L.225 Trade Credit
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted
Description Series code 2018 2019 2020 2020 Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2021 Q1 2021 Q2 Line
All sectors; trade payables; liability FL893170005 5393.5 5775.4 6054.3 5711.9 5580.5 5867.1 6054.3 6214.4 6422.6 1
Nonprofit organizations; trade payables; liability (1) FL163170005 362.6 369.5 376.3 371.2 372.9 374.6 376.3 378.0 379.7 2
Nonfinancial corporate business; trade payables; liability FL103170005 2690.4 2920.5 3051.2 2821.1 2694.0 2904.5 3051.2 3146.7 3305.8 3
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; trade payables; liability FL113170005 598.6 641.5 615.7 644.2 606.2 619.9 615.7 640.9 651.9 4
Federal government; trade payables; liability FL313170005 382.3 418.3 435.1 416.2 405.6 422.3 435.1 452.0 469.7 5
State and local governments; trade payables; liability FL213170003 1000.2 1048.8 1097.2 1061.0 1072.8 1084.8 1097.2 1109.9 1122.9 6
Property-casualty insurance companies; trade payables to reinsurers; liability FL513170005 76.8 79.5 90.5 80.8 87.1 97.4 90.5 92.7 94.4 7
Life insurance companies; trade payables to insurers; liability FL543170005 186.3 199.9 288.1 219.3 247.6 266.1 288.1 288.5 290.8 8
Security brokers and dealers; trade payables; liability FL663170003 16.8 15.8 18.5 20.1 17.8 16.7 18.5 19.7 15.9 9
Rest of the world; trade credit and advances; liability LM263170005 79.4 81.6 81.6 77.8 76.6 80.9 81.6 86.0 91.5 10
All sectors; trade receivables; asset FL893070005 5588.8 6232.0 6463.6 6175.6 6017.9 6284.1 6463.6 6664.8 6890.1 11
Nonprofit organizations; grants and trade receivables; asset (1) FL163070005 263.7 271.3 279.0 273.2 275.2 277.1 279.0 280.7 282.4 12
Nonfinancial corporate business; trade receivables; asset FL103070005 3512.7 4053.2 4082.9 3957.3 3740.8 3944.1 4082.9 4243.2 4439.7 13
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; trade receivables; asset FL113070003 852.6 900.3 947.3 911.7 925.3 936.6 947.3 961.1 964.3 14
Federal government; trade receivables; asset FL313070000 75.4 73.5 84.9 73.4 80.6 81.6 84.9 91.9 93.4 15
State and local governments; trade receivables; asset FL213070003 230.2 249.3 263.7 244.3 238.0 253.7 263.7 269.5 279.1 16
Property-casualty insurance companies; trade receivables, including receivables for claims from reinsurers; asset FL513070005 186.1 192.7 210.7 201.0 212.8 224.9 210.7 218.2 224.3 17
Life insurance companies; trade receivables from insurers; liability FL543070005 101.5 108.0 130.4 112.9 120.1 124.8 130.4 130.6 133.1 18
Issuers of asset-backed securities; trade receivables; asset FL673070003 33.9 34.6 34.8 36.9 35.5 32.6 34.8 33.5 35.3 19
Rest of the world; trade receivables; asset LM263070005 332.7 349.1 430.0 364.8 389.7 408.6 430.0 436.0 438.5 20
Instrument discrepancies; trade receivables FL903070005 -195.3 -456.6 -409.4 -463.7 -437.4 -417.0 -409.4 -450.4 -467.5 21


  1. Included in the households and nonprofit organizations sector (tables L.101 and B.101).
Last Update: September 23, 2021