L.217 Total Mortgages (1)
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted

Description Series code 2015 2016 2017 2017 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 Q3 2017 Q4 2018 Q1 2018 Q2 Line
All sectors; total mortgages; asset FL893065005 13877.7 14360.6 14908.9 14444.3 14593.6 14730 14908.9 14997.8 15131.3 1
All sectors; home mortgages; asset FL893065105 10080.5 10299.4 10606.5 10347.4 10433.8 10526.3 10606.5 10648.4 10718.6 2
All sectors; multifamily residential mortgages; asset FL893065405 1095.3 1209 1315.1 1229.1 1250.2 1271.8 1315.1 1332.6 1352.2 3
All sectors; commercial mortgages; asset FL893065505 2493 2626.2 2751.2 2639.3 2678.6 2698.3 2751.2 2779.9 2823 4
All sectors; farm mortgages; asset FL893065603 208.8 226 236.1 228.5 231 233.6 236.1 236.8 237.5 5
All sectors; total mortgages; asset FL893065005 13877.7 14360.6 14908.9 14444.3 14593.6 14730 14908.9 14997.8 15131.3 6
Households and nonprofit organizations; total mortgages; liability FL153165005 9819.7 10029.6 10327.6 10076.7 10160.8 10249.9 10327.6 10368.5 10436.5 7
Nonfinancial business; total mortgages; liability FL143165005 3822.5 4094.5 4339.9 4129.8 4194.2 4243 4339.9 4390.7 4462.6 8
Nonfinancial corporate business; total mortgages; liability FL103165005 472.2 520.4 565.2 521.4 532.1 538.9 565.2 576 596.5 9
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; total mortgages; liability FL113165005 3350.3 3574.1 3774.7 3608.4 3662.1 3704 3774.7 3814.7 3866.2 10
Federal government; multifamily residential mortgages; liability FL313165403 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
Real estate investment trusts; total mortgages; liability FL643165005 235.4 236.5 241.4 237.8 238.6 237.1 241.4 238.6 232.1 12
All sectors; total mortgages; asset FL893065005 13877.7 14360.6 14908.9 14444.3 14593.6 14730 14908.9 14997.8 15131.3 13
Households and nonprofit organizations; total mortgages; asset FL153065005 114.9 114.7 112.3 114 115 113 112.3 111.5 110.5 14
Nonfinancial corporate business; total mortgages; asset FL103065003 31.4 30.3 28.4 29.8 29.3 28.9 28.4 28 27.5 15
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; total mortgages; asset FL113065005 41.5 45.8 49.4 46.4 47.3 48.1 49.4 50.2 51.3 16
Federal government; total mortgages; asset FL313065005 116.5 119.7 121.2 118.6 118.7 120.7 121.2 122.6 123.1 17
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; total mortgages; asset FL213065005 231.9 237.3 234.2 237.2 234.1 232.5 234.2 227.3 223.1 18
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; total mortgages; asset FL763065005 4296.3 4537.6 4698.5 4555.3 4621.2 4661 4698.5 4721.5 4767.5 19
Foreign banking offices in the U.S.; total mortgages; asset FL753065005 51.3 67.2 76.7 68.4 72.6 73.2 76.7 78 70.3 20
Banks in U.S.-affiliated areas; total mortgages; asset FL743065003 26.6 25.9 26 25.5 25.2 25.3 26 25.5 25.1 21
Credit unions; home mortgages; asset FL473065100 404.9 439.4 481.4 447.3 458.8 471.6 481.4 491.2 504.4 22
Property-casualty insurance companies; commercial mortgages, including those held by U.S. residual market reinsurers; asset FL513065505 12.8 15.5 17.8 14.7 16.2 17.2 17.8 18.7 18.9 23
Life insurance companies; total mortgages; asset FL543065005 430.7 465.5 506.5 476.5 490.1 497.6 506.5 516.6 528.2 24
Private pension funds; total mortgages; asset FL573065005 22 22.8 22.8 22.8 22.8 22.8 22.8 22.7 22.7 25
State and local government employee defined benefit retirement funds; total mortgages; asset FL223065043 8 14.5 3.7 10.4 8.3 2.6 3.7 2.7 0.7 26
Government-sponsored enterprises; total mortgages; asset (1) FL403065005 4920.1 5027.2 5193.7 5082.4 5100.5 5141.1 5193.7 5215.8 5246.7 27
Agency-and GSE-backed mortgage pools; total mortgages; asset FL413065005 1775.5 1933 2126.6 1977.1 2022.8 2076.4 2126.6 2164 2202.5 28
Issuers of asset-backed securities; total mortgages; asset FL673065005 1016.2 893.6 847.5 856.1 854.2 841.6 847.5 839.4 852.4 29
Finance companies; total mortgages; asset FL613065000 159.5 143.2 127.3 137.7 133.1 131.3 127.3 129.2 125.8 30
Real estate investment trusts; total mortgages; asset FL643065005 217.7 227.8 234.9 224 223.3 225.2 234.9 232.7 230.6 31


  1. Sum of home mortgages, multifamily residential mortgages, commercial mortgages, and farm mortgages.
Last Update: September 20, 2018