Financial Accounts Matrix--Levels for 2017
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted

Households and Nonprofit Organizations;
Households and Nonprofit Organizations;
Nonfinancial Business;
Nonfinancial Business;
Federal Government;
Federal Government;
State and Local Governments;
State and Local Governments;
Domestic Nonfinancial Sectors;
Domestic Nonfinancial Sectors;
Domestic Financial Sectors;
Domestic Financial Sectors;
Rest of the World;
Rest of the World;
All Sectors;
All Sectors;
Instrument Discrep- ancy;
Total financial assets 81234.6 -- 27507.4 -- 2544.4 -- 3346 -- 114632.5 -- 96857.2 -- 26896.7 -- 238386.3 -- -10499.4
Total liabilities and equity -- 15530.7 -- 66331.6 -- 19206.4 -- 5718.7 -- 106787.4 -- 99821.9 -- 21277.7 -- 227887 --
Total liabilities and equity; Total liabilities -- 15530.7 -- 27699.9 -- 19206.4 -- 5718.7 -- 68155.7 -- 89871.2 -- 12250.7 -- 170277.5 --
U.S. official reserve assets -- -- -- -- 91 50.3 -- -- 91 50.3 32.2 -- 50.3 112.1 173.4 162.4 -11
SDR certificates -- -- -- -- -- 5.2 -- -- -- 5.2 5.2 -- -- -- 5.2 5.2 --
Treasury currency -- -- -- -- -- 25.3 -- -- -- 25.3 49.4 -- -- -- 49.4 25.3 -24.1
Foreign deposits 36.5 -- 197 -- -- -- -- -- 233.5 -- 3.7 -- -- 716.5 237.2 716.5 479.3
Interbank claims -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2025.4 2168.1 157.2 -- 2182.6 2168.1 -14.5
Checkable dep. and currency 1151.5 -- 1455.7 -- 232 -- 96.2 -- 2935.3 -- 428.2 4214.4 847.7 -- 4211.2 4214.4 3.2
Time and savings deposits 9283.5 -- 1157.4 -- 1.9 -- 391.9 -- 10834.7 -- 287 11692.4 570.7 -- 11692.4 11692.4 --
Money market fund shares 1053.4 -- 560.4 -- -- -- 190.2 -- 1804 -- 930.2 2847.3 113.1 -- 2847.3 2847.3 --
Fed. Funds and security repos -- -- 83.9 -- -- -- 152.4 -- 236.2 -- 2892.5 2976 776.3 868.2 3905 3844.1 -60.9
Debt securities 4320.3 216.9 343 6131.8 0.5 16455.3 1449.8 3079.3 6113.6 25883.3 25542.3 13888.8 11423 3306.8 43078.9 43078.9 --
Debt securities; Open market paper -- -- 185.2 206.7 -- -- 64.7 -- 249.9 206.7 579.1 238.1 136.9 521.2 965.9 965.9 --
Debt securities; Treasury securities 1366.6 -- 109.7 -- -- 16430.9 722.6 -- 2198.9 16430.9 7921.7 -- 6310.3 -- 16430.9 16430.9 --
Debt securities; Agency- and GSE-backed sec. 492 -- 13.7 -- -- 24.4 455.4 -- 961.1 24.4 6896.2 8842.8 1009.9 -- 8867.2 8867.2 --
Debt securities; Municipal securities 1641.4 216.9 34.4 567.6 -- -- 15.4 3079.3 1691.2 3863.8 2071.1 -- 101.5 -- 3863.8 3863.8 --
Debt securities; Corporate and fgn. bonds 820.4 -- -- 5357.6 0.5 -- 191.7 -- 1012.5 5357.6 8074.2 4808 3864.4 2785.6 12951.1 12951.1 --
Loans 966.5 14915.8 111.7 8139.3 1467 -- 237.6 18.2 2782.7 23073.4 22633.6 2068 260.3 535.2 25676.6 25676.6 --
Loans; Depository inst. loans n.e.c. -- 293.1 -- 2309.5 -- -- -- -- -- 2602.6 3387 302.9 -- 481.5 3387 3387 --
Loans; Other loans and advances 817.5 462.6 -- 1499.6 200.2 -- -- 18.2 1017.7 1980.4 2281.7 1525.5 260.3 53.7 3559.7 3559.7 --
Loans; Mortgages 112.4 10327.4 69.8 4330.3 121.2 -- 237.6 -- 541 14657.7 14356.2 239.5 -- -- 14897.2 14897.2 --
Loans; Consumer credit 36.6 3832.7 41.8 -- 1145.6 -- -- -- 1224 3832.7 2608.7 -- -- -- 3832.7 3832.7 --
Corporate equities 17949.5 -- -- 26873.4 33.2 -- 212.7 -- 18195.4 26873.4 20556.8 9887.4 7035.6 9027 45787.8 45787.8 --
Mutual fund shares 8628.6 -- 276.5 -- -- -- 104.2 -- 9009.3 -- 6079.8 15899 809.9 -- 15899 15899 --
Trade credit 296.2 364.8 3937.7 3187.7 64 320.2 223.5 947.2 4521.3 4820 154.2 32.5 193.7 51.6 4869.2 4904 34.8
Life insurance reserves 1387.3 -- -- -- -- 51.1 -- -- 1387.3 51.1 225.2 1561.4 -- -- 1612.5 1612.5 --
Pension entitlements 23292.6 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 23292.6 -- -- 23292.6 -- -- 23292.6 23292.6 --
Taxes payable -- -- -- 373.7 458.6 -- 154.4 -- 613 373.7 -- 163.9 -- -- 613 537.6 -75.4
Equity in noncorp. business 11821.6 -- -- 11758.3 -- -- -- -- 11821.6 11758.3 -- 63.3 -- -- 11821.6 11821.6 --
U.S. direct investment abroad -- -- 5562.7 -- -- -- -- -- 5562.7 -- 942.5 -- -- 6505.1 6505.1 6505.1 --
Foreign direct investment in U.S. -- -- -- 3914.8 -- -- -- -- -- 3914.8 -- 744.2 4658.9 -- 4658.9 4658.9 --
Miscellaneous 1047.2 33.1 13821.6 5952.6 196.4 2299 133.1 1674 15198.4 9958.7 14069 8322.7 -- 155.1 29267.4 18436.5 -10830.9


  1. General notes: A = assets; L = liabilities. Domestic nonfinancial sectors (columns 9 and 10) are households and nonprofit organizations, nonfinancial business, state and local governments, and federal government. Equity included in line 2 is the sum of# corporate equities (line 24) and equity in noncorporate business (line 30). The matrix shows a discrepancy in column 17 for monetary gold (line 4) because by international accounting convention, monetary gold is a financial asset# without a corresponding liability.
Last Update: June 7, 2018