D.2 Borrowing by Sector (1)
Billions of dollars; quarterly figures are seasonally adjusted annual rates
Date Domestic nonfinancial sectors

Domestic nonfinancial sectors

Domestic nonfinancial sectors
Domestic nonfinancial sectors
Domestic nonfinancial sectors

Domestic nonfinancial sectors

Domestic nonfinancial sectors

Domestic nonfinancial sectors
State and


1980 354.9 113.7 90.2 3.4 132.7 69.5 86.3 22.2 82.1 19.4
1981 414.4 101.6 67 19.8 189.7 125 95.5 27.6 106.7 42.8
1982 454 85.8 47.4 18.8 153.1 95.3 173.4 41.7 97.1 40.6
1983 594.6 181.7 105.2 48.2 165.8 94.5 199.8 47.3 107.5 10.3
1984 811 222 127.6 81.7 320.8 207.1 215.7 52.5 164.7 30.4
1985 1015.2 331.4 181.7 84 254.7 184.3 265.6 163.6 232.8 5
1986 879.2 264.6 199.4 55.8 294.9 227.7 245.5 74.2 333.6 7.7
1987 737.5 250.8 221.6 32.3 222.1 164 174.2 90.4 263.4 10.7
1988 821.3 273.9 215.6 46.6 309.1 225 187.9 50.4 252.5 1.6
1989 730.7 288.9 224.9 47 213.4 165.1 180.9 47.4 224.5 -0.6
1990 688.7 229.3 200 15.1 132.1 131.8 280.2 47.1 210.6 18.1
1991 531.8 204.5 174.5 -8.8 -80.5 -54.3 316.6 91.2 182.1 10.4
1992 548 199.1 173 9.2 -11.4 15.1 343.8 16.5 232.2 17
1993 708.6 244.7 156.3 61.4 112.7 133.4 293.2 57.9 351.5 61.7
1994 673.3 320.4 166.5 135 205 190.5 193.5 -45.5 468.4 -14.3
1995 659.3 318.3 153.6 147 236.5 191.1 165.3 -60.8 468.2 75.3
1996 758.8 346.6 205.1 105.7 232.7 162.2 200 -20.5 574.7 85.2
1997 840.4 345.3 215.9 70.3 381 279 63.4 50.8 601.9 71.6
1998 1065.4 453.1 301.5 97.1 556.9 377.9 -11.4 66.8 1088 37.7
1999 1141.6 568.7 379.2 112.4 565.8 372 -30.1 37.3 1112.4 22.3
2000 878 585.8 383.5 176.5 550.3 357.9 -275 16.9 909.3 57.1
2001 1094 622.5 508.2 150.6 310.8 147.3 55.2 105.5 887.9 -10.5
2002 1349.9 765.2 706.3 105.2 158 6.2 282.1 144.6 842.6 62.3
2003 1677.5 1064.5 874.9 105.9 71.7 -2.2 420.7 120.5 1171.4 11.7
2004 2117.6 1122.7 928.8 117.2 413 158.3 402.8 179 1091.9 95.6
2005 2292.4 1173.4 1080.1 100.4 604.8 263 346.9 167.3 1138.6 98.9
2006 2422.8 1268.4 998.9 120.1 818.6 403.2 219.1 116.7 1421.6 283.8
2007 2531.2 968.8 733.2 150.2 1121 657.7 270.4 171 2063.8 252
2008 1935.3 13.6 96.9 34.3 578.2 252.7 1302.5 41 793.6 -203.7
2009 1278.4 60.1 89.1 -94.6 -425.6 -328.5 1505.8 138.1 -1726 227.4
2010 1573.4 -85 -160.1 -28.2 -66.3 -46.8 1645.9 78.7 -857.7 186.8
2011 1367.4 -1 -67.9 110.3 270.1 326.9 1138.7 -40.3 -337.3 160.6
2012 1791.2 147.7 -69.6 163.2 463.7 288.4 1180.6 -0.8 -396.7 207.4
2013 1528.8 222.1 4.8 175.1 504.1 395 857.3 -54.7 250.7 269.2
2014 1699 300.4 26.4 221.2 701.3 417.5 735.9 -38.6 318.4 253.8
2015 1867.9 320.9 131.9 234.4 813.2 502.7 724.6 9.2 160.7 27.1
2016 2044.8 469 234.8 230.6 701.4 402.2 842.7 31.7 431.3 58.2
2017 1773.7 560.2 324.4 188.5 770.1 512.8 447 -3.7 412.6 363.4
2013:Q1 1874 188.6 -20.5 190 393.7 300.7 1283 8.7 -60 354.2
2013:Q2 837.2 111.2 -31.3 144.2 492.5 375.4 300.8 -67.3 210.8 162.4
2013:Q3 1128.1 248.6 58.5 190.3 722 611.2 236.1 -78.6 -21.1 267.8
2013:Q4 2276 340 12.4 176 408.2 292.8 1609.3 -81.6 872.9 292.6
2014:Q1 1700.7 157.5 1.4 218.8 688 414.6 929.9 -74.7 -76.1 155.4
2014:Q2 1677.4 507.5 13.2 232.1 588.3 306.9 601.9 -20.3 317.9 494.1
2014:Q3 1870.3 284.5 2.9 223.3 729.8 445.1 938.8 -82.8 544.9 98.1
2014:Q4 1547.8 252.1 88.2 210.4 799.2 503.3 473.1 23.4 486.7 267.8
2015:Q1 1212.3 247.1 47.6 218.8 880 620.2 38.5 46.7 -189.7 167.5
2015:Q2 2010.4 512.5 180.6 253.6 992.3 660.2 497.4 8.3 287.3 80.8
2015:Q3 840.4 99.7 124.3 244.6 648.7 411.9 81.6 10.4 301.6 -121.2
2015:Q4 3408.7 424.5 174.9 220.5 732 318.5 2280.8 -28.6 243.5 -18.8
2016:Q1 2469.1 339.3 161.7 230.4 1168.3 838.7 939.6 21.9 554.7 -120.3
2016:Q2 2006.6 525.4 248.3 218 538.7 264 873.7 68.8 583.8 37
2016:Q3 2422.8 604.2 256 251.4 803.9 490.8 990.2 24.6 511.5 -16.8
2016:Q4 1280.5 407.3 273.4 222.5 294.8 15.2 567.1 11.4 75.4 332.8
2017:Q1 860.4 562.8 373 187.1 814.7 617.1 -413.7 -103.5 297.5 289
2017:Q2 1932 581.4 305 164.5 810.1 542.3 577.7 -37.2 545.8 185.6
2017:Q3 2891.1 402.8 281.8 149.5 837.5 636.1 1655.7 -4.9 553.5 442.1
2017:Q4 1411.2 693.9 337.8 253.1 618.2 255.5 -31.9 131 253.4 537
2018:Q1 3512.8 503.5 287.5 162.1 620.9 357.5 2518.6 -130.2 15.3 527.4


  1. Debt securities and loans.
Last Update: June 7, 2018