Financial Accounts Matrix--Levels for 2019
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted

Households and Nonprofit Organizations;
Households and Nonprofit Organizations;
Nonfinancial Business;
Nonfinancial Business;
Federal Government;
Federal Government;
State and Local Governments;
State and Local Governments;
Domestic Nonfinancial Sectors;
Domestic Nonfinancial Sectors;
Domestic Financial Sectors;
Domestic Financial Sectors;
Rest of the World;
Rest of the World;
All Sectors;
All Sectors;
Instrument Discrep- ancy;
Total financial assets 95027.8 -- 27091.5 -- 2881 -- 3257.2 -- 128257.4 -- 107902.6 -- 34766.3 -- 270926.3 -- -3068.7
Total liabilities and equity -- 16377.4 -- 85102.2 -- 21470.5 -- 8389.3 -- 131339.3 -- 112275 -- 24243.3 -- 267857.6 --
Total liabilities and equity; Total liabilities -- 16377.4 -- 38780.8 -- 21470.5 -- 8389.3 -- 85017.9 -- 100732.8 -- 14784.2 -- 200535 --
U.S. official reserve assets -- -- -- -- 97.8 48.8 -- -- 97.8 48.8 31.6 -- 48.8 118.3 178.2 167.1 -11
SDR certificates -- -- -- -- -- 5.2 -- -- -- 5.2 5.2 -- -- -- 5.2 5.2 --
Treasury currency -- -- -- -- -- 25.3 -- -- -- 25.3 50.1 -- -- -- 50.1 25.3 -24.7
Foreign deposits 41 -- 116.6 -- -- -- -- -- 157.6 -- 7.4 -- -- 794.4 165 794.4 629.4
Interbank claims -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1631.7 1710.9 122.8 -- 1754.5 1710.9 -43.6
Checkable dep. and currency 1230.1 -- 1621.3 -- 407.2 -- 139.1 -- 3397.6 -- 459.9 4845.1 985.6 -- 4843.2 4845.1 1.9
Time and savings deposits 10164 -- 1341.2 -- 2.3 -- 423.2 -- 11930.6 -- 356.9 12884 596.4 -- 12884 12884 --
Money market fund shares 2204.3 -- 672.6 -- -- -- 26.5 -- 2903.4 -- 601.4 3634.3 129.5 -- 3634.3 3634.3 --
Fed. Funds and security repos -- -- 12.2 -- -- -- 154.2 -- 166.4 -- 3883 3205.8 1055.3 1221.2 5104.8 4427 -677.8
Debt securities 5801.1 213.2 414.6 6554.6 0.5 19039.9 1503.9 3070.8 7720.2 28878.5 28688.8 14709.1 12070.9 3804.5 48479.8 47392 -1087.8
Debt securities; Open market paper -- -- 245.2 194.5 -- -- 73.1 -- 318.4 194.5 596.5 397.9 130.3 452.8 1045.2 1045.2 --
Debt securities; Treasury securities 2080.8 -- 127.1 -- -- 19018.7 740.3 -- 2948.2 19018.7 9786.9 -- 6690.8 -- 19426 19018.7 -407.3
Debt securities; Agency- and GSE-backed sec. 736.1 -- 16 -- -- 21.2 479.7 -- 1231.8 21.2 7214.6 9409.5 1182.1 -- 9628.5 9430.7 -197.8
Debt securities; Municipal securities 1900.3 213.2 26.3 576.9 -- -- 15.7 3070.8 1942.3 3860.8 2105.7 -- 103.7 -- 4151.7 3860.8 -290.9
Debt securities; Corporate and fgn. bonds 1083.9 -- -- 5783.2 0.5 -- 195.1 -- 1279.4 5783.2 8985 4901.7 3964 3351.7 14228.4 14036.5 -191.9
Loans 890.1 15754.6 128.9 9663.2 1674 15.8 241.8 21.1 2934.8 25454.7 24333.9 1955.6 830.8 689.2 28099.5 28099.5 --
Loans; Depository inst. loans n.e.c. -- 344.8 -- 2531.1 -- -- -- -- -- 2875.8 3818 310.7 -- 631.5 3818 3818 --
Loans; Other loans and advances 804.4 495.9 -- 2082 231 15.8 -- 21.1 1035.4 2614.8 2226.4 1420 830.8 57.7 4092.5 4092.5 --
Loans; Mortgages 58 10733.3 89.2 5050.2 123.8 -- 241.8 -- 512.9 15783.5 15495.5 224.9 -- -- 16008.4 16008.4 --
Loans; Consumer credit 27.7 4180.6 39.6 -- 1319.2 -- -- -- 1386.5 4180.6 2794 -- -- -- 4180.6 4180.6 --
Corporate equities 21287.4 -- 2308.7 34066.5 33.2 -- 173.2 -- 23802.4 34066.5 22985 11458.7 8196.8 9459.1 54984.2 54984.2 --
Mutual fund shares 10038.6 -- 327.3 -- -- -- 91.5 -- 10457.5 -- 6308.2 17659.5 893.9 -- 17659.5 17659.5 --
Trade credit 269.7 373.1 4510.1 3502.6 74.1 382.2 245.2 1051.1 5099 5309.1 335.2 295.2 349 81.4 5783.2 5685.7 -97.4
Life insurance reserves 1731.3 -- -- -- -- 52.2 -- -- 1731.3 52.2 500.9 2122.4 10.7 68.3 2242.9 2242.9 --
Pension entitlements 27745 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 27745 -- 199.5 27879.7 16 80.8 27960.5 27960.5 --
Taxes payable -- -- -- 400.2 376.2 -- 165.4 -- 541.6 400.2 -- 172.5 -- -- 541.6 572.8 31.2
Equity in noncorp. business 12338.4 -- -- 12254.9 -- -- -- -- 12338.4 12254.9 -- 83.5 -- -- 12338.4 12338.4 --
U.S. direct investment abroad -- -- 6514.5 -- -- -- -- -- 6514.5 -- 1135.5 -- -- 7650 7650 7650 --
Foreign direct investment in U.S. -- -- -- 8177.3 -- -- -- -- -- 8177.3 -- 1221.1 9398.4 -- 9398.4 9398.4 --
Miscellaneous 1286.9 36.5 9123.6 10482.8 215.7 1901 93.2 4246.3 10719.5 16666.7 16388.3 8437.6 61.3 276.1 27169.1 25380.4 -1788.8


  1. General notes: A = assets; L = liabilities. Domestic nonfinancial sectors (columns 9 and 10) are households and nonprofit organizations, nonfinancial business, state and local governments, and federal government. Equity included in line 2 is the sum of# corporate equities (line 24) and equity in noncorporate business (line 30). The matrix shows a discrepancy in column 17 for monetary gold (line 4) because by international accounting convention, monetary gold is a financial asset# without a corresponding liability.
Last Update: September 21, 2020