L.214 Loans (1)
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted
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Description Series code 2018 2019 2020 2020 Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2021 Q1 2021 Q2 Line
All sectors; total loans; liability FL894123005 27233.1 28240.1 29721.5 29390.3 29299.1 29384.5 29721.5 30067.7 30488.3 1
Domestic financial sectors; depository institution loans n.e.c.; asset FL793068005 3663.8 3803.1 4216.0 4450.7 4479.5 4272.2 4216.0 4239.6 4179.8 2
All sectors; other loans and advances; liability FL893169005 4098.4 4202.0 4546.8 4617.1 4400.5 4422.4 4546.8 4704.9 4778.6 3
All sectors; total mortgages; asset FL893065005 15463.8 16042.8 16773.7 16174.6 16321.8 16547.3 16773.7 16955.9 17263.4 4
All sectors; one-to-four-family residential mortgages; asset FL893065105 10897.7 11188.6 11658.7 11254.9 11341.3 11509.6 11658.7 11790.4 12028.7 5
All sectors; multifamily residential mortgages; asset FL893065405 1488.4 1622.6 1755.1 1644.3 1678.0 1709.2 1755.1 1784.8 1810.5 6
All sectors; commercial mortgages; asset FL893065505 2832.0 2964.8 3081.1 3005.6 3029.8 3052.9 3081.1 3099.8 3141.1 7
All sectors; farm mortgages; asset FL893065603 245.7 266.8 278.7 269.8 272.7 275.7 278.7 280.8 283.0 8
Households and nonprofit organizations; consumer credit; liability FL153166000 4007.0 4192.2 4185.0 4147.8 4097.3 4142.7 4185.0 4167.2 4266.5 9
All sectors; total loans; liability FL894123005 27233.1 28240.1 29721.5 29390.3 29299.1 29384.5 29721.5 30067.7 30488.3 10
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; loans; liability FL384123005 24609.5 25595.1 27044.3 26243.7 26528.7 26732.1 27044.3 27374.0 27725.8 11
Households and nonprofit organizations; loans; liability FL154123005 15386.6 15887.9 16514.1 15953.1 15962.5 16227.9 16514.1 16707.2 17053.5 12
Nonfinancial corporate business; loans; liability FL104123005 3339.3 3550.4 3862.0 3978.2 4017.3 3863.9 3862.0 3938.9 3910.6 13
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; loans; liability FL114123005 5863.6 6135.7 6646.0 6291.2 6527.5 6618.5 6646.0 6705.6 6739.4 14
Federal government; loans; liability FL314123005 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15
State and local governments; U.S. government loans; liability FL213169203 20.1 21.1 22.1 21.2 21.4 21.8 22.1 22.3 22.3 16
Domestic financial sectors; loans; liability FL794123005 2027.4 1954.7 1923.6 2367.7 2029.3 1916.3 1923.6 1921.5 1963.1 17
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; FHLB advances and Sallie Mae loans; liability FL763169305 577.3 484.9 252.3 615.1 380.3 306.8 252.3 228.6 205.9 18
Credit unions; FHLB advances; liability FL473169333 57.7 52.3 43.3 62.9 50.5 47.7 43.3 40.3 39.2 19
Property-casualty insurance companies; FHLB advances; liability FL513169333 3.3 3.5 10.0 6.0 6.3 11.2 10.0 9.3 8.4 20
Life insurance companies, general accounts; FHLB advances; liability FL543169373 81.1 88.7 103.9 107.7 108.2 103.6 103.9 112.3 108.8 21
Government-sponsored enterprises; U.S. government loans to Sallie Mae; liability FL403169283 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 22
Finance companies; loans; liability FL614123005 147.7 153.6 178.4 160.6 167.1 175.2 178.4 175.4 216.2 23
Real estate investment trusts; loans; liability FL644123005 275.2 263.2 255.6 299.2 265.7 253.8 255.6 250.2 248.2 24
Security brokers and dealers; loans; liability FL664123005 882.7 906.1 1037.0 1114.0 1033.7 995.6 1037.0 1064.1 1097.2 25
Other financial business; loans; liability FL504123005 2.4 2.4 43.0 2.4 17.5 22.3 43.0 41.3 39.2 26
Rest of the world; loans; liability FL264123005 596.1 690.3 753.6 778.8 741.2 736.1 753.6 772.2 799.4 27
All sectors; total loans; liability FL894123005 27233.1 28240.1 29721.5 29390.3 29299.1 29384.5 29721.5 30067.7 30488.3 28
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; loans; asset FL384023005 3074.1 3202.5 3576.9 3384.9 3483.2 3537.5 3576.9 3628.6 3658.6 29
Households and nonprofit organizations; loans; asset FL154023005 1115.3 1148.0 1257.4 1303.3 1274.7 1235.5 1257.4 1268.5 1283.0 30
Nonfinancial corporate business; loans; asset FL104023005 70.7 72.2 74.6 71.7 72.4 73.2 74.6 74.1 74.8 31
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; loans; asset FL114023005 49.0 51.7 56.0 53.4 55.5 56.1 56.0 57.5 57.7 32
Federal government; loans; asset FL314023005 1580.5 1674.0 1927.2 1703.4 1824.4 1913.1 1927.2 1964.8 1978.4 33
State and local governments; total mortgages; asset FL213065005 258.6 256.5 261.7 253.1 256.3 259.5 261.7 263.6 264.6 34
Domestic financial sectors; loans; asset FL794023005 23425.7 24206.8 25239.0 25127.6 24933.9 24956.9 25239.0 25503.5 25878.3 35
Monetary authority; depository institution loans n.e.c.; asset FL713068005 0.0 0.0 52.2 58.7 30.9 31.7 52.2 58.7 86.2 36
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; loans; asset FL764023005 9427.5 9784.9 10074.9 10188.9 10257.4 10132.7 10074.9 10017.3 10041.2 37
Foreign banking offices in the U.S.; loans; asset FL754023005 739.5 767.8 785.6 926.3 859.7 797.6 785.6 768.1 767.2 38
Banks in U.S.-affiliated areas; loans; asset FL744023003 37.1 40.7 41.6 42.6 44.7 43.3 41.6 39.2 38.3 39
Credit unions; loans; asset FL474023000 1065.2 1133.6 1193.9 1143.6 1168.1 1186.6 1193.9 1198.0 1223.8 40
Property-casualty insurance companies; commercial mortgages, including those held by U.S. residual market reinsurers; asset FL513065505 20.5 22.9 24.3 23.6 23.7 23.5 24.3 24.3 25.5 41
Life insurance companies; loans; asset FL544023005 730.5 780.6 807.8 792.8 794.7 796.4 807.8 809.8 820.2 42
Private pension funds; total mortgages; asset FL573065005 23.8 23.2 17.8 21.5 20.3 19.0 17.8 17.4 16.4 43
Federal government; other loans and advances due to federal government defined contribution retirement funds; liability FL313169003 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 44
State and local government employee defined benefit retirement funds; total mortgages; asset FL223065043 12.3 8.4 7.8 8.9 8.1 8.4 7.8 8.4 8.2 45
Mutual funds; syndicated loans to nonfinancial corporate business; asset FL653069803 147.8 114.2 85.2 84.2 84.1 83.4 85.2 100.5 116.9 46
Government-sponsored enterprises; loans; asset FL404023005 6195.6 6289.3 6706.0 6508.2 6397.4 6506.5 6706.0 6899.9 7075.7 47
Agency-and GSE-backed mortgage pools; total mortgages; asset FL413065005 2292.3 2406.0 2428.3 2429.8 2417.6 2428.4 2428.3 2431.4 2459.6 48
Issuers of asset-backed securities; loans; asset FL674023005 980.5 1020.8 1047.0 1066.5 1053.2 1049.6 1047.0 1043.5 1047.4 49
Finance companies; loans; asset FL614023005 1046.2 1041.6 1031.7 1043.8 1021.2 1029.0 1031.7 1042.7 1061.1 50
Real estate investment trusts; total mortgages; asset FL643065005 255.0 273.9 259.2 250.8 248.0 260.1 259.2 265.7 281.6 51
Security brokers and dealers; other loans and advances; asset FL663069005 340.5 373.0 538.3 394.6 373.5 440.3 538.3 628.7 651.8 52
Holding companies; other loans and advances; asset FL733069005 104.3 117.7 106.6 128.7 119.0 104.6 106.6 121.2 129.6 53
Other financial business; other loans and advances; asset FL503069005 7.0 8.4 31.0 14.2 12.2 15.7 31.0 28.8 27.6 54
Rest of the world; U.S. nonfinancial business loans; asset FL263069500 733.3 830.8 905.6 877.8 882.0 890.1 905.6 935.6 951.3 55


  1. Sum of depository institution loans not elsewhere classified, other loans and advances, total mortgages, and consumer credit.
Last Update: September 23, 2021