6 11375.9 11889.1 11775.9 9
Life insurance companies; corporate equities held directly and indirectly through mutual funds; asset LM543064153 1356 1326.1 1389.3 1543 1438.6 1460.3 1501.1 1543 1515.2 10
Private defined contribution pension funds; corporate equities held directly and indirectly through mutual funds; asset (2) LM573064175 3262.7 3225 3376.8 3975.5 3553.2 3687.4 3809.7 3975.5 3940.5 11
Federal government retirement funds; corporate equities held by Thrift Savings Plan; asset (2) LM343064125 224.4 226.6 246.9 308.6 263 273.8 285.1 308.6 306.7 12
State and local government employee retirement funds; corporate equities held indirectly through mutual funds; asset (2) LM223064213 207.1 197 193.9 190.1 206 178.1 181.1 190.1 187.7 13
Mutual funds; corporate equities indirectly held by households; asset LM653064155 4569.2 4519.9 4823.1 5872 5138.8 5310 5598.9 5872 5825.7 14
Households and nonprofit organizations; other financial assets (B.101.e) FL153099475 30116.1 31164.8 32807.5 34584.3 33179 33666.6 34121.2 34584.3 34893.3 15
Households and nonprofit organizations; total liabilities FL154190005 14327.3 14526.2 14978.9 15530.7 15036 15202.2 15345.6 15530.7 15574.2 16
Households and nonprofit organizations; net worth FL152090005 83516.9 86535.5 91955.4 99740 94138 95482.3 97266.2 99740 100768.3 17
Households and nonprofit organizations; directly and indirectly held corporate equities as a percentage of total assets FL153064476 24.5 23.1 23.6 25.9 24.3 24.7 25.2 25.9 25.3 18
Households and nonprofit organizations; directly and indirectly held corporate equities as a percentage of total financial assets FL153064486 34.5 33 33.7 36.7 34.7 35.3 35.9 36.7 36 19


  1. Includes foreign deposits, checkable deposits and currency, time and savings deposits, and money market fund shares.
  2. Defined contribution plans. Assets held by defined benefit pension funds are not considered assets of the household sector. Defined benefit pension entitlements are included in line 15.
Last Update: June 7, 2018