L.129 Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) (1)
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted

Description Series code 2016 2017 2018 2017 Q3 2017 Q4 2018 Q1 2018 Q2 2018 Q3 2018 Q4 Line
Real estate investment trusts; total financial assets FL644090005 675.4 753.7 819.4 730.4 753.7 751.8 747.8 787.8 819.4 1
Real estate investment trusts; checkable deposits and currency; asset FL643020005 37.7 40.8 36.1 47.1 40.8 36.2 34.8 39.1 36.1 2
Real estate investment trusts; debt securities; asset FL644022005 240.9 297.6 322.4 282.8 297.6 290.6 288.1 309.1 322.4 3
Mortgage real estate investment trusts; agency- and GSE-backed securities; asset FL643061773 200.7 255.3 272.3 241.0 255.3 247.5 242.8 259.3 272.3 4
Real estate investment trusts; corporate and foreign bonds; asset FL643063005 40.2 42.3 50.0 41.8 42.3 43.1 45.2 49.9 50.0 5
Real estate investment trusts; total mortgages; asset FL643065005 227.8 234.8 250.4 222.9 234.8 232.7 230.7 236.9 250.4 6
Real estate investment trusts; home mortgages; asset FL643065105 60.3 65.1 71.1 63.8 65.1 61.5 62.5 65.1 71.1 7
Real estate investment trusts; multifamily residential mortgages; asset FL643065405 4.6 6.3 7.4 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.4 6.8 7.4 8
Real estate investment trusts; commercial mortgages; asset FL643065505 162.8 163.5 172.0 152.9 163.5 164.8 161.8 164.9 172.0 9
Real estate investment trusts; total miscellaneous assets FL643090005 169.0 180.5 210.6 177.6 180.5 192.3 194.2 202.8 210.6 10
Real estate investment trusts; total liabilities FL644190005 1007.7 1093.0 1172.0 1062.4 1093.0 1094.2 1091.6 1132.5 1172.0 11
Mortgage real estate investment trusts; security repurchase agreements; liability FL642151073 209.4 264.3 307.4 243.8 264.3 263.0 260.5 289.8 307.4 12
Real estate investment trusts; debt securities; liability FL644122005 417.3 439.0 468.3 424.5 439.0 447.3 445.6 454.5 468.3 13
Mortgage real estate investment trusts; commercial paper; liability FL643169173 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14
Real estate investment trusts; corporate and foreign bonds; liability FL643163005 417.3 439.0 468.3 424.5 439.0 447.3 445.6 454.5 468.3 15
Real estate investment trusts; loans; liability FL644123005 284.3 288.2 277.5 281.3 288.2 285.9 280.4 275.2 277.5 16
Real estate investment trusts; depository institution loans n.e.c.; liability FL643168005 31.2 36.3 37.4 33.2 36.3 37.5 33.9 36.2 37.4 17
Mortgage real estate investment trusts; FHLB advances; liability FL643169373 16.6 9.8 9.4 10.7 9.8 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.4 18
Real estate investment trusts; total mortgages; liability FL643165005 236.5 242.0 230.7 237.4 242.0 238.9 237.2 229.7 230.7 19
Real estate investment trusts; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL643193005 96.7 101.5 118.8 112.9 101.5 98.1 105.0 113.0 118.8 20
Real estate investment trusts; securitized assets FL643065045 134.2 110.6 119.8 112.9 110.6 112.5 108.4 110.5 119.8 21
Mortgage real estate investment trusts; securitized agency- and GSE-backed securities; asset FL643061743 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 22
Mortgage real estate investment trusts; securitized home mortgages; asset FL643065143 35.8 29.9 33.4 32.8 29.9 30.1 30.3 32.5 33.4 23
Mortgage real estate investment trusts; securitized multifamily residential mortgages; asset FL643065443 2.3 3.2 3.7 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.7 24
Mortgage real estate investment trusts; securitized commercial mortgages; asset FL643065543 96.1 77.5 82.6 76.9 77.5 79.3 74.9 74.7 82.6 25


  1. Additional detail on financial assets and liabilities for equity and mortgage REITs is available on tables L.129.e and L.129.m.
Last Update: March 7, 2019