B.101.f Balance Sheet of Domestic Hedge Funds (1)
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted
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Description Series code 2019 2020 2020 Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2021 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 Line
Hedge funds; total financial and nonfinancial assets FL622000623 2428.7 2411.2 2225.3 2373.5 2433.0 2411.2 2473.3 2582.7 ND 1
Hedge funds; real estate; asset FL625035003 92.2 95.3 87.5 87.3 87.9 95.3 106.9 113.7 ND 2
Hedge funds; total financial assets FL624090005 2336.6 2315.9 2137.8 2286.3 2345.1 2315.9 2366.4 2469.0 ND 3
Hedge funds; foreign currency holdings; asset FL623091003 21.2 21.7 20.0 22.7 20.7 21.7 22.7 21.5 ND 4
Hedge funds; checkable, time and savings deposits; asset FL623039003 39.3 36.4 44.3 38.1 36.3 36.4 37.4 40.4 ND 5
Hedge funds; other cash and cash equivalents; assets FL623039013 104.3 91.5 104.8 93.8 85.1 91.5 96.2 137.9 ND 6
Hedge funds; money market fund shares; assets FL623034003 86.1 80.4 96.4 91.5 83.5 80.4 81.4 81.6 ND 7
Hedge funds; security repurchase agreements; asset FL622051003 87.4 72.1 93.4 93.6 99.6 72.1 77.2 81.5 ND 8
Hedge funds; debt securities; asset (market value) LM624022005 730.5 619.2 716.8 720.2 739.3 619.2 595.5 602.3 ND 9
Hedge funds; Treasury securities; asset (market value) LM623061103 234.8 150.2 212.9 189.8 196.7 150.2 137.8 144.7 ND 10
Hedge funds; agency- and GSE-backed securities; asset (market value) LM623061703 13.5 12.0 16.9 14.5 14.2 12.0 11.3 8.9 ND 11
Hedge funds; municipal securities; asset (market value) LM623062003 13.2 13.3 14.0 14.4 13.3 13.3 13.6 13.9 ND 12
Hedge funds; corporate and foreign bonds; asset (market value) LM623063003 469.1 443.6 473.0 501.5 515.0 443.6 432.9 434.8 ND 13
Hedge funds; total loans; asset FL623069005 126.3 144.0 124.0 140.2 148.1 144.0 152.9 151.6 ND 14
Hedge funds; leveraged loans; asset FL623069503 85.3 100.7 85.1 92.6 100.9 100.7 107.4 108.1 ND 15
Hedge funds; other loans; asset FL623069003 40.9 43.2 38.9 47.6 47.2 43.2 45.6 43.5 ND 16
Hedge funds; corporate equities; asset LM623064103 929.3 1018.6 705.6 851.1 912.6 1018.6 1070.5 1134.3 ND 17
Hedge funds; mutual fund shares; asset LM623064203 11.0 13.0 8.1 17.9 16.3 13.0 13.2 12.8 ND 18
Hedge funds; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL623093005 201.2 218.9 224.5 217.0 203.6 218.9 219.5 205.2 ND 19
Hedge funds; total financial liabilities FL624190005 770.0 702.8 724.2 735.0 732.0 702.8 711.0 754.8 ND 20
Hedge funds; security repurchase agreements; liability FL622151005 85.2 71.9 100.0 83.9 95.2 71.9 63.3 62.6 ND 21
Hedge funds; security repurchase agreements with domestic financial and nonfinancial institutions; liability FL622151013 56.4 46.6 65.9 48.2 53.1 46.6 39.3 41.0 ND 22
Hedge funds; security repurchase agreementswith foreign financial and nonfinancial institutions; liability FL622151063 28.8 25.3 34.1 35.8 42.1 25.3 24.0 21.7 ND 23
Hedge funds; loans; liability FL624123005 449.2 479.6 372.2 437.8 448.9 479.6 510.5 628.1 ND 24
Hedge funds; loans, total secured borrowing via prime brokerages (margin accounts); liability FL624123035 351.3 388.7 265.2 336.3 348.7 388.7 413.8 517.3 ND 25
Hedge funds; secured borrowing via prime brokerages from domestic institutions (margin accounts); liability FL623167003 306.7 344.4 233.5 296.8 304.1 344.4 351.8 451.2 ND 26
Hedge funds; secured borrowing via prime brokerages from foreign institutions (margin accounts); liability FL623169533 44.7 44.4 31.7 39.5 44.6 44.4 62.0 66.1 ND 27
Hedge funds; loans, total other secured borrowings; liability FL624123015 87.2 83.2 95.8 93.2 92.8 83.2 89.5 102.3 ND 28
Hedge funds; other secured borrowings from domestic institutions (banks loans n.e.c.); liability FL623168013 58.4 64.2 64.8 59.3 59.9 64.2 67.8 75.7 ND 29
Hedge funds; other secured borrowings from foreign instittutions (business loans); lability FL623169513 28.7 19.0 31.0 33.9 32.9 19.0 21.8 26.6 ND 30
Hedge funds; total unsecured borrowings (banks loans n.e.c.); liability FL623168023 10.7 7.6 11.2 8.2 7.4 7.6 7.2 8.5 ND 31
Hedge funds; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL623193005 235.5 151.4 251.9 213.3 187.9 151.4 137.1 64.1 ND 32
Hedge funds; total net assets; asset FL622000003 1658.8 1708.4 1501.1 1638.5 1701.1 1708.4 1762.3 1827.9 ND 33
Hedge funds; total long exposure financial derivatives; asset (2) FL623098003 1242.1 956.9 1073.0 1008.2 1133.1 956.9 1036.5 1077.8 ND 34


  1. Data begin 2012:Q4. Includes only hedge funds domiciled in the United States as reported on SEC forms ADV and PF.
  2. Long exposure of derivatives.
Last Update: December 9, 2021