L.133 Rest of the World
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted

Description Series code 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 Q1 2018 Q2 2018 Q3 2018 Q4 2019 Q1 Line
Rest of the world; total financial assets FL264090005 23082.8 24258.5 27165.8 27198.1 27137.8 27652.6 28171.1 27198.1 28570.1 1
Federal government; special drawing rights (SDRs) allocations; liability LM313111303 48.9 47.5 50.3 49.1 51.3 49.7 49.3 49.1 49.0 2
Rest of the world; net interbank transactions with banks in foreign countries; asset FL264016005 198.0 54.0 158.0 192.3 128.7 178.3 151.3 192.3 109.7 3
Rest of the world; U.S. checkable deposits and currency; asset FL263020005 706.8 766.9 848.5 925.0 870.8 892.0 920.5 925.0 926.7 4
Rest of the world; U.S. total time and savings deposits; asset FL263030005 480.2 550.8 572.4 594.2 586.0 601.9 607.5 594.2 590.7 5
Rest of the world; U.S. money market fund shares; asset FL263034003 107.6 96.1 91.2 104.5 94.1 97.0 98.6 104.5 105.9 6
Rest of the world; security repurchase agreements; asset FL262051003 665.0 713.2 756.2 672.2 736.1 693.5 634.4 672.2 769.7 7
Rest of the world; debt securities, excluding negotiable certificates of deposit; asset FL264022005 10337.3 10661.1 11407.8 11166.3 11287.4 11158.1 11201.2 11166.3 11547.5 8
Rest of the world; commercial paper; asset LM263069103 104.3 140.8 136.3 124.1 151.6 142.7 137.5 124.1 117.6 9
Rest of the world; Treasury securities; asset LM263061105 6146.2 6002.8 6284.9 6265.2 6216.6 6212.6 6225.6 6265.2 6473.5 10
Rest of the world; agency- and GSE-backed securities; asset LM263061705 916.5 991.6 1011.2 1078.1 1032.0 1031.7 1051.8 1078.1 1118.3 11
Rest of the world; municipal securities; asset FL263062003 87.0 94.2 101.3 101.0 101.4 101.1 102.1 101.0 100.6 12
Rest of the world; corporate bonds; asset (1) LM263063005 3083.3 3431.7 3874.1 3597.8 3785.8 3670.0 3684.0 3597.8 3737.5 13
Rest of the world; U.S. nonfinancial business loans; asset FL263069500 207.5 203.3 375.8 733.3 386.3 682.0 718.1 733.3 777.2 14
Rest of the world; U.S. corporate equities; asset LM263064105 5500.9 5781.3 7030.8 6478.8 7063.5 7235.3 7613.2 6478.8 7282.5 15
Rest of the world; U.S. mutual fund shares; asset LM263064203 600.6 692.8 829.9 870.4 827.9 857.3 849.7 870.4 904.7 16
Rest of the world; trade receivables; asset LM263070005 247.4 253.6 300.7 332.4 314.2 323.0 329.6 332.4 326.4 17
Life insurance companies; assumed life insurance reserve credit from non-U.S. insurers; liability FL543141905 5.9 16.9 19.7 10.4 17.4 15.0 12.8 10.4 10.5 18
Life insurance companies; assumed pension entitlement reserve credit from non-U.S. insurers; liability FL543151905 2.7 3.9 4.3 15.4 7.1 9.9 12.6 15.4 15.5 19
Rest of the world; foreign direct investment in U.S.; asset (current cost) (2) LM263092001 3935.3 4377.2 4670.2 4994.6 4714.8 4805.2 4915.5 4994.6 5094.7 20
Rest of the world; assumed policy payables by U.S. reinsurers from non-U.S. insurers; liability FL263076005 38.6 39.8 50.1 59.2 52.2 54.3 56.8 59.2 59.4 21
Rest of the world; total liabilities FL264190005 11085.8 11459.1 12740.5 12979.4 12816.3 12768.0 12828.7 12979.4 13414.6 22
Rest of the world; U.S. official reserve assets; liability (3) LM263111005 106.4 106.1 112.1 114.6 115.2 113.9 112.6 114.6 114.0 23
Rest of the world; U.S. private deposits, including negotiable certificates of deposit; liability LM263191005 590.9 500.6 759.5 871.9 806.5 834.9 801.2 871.9 877.8 24
Rest of the world; security repurchase agreements; liability FL262151003 789.5 905.4 872.6 914.7 861.0 851.1 847.5 914.7 1083.0 25
Rest of the world; debt securities, excluding negotiable certificates of deposit; liability FL264122005 2753.4 2801.2 3305.0 3326.7 3430.3 3399.4 3419.6 3326.7 3463.7 26
Rest of the world; commercial paper; liability FL263169105 329.3 270.1 362.0 368.3 391.4 376.0 392.6 368.3 379.0 27
Rest of the world; bonds; liability LM263163005 2424.1 2531.1 2943.0 2958.4 3038.9 3023.4 3027.0 2958.4 3084.7 28
Rest of the world; loans; liability FL264123005 474.3 506.4 535.8 593.8 541.2 557.8 576.7 593.8 596.7 29
Rest of the world; depository institution loans n.e.c.; liability FL263168005 440.5 474.6 483.2 547.6 488.8 510.6 530.9 547.6 544.4 30
Rest of the world; other loans and advances; liability FL263169005 33.8 31.8 52.6 46.2 52.4 47.2 45.8 46.2 52.2 31
Rest of the world; trade credit and advances; liability LM263170005 66.5 69.0 77.4 79.3 77.0 78.3 77.1 79.3 81.2 32
Rest of the world; life insurance reserve credit from non-U.S. reinsurers; liability FL263140005 50.8 75.0 98.1 66.6 90.2 82.2 74.5 66.6 67.0 33
Rest of the world; pension entitlement reserve credit from non-U.S. reinsurers; liability FL263150005 21.3 15.3 18.9 77.5 33.6 48.4 62.8 77.5 78.2 34
Rest of the world; U.S. direct investment abroad, including Netherlands Antillean Financial subsidiaries; liability (current cost) (1) (2) LM263192005 5933.9 6252.3 6706.3 6660.8 6595.2 6515.9 6594.7 6660.8 6757.5 35
Rest of the world; total miscellaneous liabilities FL263190005 298.9 227.8 254.7 273.5 266.1 286.1 262.1 273.5 295.5 36
Federal government; U.S. equity in IBRD, etc.; asset FL313092803 64.6 66.6 68.1 69.4 68.1 69.3 69.4 69.4 69.4 37
Rest of the world; nonofficial U.S. currencies; liability FL263191103 3.6 8.2 14.7 6.8 7.6 3.7 2.7 6.8 4.0 38
Rest of the world; net transactions due to holding companies; liability FL263194735 76.4 -4.8 -6.6 18.3 11.9 34.4 11.3 18.3 42.6 39
Rest of the world; insurance reserves, excluding life insurance reserves and pension entitlements; liability FL263195105 28.5 20.0 19.3 17.8 18.9 18.5 18.1 17.8 18.0 40
Rest of the world; policy payables of non-U.S. reinsurers; liability FL263176005 125.8 137.8 159.3 161.1 159.7 160.1 160.6 161.1 161.5 41
Rest of the world; foreign corporate equities including foreign investment fund shares; liability (4) LM263164100 6756.2 7146.3 9129.5 7826.2 9163.7 8864.1 8988.6 7826.2 8559.1 42
Rest of the world; financial derivatives, gross at fair value; asset FL263098013 2388.9 2162.3 1594.2 1715.2 1543.6 1515.9 1442.0 1715.2 ND 43
Rest of the world; financial derivatives, gross at fair value; liability FL263198013 2443.4 2220.5 1622.5 1746.0 1591.1 1578.5 1499.2 1746.0 ND 44


  1. Through 1992:Q4, corporate bonds include net issues by Netherlands Antillean financial subsidiaries; U.S. direct investment abroad excludes net inflows from those bond issues.
  2. Direct investment is valued on a current-cost basis.
  3. Does not include monetary gold.
  4. Includes American Depositary Receipts (ADRs).
  5. Financial derivatives are not included above.
Last Update: June 6, 2019