L.225 Trade Credit
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted
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Description Series code 2018 2019 2019 Q1 2019 Q2 2019 Q3 2019 Q4 2020 Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 Line
All sectors; trade payables; liability FL893170005 5468.7 5703.9 5493.3 5574.2 5660.3 5703.9 5652.4 5659.4 6140.8 1
Nonprofit organizations; trade payables; liability (1) FL163170005 365.0 373.1 367.0 369.1 371.1 373.1 375.1 377.2 379.2 2
Nonfinancial corporate business; trade payables; liability FL103170005 2690.4 2771.2 2678.8 2724.7 2758.9 2771.2 2678.3 2571.3 2772.6 3
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; trade payables; liability FL113170005 669.7 731.8 685.5 697.0 719.3 731.8 733.7 690.2 718.1 4
Federal government; trade payables, including Paycheck Protection Program subsidies payable; liability FL313170005 382.6 400.1 390.4 393.2 395.1 400.1 400.2 549.4 789.3 5
State and local governments; trade payables; liability FL213170003 1001.7 1051.1 1013.8 1026.2 1038.6 1051.1 1063.7 1075.7 1087.9 6
Property-casualty insurance companies; trade payables to reinsurers; liability FL513170005 76.8 79.5 77.1 78.0 78.3 79.5 80.0 81.5 83.9 7
Life insurance companies; trade payables to insurers; liability FL543170005 186.3 199.9 188.2 193.8 201.4 199.9 222.4 222.8 221.6 8
Security brokers and dealers; trade payables; liability FL663170003 16.8 15.8 14.9 15.0 15.5 15.8 20.1 17.8 16.7 9
Rest of the world; trade credit and advances; liability LM263170005 79.4 81.4 77.4 77.2 82.2 81.4 78.8 73.5 71.4 10
All sectors; trade receivables; asset FL893070005 5604.0 5787.9 5675.7 5774.7 5799.8 5787.9 5760.7 5769.0 6215.8 11
Nonprofit organizations; grants and trade receivables, including Paycheck Protection Program receivable; asset (1) FL163070005 262.1 269.7 264.0 265.9 267.8 269.7 271.7 278.4 287.1 12
Nonfinancial corporate business; trade receivables, including Paycheck Protection Program subsidies receivable; asset FL103070005 3509.6 3593.4 3553.0 3623.8 3624.2 3593.4 3524.7 3454.8 3786.8 13
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; trade receivables, including Paycheck Protection Program subsidies receivable; asset FL113070005 867.6 921.3 881.0 892.0 907.2 921.3 932.2 999.6 1091.8 14
Federal government; trade receivables; asset FL313070000 75.4 74.1 75.8 76.9 76.4 74.1 73.9 81.1 82.2 15
State and local governments; trade receivables; asset FL213070003 235.2 245.4 235.5 239.5 243.5 245.4 239.4 229.5 245.4 16
Property-casualty insurance companies; trade receivables, including receivables for claims from reinsurers; asset FL513070005 186.1 192.7 190.1 195.9 193.6 192.7 199.7 204.9 205.8 17
Life insurance companies; trade receivables from insurers; liability FL543070005 101.5 108.0 101.7 105.2 110.1 108.0 124.8 122.7 121.6 18
Issuers of asset-backed securities; trade receivables; asset FL673070003 33.9 34.6 33.3 32.9 32.5 34.6 36.9 35.5 32.6 19
Finance companies; Paycheck Protection Program receivables due from federal government; asset FL613070103 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 1.5 20
Rest of the world; trade receivables; asset LM263070005 332.7 348.8 341.4 342.5 344.6 348.8 357.4 361.7 360.9 21
Instrument discrepancies; trade receivables FL903070005 -135.3 -83.9 -182.4 -200.5 -139.5 -83.9 -108.3 -109.5 -75.0 22


  1. Included in the households and nonprofit organizations sector (tables L.101 and B.101).
Last Update: December 10, 2020