B.1 Derivation of U.S. Net Wealth
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted
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Description Series code 2019 2020 2020 Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2021 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 Line
All sectors; U.S. wealth (1) FL892090005 105093.8 115824.7 95424.4 102926.3 107374.3 115824.7 122377.8 128871.3 130929.0 1
Households and nonprofit organizations; nonfinancial assets LM152010005 39932.4 43522.3 40635.9 41369.8 42331.4 43522.3 44947.6 46881.7 48621.0 2
Households and nonprofit organizations; real estate at market value LM155035005 33548.4 36749.5 34212.2 34935.0 35671.1 36749.5 37978.0 39484.8 40924.9 3
Nonprofit organizations; equipment, current cost basis LM165015205 459.3 485.6 468.4 474.0 479.6 485.6 495.5 498.6 510.6 4
Nonprofit organizations; nonresidential intellectual property products, current cost basis LM165013765 194.2 206.1 196.7 200.2 202.9 206.1 207.1 209.4 211.4 5
Households and nonprofit organizations; consumer durable goods, current cost basis LM155111005 5730.5 6081.0 5758.7 5760.7 5977.8 6081.0 6267.1 6688.9 6974.1 6
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; nonfinancial assets LM112010005 14599.4 15569.5 14716.4 14893.9 15149.3 15569.5 15895.9 16537.1 17196.5 7
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; real estate at market value LM115035005 13160.4 14098.3 13277.7 13454.5 13695.7 14098.3 14379.8 14991.1 15610.2 8
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; equipment, current cost basis LM115015205 885.9 909.9 895.3 900.0 905.4 909.9 942.7 964.6 1003.8 9
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; nonresidential intellectual property products, current cost basis LM115013765 295.0 316.6 299.0 305.7 309.6 316.6 316.8 317.9 318.6 10
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; inventories LM115020005 258.2 244.7 244.3 233.6 238.6 244.7 256.7 263.5 263.9 11
Security brokers and dealers; proprietors' equity in noncorporate business (2) LM662090003 83.5 90.3 84.8 88.5 87.1 90.3 93.8 98.0 99.6 12
All domestic sectors; market value estimate of nonfinancial assets LM882010405 45624.9 53953.2 35722.0 43315.3 47068.8 53953.2 58700.5 63274.5 62761.0 13
Nonfinancial corporate business; market value estimate of nonfinancial assets (3) LM102010405 41671.1 50694.1 33923.9 41227.1 44920.3 50694.1 53965.5 58011.0 57461.9 14
Domestic financial sectors; market value estimate of nonfinancial assets (3) LM792010405 3953.8 3259.1 1798.1 2088.2 2148.5 3259.1 4734.9 5263.5 5299.1 15
Federal government; nonfinancial assets (does not include land) (4) LM315015005 3603.7 3734.0 3629.3 3652.7 3694.0 3734.0 3784.9 3860.9 3931.8 16
Federal government; total residential and nonresidential structures LM315015605 1674.0 1706.8 1681.1 1678.3 1696.0 1706.8 1736.7 1784.6 1823.7 17
Federal government; nonresidential equipment, current cost basis LM315013265 812.7 851.3 820.3 828.5 838.7 851.3 860.0 874.0 888.1 18
Federal government; nonresidential intellectual property products, current cost basis LM315013765 1117.1 1175.9 1127.9 1146.0 1159.3 1175.9 1188.2 1202.2 1220.0 19
State and local governments; nonfinancial assets (does not include land) (4) LM212010095 12005.7 12412.8 12113.1 12113.4 12304.2 12412.8 12669.1 13023.2 13344.8 20
State and local governments; total residential and nonresidential structures LM215015605 11591.1 11980.6 11696.1 11690.9 11876.7 11980.6 12232.1 12578.9 12890.3 21
State and local governments; nonresidential equipment, current cost basis LM215013265 267.1 275.0 268.0 270.8 273.5 275.0 277.7 282.2 288.9 22
State and local governments; nonresidential intellectual property products, current cost basis LM215013765 147.5 157.2 148.9 151.8 153.9 157.2 159.3 162.2 165.6 23
All domestic sectors; U.S. financial claims on the rest of the world; asset FL882090265 -10755.7 -13457.4 -11477.0 -12507.2 -13260.5 -13457.4 -13713.9 -14804.0 -15025.7 24
Rest of the world; total liabilities and equity FL264194005 24165.7 26385.8 20741.8 22837.7 23689.9 26385.8 27331.7 28715.1 28958.9 25
Rest of the world; foreign corporate equities including foreign investment fund shares; liability LM263164100 9478.0 10535.9 7442.6 8574.9 9142.7 10535.9 11043.2 11733.4 11721.2 26
Rest of the world; total financial liabilities and foreign direct investment: equity FL264194035 14687.7 15849.9 13299.1 14262.8 14547.2 15849.9 16288.5 16981.6 17237.7 27
Rest of the world; total financial assets FL264090005 34921.4 39843.1 32218.7 35344.9 36950.5 39843.1 41045.7 43519.1 43984.7 28
Rest of the world; U.S. corporate equities; asset LM263064105 8199.2 10449.3 6733.2 8131.4 8966.6 10449.3 11168.2 12092.6 12143.6 29
Rest of the world; total financial assets excluding U.S. corporate equities and mutual fund shares FL264090035 26722.2 29393.8 25485.6 27213.5 27983.8 29393.8 29877.5 31426.5 31841.1 30
All sectors; U.S. wealth FL892090005 105093.8 115824.7 95424.4 102926.3 107374.3 115824.7 122377.8 128871.3 130929.0 31
All sectors; U.S. wealth FC892090005 10609.7 10730.9 -9669.4 7501.9 4448.0 8450.4 6553.1 6493.6 2057.7 32
All sectors; U.S. wealth PC892090005 11.23 10.21 -9.20 7.86 4.32 7.87 5.66 5.31 1.60 33
Households and nonprofit organizations; net worth (5) FL152090005 116813.9 130916.1 110585.7 118584.7 122910.6 130916.1 136206.3 142347.1 144709.4 34
Households and nonprofit organizations; net worth FC152090005 12483.5 14102.2 -6228.2 7999.0 4325.8 8005.5 5290.3 6140.7 2362.3 35
Households and nonprofit organizations; net worth PC152090005 11.97 12.07 -5.33 7.23 3.65 6.51 4.04 4.51 1.66 36


  1. U.S. net wealth measures the value of tangible assets controlled by the household and nonprofit organizations, noncorporate business, and government sectors of the U.S. economy and the market value of domestic nonfinancial and financial corporations, net of U.S. financial obligations to the rest of the world (sum of lines 2+7+12+13+16+20+24).
  2. Assumed to be equal to proprietors' equity in noncorporate brokers and dealers.
  3. Estimated as the market value of corporate equity, plus foreign direct investment (equity), plus total liabilities, less total financial assets.
  4. Excludes land and nonproduced nonfinancial assets.
  5. Household net worth is calculated as the difference between total assets and liabilities of the household and nonprofit organizations sector. See table B.101.
Last Update: December 9, 2021