S.1.a Total Economy - Current Account
Billions of dollars
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Description Series code 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Line
All sectors; gross value added (IMA) FA896902505 16436.8 16941.8 17813.9 18475.6 18837.3 19674.4 20669.9 21420.4 1
All domestic sectors; consumption of fixed capital, equipment, software, and structures, current cost basis (IMA) FA886300091 2576.0 2681.2 2815.0 2911.4 2986.6 3112.9 3265.0 3420.9 2
All sectors; net value added (IMA) FA896902601 13860.8 14260.6 14998.9 15564.2 15850.7 16561.6 17404.8 17999.5 3
All sectors; compensation of employees paid (IMA) FA896025001 8575.4 8843.6 9259.7 9709.5 9974.8 10433.1 10960.6 11444.5 4
All sectors; wages and salaries paid (IMA) FA896020001 6936.1 7122.6 7485.8 7869.6 8100.1 8482.0 8904.7 9321.4 5
All sectors; employers' social contributions paid (IMA) FA896401001 1639.2 1721.0 1773.9 1839.9 1874.7 1951.1 2055.9 2123.1 6
All sectors; taxes on production and imports less subsidies, payable (IMA) FA896240101 1078.1 1128.9 1182.7 1218.0 1250.0 1304.1 1381.5 1417.5 7
All sectors; operating surplus, net (IMA) FA896402101 4207.4 4288.0 4556.5 4636.7 4625.8 4824.4 5062.8 5137.4 8
Rest of the world; income payments to the U.S. FA266904001 799.7 823.4 853.5 860.8 893.5 1032.7 1142.9 1169.8 9
Rest of the world; income receipts from the U.S. FA266904101 567.4 592.7 612.5 640.4 661.5 740.4 858.2 900.2 10
All sectors; net national income/balance of primary incomes, net (IMA) FA896140001 14093.1 14491.3 15239.9 15784.6 16082.7 16853.9 17689.6 18269.1 11
All sectors; operating surplus, net (IMA) FA896402101 4207.4 4288.0 4556.5 4636.7 4625.8 4824.4 5062.8 5137.4 12
Households and nonprofit organizations; compensation of employees received FA156025105 8566.7 8834.2 9249.1 9699.4 9963.9 10422.5 10950.1 11432.4 13
Households and nonprofit organizations; wages and salaries received (IMA) FA156020101 6927.5 7113.2 7475.2 7859.5 8089.1 8471.5 8894.2 9309.3 14
Households and nonprofit organizations; supplements to wages and salaries FA156401101 1639.2 1721.0 1773.9 1839.9 1874.7 1951.1 2055.9 2123.1 15
All sectors; taxes on production and imports, receivable (IMA) FA896240001 1136.1 1188.7 1240.8 1275.2 1311.8 1364.0 1444.8 1491.4 16
General government; subsidies paid (with negative sign) (IMA) FA366402015 -58.0 -59.7 -58.1 -57.2 -61.7 -59.9 -63.3 -73.9 17
All sectors; property income (received) (IMA) FA896150105 6538.2 6573.8 6842.6 7025.2 7145.2 7687.0 8567.8 8237.7 18
All sectors; interest received (IMA) FA896130101 3280.8 3115.9 3204.2 3322.4 3439.6 3682.5 3990.0 4257.4 19
All sectors; distributed income of corporations, received (IMA) FA896120105 2917.4 3087.8 3277.6 3367.0 3377.1 3604.2 4816.8 3772.1 20
All sectors; dividends received (IMA) FA896121101 1414.8 1523.9 1649.3 1753.4 1759.3 1896.9 3025.6 1903.5 21
Households and nonprofit organizations; withdrawals from income of quasi-corporations, received (IMA) FA156122101 1502.7 1563.9 1628.3 1613.6 1617.7 1707.4 1791.2 1868.6 22
All sectors; reinvested earnings on U.S. direct investment abroad; received (IMA) FA893092201 317.2 348.2 337.9 318.0 312.7 382.9 -258.1 187.9 23
All sectors; rents on land and natural resources received (IMA) FA896112101 22.7 21.9 22.9 17.9 15.8 17.3 19.3 20.3 24
All sectors; uses of property income (paid) (IMA) FA896150005 6297.3 6333.7 6591.0 6794.7 6902.1 7384.1 8272.7 7956.0 25
All sectors; interest paid (IMA) FA896130001 3445.2 3274.6 3357.4 3487.1 3616.5 3876.9 4207.3 4481.2 26
All sectors; distributed income of corporations, paid (IMA) FA896120005 2737.5 2949.4 3116.0 3204.2 3191.4 3387.6 3900.7 3307.1 27
All sectors; dividends paid (IMA) FA896121001 1234.9 1385.5 1487.7 1590.6 1573.6 1680.2 2109.6 1438.4 28
All sectors; withdrawals from income of quasi-corporations, paid (IMA) FA896122001 1502.7 1563.9 1628.3 1613.6 1617.7 1707.4 1791.2 1868.6 29
All sectors; reinvested earnings on foreign direct investment in U.S.; paid (IMA) FA893192201 91.8 87.8 94.6 85.6 78.5 102.4 145.4 147.5 30
All sectors; rents on land and natural resources paid (IMA) FA896112001 22.7 21.9 22.9 17.9 15.8 17.3 19.3 20.3 31
All sectors; net national income/balance of primary incomes, net (IMA) FA896140001 14093.1 14491.3 15239.9 15784.6 16082.7 16853.9 17689.6 18269.1 32
All sectors; current taxes on income, wealth, etc. received (IMA) FA896220001 1851.6 2046.8 2201.1 2347.5 2347.2 2370.8 2382.6 2517.4 33
All sectors; current taxes on income, wealth, etc. paid (IMA) FA896220005 1844.1 2039.0 2191.6 2336.2 2334.0 2358.0 2368.2 2501.6 34
All sectors; social benefits received (IMA) FA896404105 3277.7 3495.4 3657.4 3845.2 3961.7 4109.9 4288.5 4502.0 35
All sectors; social contributions paid (IMA) FA896404005 3291.1 3509.1 3671.7 3860.3 3977.1 4126.5 4306.2 4520.8 36
All sectors; other current transfers received (IMA) FA896403105 646.6 668.6 746.6 801.9 829.8 825.2 853.8 868.1 37
All sectors; other current transfers paid (IMA) FA896403005 745.9 763.0 840.9 915.5 954.5 949.7 993.6 1026.9 38
All sectors; disposable income, net (IMA) FA896012005 13988.1 14390.9 15140.9 15667.1 15955.7 16725.6 17546.5 18107.1 39
All sectors; consumption expenditures (IMA) FA896901001 13522.8 13849.2 14388.2 14905.1 15430.8 16083.1 16884.6 17539.7 40
All sectors; net saving including net capital transfers paid (IMA) FA896006001 465.3 541.7 752.8 762.0 524.9 642.5 661.9 567.5 41
All sectors; gross value added (IMA) FA896902505 16436.8 16941.8 17813.9 18475.6 18837.3 19674.4 20669.9 21420.4 42
Gross domestic product (GDP); statistical discrepancy (calculated from components) FA087005005 -239.8 -156.9 -286.6 -237.3 -92.2 -131.4 -58.0 12.8 43
Gross domestic product (GDP); sum of pieces FA086902005 16197.0 16784.8 17527.3 18238.3 18745.1 19543.0 20611.9 21433.2 44
Average of GDP and GDI FA086902203 16316.9 16863.3 17670.6 18357.0 18791.2 19608.7 20640.9 21426.8 45
Gross domestic product (GDP); statistical discrepancy as a percentage of GDP FA087005086 -1.48 -0.94 -1.64 -1.30 -0.49 -0.67 -0.28 0.06 46
Last Update: December 10, 2020