L.225 Trade Credit
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted

Description Series code 2016 2017 2018 2017 Q3 2017 Q4 2018 Q1 2018 Q2 2018 Q3 2018 Q4 Line
All sectors; trade payables; liability FL893170005 4773.1 5202.4 5599.3 5048.8 5202.4 5209.8 5338.5 5478.0 5599.3 1
Nonprofit organizations; trade payables; liability (1) FL163170005 358.9 378.5 397.4 373.6 378.5 383.2 387.9 392.6 397.4 2
Nonfinancial corporate business; trade payables; liability FL103170005 2305.2 2516.4 2752.1 2430.3 2516.4 2484.2 2565.3 2672.0 2752.1 3
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; trade payables; liability FL113170005 602.4 678.0 767.3 652.2 678.0 695.1 721.4 733.9 767.3 4
Federal government; trade payables; liability FL313170005 291.9 316.1 340.9 310.6 316.1 322.3 328.5 335.1 340.9 5
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; trade payables; liability FL213170003 908.0 951.8 998.6 940.7 951.8 963.2 974.9 986.7 998.6 6
Property-casualty insurance companies; trade payables to reinsurers; liability FL513170005 67.4 68.4 72.5 68.3 68.4 68.9 69.6 71.0 72.5 7
Life insurance companies; trade payables to insurers; liability FL543170005 133.7 171.2 175.2 161.5 171.2 173.0 174.7 176.5 175.2 8
Security brokers and dealers; trade payables; liability FL663170003 36.7 44.6 16.8 34.6 44.6 42.9 38.0 33.9 16.8 9
Rest of the world; trade credit and advances; liability LM263170005 69.0 77.4 78.6 76.9 77.4 76.9 78.1 76.3 78.6 10
All sectors; trade receivables; asset FL893070005 4759.5 5187.4 5615.8 5086.4 5187.4 5254.1 5399.0 5522.3 5615.8 11
Nonprofit organizations; grants and trade receivables; asset (1) FL163070005 251.2 261.0 269.3 258.5 261.0 263.1 265.1 267.2 269.3 12
Nonfinancial corporate business; trade receivables; asset FL103070005 2973.6 3246.8 3532.2 3184.7 3246.8 3274.4 3377.5 3470.8 3532.2 13
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; trade receivables; asset FL113070003 728.7 787.4 860.7 765.7 787.4 801.7 821.9 832.0 860.7 14
Federal government; trade receivables; asset FL313070000 64.9 65.0 68.8 66.6 65.0 67.9 69.0 72.6 68.8 15
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; trade receivables; asset FL213070003 203.5 223.6 246.4 215.8 223.6 222.6 230.1 238.4 246.4 16
Property-casualty insurance companies; trade receivables, including receivables for claims from reinsurers; asset FL513070005 158.9 168.2 185.5 170.6 168.2 177.6 182.1 183.2 185.5 17
Life insurance companies; trade receivables from insurers; liability FL543070005 91.1 102.2 105.7 99.4 102.2 103.3 104.3 105.4 105.7 18
Issuers of asset-backed securities; trade receivables; asset FL673070003 33.9 32.5 34.4 33.2 32.5 32.7 32.5 32.3 34.4 19
Rest of the world; trade receivables; asset LM263070005 253.6 300.7 312.9 291.9 300.7 311.0 316.5 320.4 312.9 20
Instrument discrepancies; trade receivables FL903070005 13.5 15.0 -16.5 -37.6 15.0 -44.4 -60.6 -44.3 -16.5 21


  1. Included in the households and nonprofit organizations sector (tables L.101 and B.101).
Last Update: March 7, 2019